Suddenly, a fire flashed in front of them, and they immediately chased the direction of the fire.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The magician released a series of fireballs from his hands, trying to stop the pursuer's progress. careful! Don't get hit by the fireball! Cai Shigou warned Zhu Wen.

They cleverly avoided the fireballs and headed straight for the magician's location. stop! Lay down your arms and surrender! Zhu Wen shouted coldly.

The magician laughed sarcastically, and at the same time waved his staff to cast magic at Zhu Wen and Cai Shigou.

Click, click, click! The power of magic raged, trees were instantly burned, the land was torn apart, and