Hero of the Penalty Area

Chapter 206: Defense of St. Petersburg (the first guarantee)

Chapter 206 Defense of St. Petersburg (the first guarantee)

After Chen Yingxiong completed the hat trick, the game has completely lost all suspense. No one will still have illusions about Bayern Munich, they are absolutely impossible to come back under such circumstances.

Even the referee thinks so, so the original stoppage time was at least three minutes, but he didn't make up for one minute. When the 90 minutes just arrived, he blew the whistle for the end of the game.

"The game is over! Zenit St. Petersburg defeated Bayern Munich 4:0 at home! They advanced to the final with their heads high!"

"Manchester, we are coming!!" Hilgeyevsky yelled excitedly. "Cheers! This is the night of Russian football, this is the night of St. Petersburg football!"

"This is the most memorable moment in the history of the Zenit St. Petersburg club-they have reached the final of a European competition for the first time!"

Zenit’s home stadium, Petrovsky Stadium, became a sea of ​​joy at this moment.

Everyone jumped up from their seats and shouted. There are even many people with tears in their eyes, no matter who the people around them are, they turn their heads and hug them. There were others who embraced the woman next to them and kissed them passionately, and were shocked after the kiss. But the women weren't so twitchy either, but quickly responded with a more passionate kiss.

I really don’t know how many couples will be born on this happy night, and how many hotels will be full...

Zenit fans celebrated wildly in the stands, and Zenit players celebrated wildly on the court.

Chen Yingxiong took off his jersey and embraced his teammates to celebrate the team's victory and advance to the final.

The camera lens followed him firmly, no matter where he was or what he was doing. Being able to enjoy such treatment shows that he is the best player in this game.

In fact, for the best single game, Chen Yingxiong got soft. In this season's Russian league, the best player in every league game is him, and in every round of the best team, he firmly occupies A place for the striker.

In this game, he scored three goals, not only completed a hat-trick facing Kahn, but also helped the team completely destroy Bayern Munich and advance to the final. It can even be said that it was his goal in the fourth minute that opened the door to victory for the team.

If it is not so fast to score, Bayern Munich should not be so easy to collapse, with their strength, once the game falls into their control, Zenit even if it is at home.

And the ball of Chen Yingxiong told all Zenit players-Bayern Munich is not terrible, they will panic, they will also be very amateurish.

Everyone's heart settled down.


When the Zenit St Petersburg players were celebrating their victory frantically, the Bayern Munich players had bowed their heads and left the stadium and returned to the locker room. This night is an unforgettable humiliating night for them.

When they set foot on the land of St. Petersburg, they never thought that they would leave as a loser.

This is really a piece of land that is difficult to conquer... The French are here, and they fail. Now the Germans have also come, and they have returned in defeat.

The excitement for St. Petersburg's advancement to the final is not only the local St. Petersburg narrator Hirgeevsky, but also the narrators of Russian national television stations like Yuri Petrov.

However, his focus is slightly different from Hiergeevsky.

While everyone cheered for Zenit St. Petersburg, he set his sights on the failed Bayern Munich player.

"The Germans failed again, and they left in despair! Great St. Petersburg! Great Leningrad!"

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, few people mentioned this name. But today when Yuri Petrov called out the name again, many old St. Petersburg people and even old Russians burst into tears. Because that name means the most difficult, darkest, saddest, but also the most glorious, unyielding, and greatest period of the city of St. Petersburg in its 300 years of existence.

During the Soviet period, the city of St. Petersburg was renamed "Leningrad" as a memorial to the cradle of the October Revolution.

During the Second World War, the city withstood 882 days of German siege. When Hitler launched the Barbarossa project, he threatened to "wipe the city of Petersburg from the map."

The results of it? The Battle of Leningrad, originally scheduled to end on September 1, 1941, was fought until the end of January 1944. Leningrad paid more than 1.5 million deaths, 3,200 buildings were destroyed, the city was completely unrecognizable, and the streets turned into rubble. Not only did Leningrad hold its own city, but also restrained the German Army of the North. The main force created the conditions for victory in other battlefields, and in the end it successfully counterattacked, routing the German army for two hundred kilometers. Thus won the victory in the defense of Leningrad.

Hitler did not erase this heroic city from the map, but instead caused his own demise. From this battle, his Third Reich began to gradually collapse.

"It's not that St. Petersburg is afraid of failure, but that failure is afraid of St. Petersburg!!" Petrov changed the famous saying of Soviet Marshal Zhukov, which was surprisingly suitable.

During the Defence of Leningrad, Zhukov succeeded Marshal Voroshilov who was ineffective in command and became the commander-in-chief of the Leningrad Campaign. His slogan was “It’s not that Leningrad fears death, but death fears Lenin. Geller". This sentence inspired countless Leningrad soldiers and workers in the defense war, and became their creed when fighting the Germans, hunger, and cold.

Now that Petrov has modified this sentence slightly, it really aptly illustrates the tenacity and bravery of Zenit St. Petersburg.

"From now on... let us counterattack to-Manchester!!!"



The Zenit St. Petersburg fans at the scene made a huge cheer at this moment, as if they were responding to Petrov's call.


On the streets of St. Petersburg the next day, any newspapers about yesterday's match were sold out. Everyone rushed to circulate these newspapers, relive the exciting night.

Stimulated by the victory, the media in St. Petersburg gave full play to their creativity and brilliant pens.

The newspaper that published "This is the second defense of Leningrad" before and called on everyone to focus on the game itself, this time it was exhilarating. No one paid any attention to previous reports, but now it is different. The newspapers were sold out just as soon as they were placed on newsstands or book stands.

The newspaper specially produced a front page with visual impact and imagination following the model of the former Soviet Union.

They drew a propaganda poster in the style of the former Soviet Union. It showed the players of Zenit St. Petersburg who showed their muscles and slammed their fists into the sky. Of course, the most eye-catching one was Chen Yingxiong, the top hero who performed the hat-trick. They are full of anger, their expressions are firm and full of strength, exactly the same as the righteous figures of the past. Behind them is the red flag flying. This front page is not unfamiliar to the Chinese people when they see it, because the early propaganda posters in China were like this. The styles of the socialist older brother and younger brother are in the same line...

Below the poster is a striking subtitle:

Warmly celebrate the victory of the second defense of Leningrad!


Long live the invincible Zenit St. Petersburg! Long live! Long live!

All the media enthusiastically praised this great victory.

"Although we are accustomed to performing miracles by Zenit, I still did not expect that they could defeat Bayern Munich 4:0 at their home court! Such a great achievement can be compared to the Leningrad defense of the year!"

"Russian football has really risen! CSKA Moscow from the capital won the UEFA Cup in 2005. This time, can Zenit do it?"

"At this moment, please put aside the dispute between Moscow and St. Petersburg and cheer for this great victory together! Zenit St. Petersburg has done things that many top giants can't do-defeat Bayern Munich 4:0!"

Everyone talks about topics related to this game. They were chatting excitedly about Chen Yingxiong's hat trick and his "***". The sentence Chen Yingxiong said in an interview after the game was regarded as a classic by them, and he repeatedly said on his lips——

"Look at what I said right? I feel sorry for Bayern Munich, unfortunately they met us early in the semifinals..."

In Munich, Germany, it was a wailing.

Many German media have used words such as "shame" and "shame" to describe Bayern Munich's fiasco.

"... 0:4 defeat to Zenit St Petersburg, if it were placed before the game, I would not believe it would be the result. But the cruel reality gave me a slap in the face!"

"Bayern Munich's dream of a triple crown this season has been shattered. Before, everyone thought it was easy for them to win the UEFA Cup. How can they think of... Now it seems that this mentality may have harmed them..."

"For Kahn, there is no more painful way to say goodbye to the European war... In the second half of the game, the'Lion King' didn't even roar at his defense. I think he might have lost all of this game. Are you confident?"

"...I hope this game can give Klinsmann a good look. The team he is about to take over is like this! Such a team, even if they win the league title in advance, can't hide their incompetence last night!"

Even Bayern Munich's coach Hirthfield admitted that this was a humiliating defeat.

"... We lost the ball at the beginning of the game, which puts us in a very unfavorable situation... But this is not an excuse. Our players do not have the confidence and fighting spirit to win this game. This is the key! Bayern Munich It's not that you can't lose, but you must never lose in this way! This is a shame!"

When interviewed after the game, the old man seemed very excited.

Originally thinking of leading the team to a triple crown, even if he left, he would leave Bayern Munich with a fortune. Create a brilliant season. When he coached Bayern Munich, he also created a triple crown. At that time, Bayern Munich won the European championship.

Unexpectedly, he actually fell into the sand in the semifinals. What made him feel more ashamed than losing the semi-finals was that his team had been poured four goals by the opponent!

It is estimated that many years later, he will still remember this game, remember the No. 99 hero who staged a hat trick in the game and let "Lion King" Kahn pick up the ball three times in the goal.

This game will become an indelible part of many people’s memories, but some people will talk about it, others will not want to mention it again, and the past is unbearable...


***, the first update of the day, ask for a recommendation ticket~

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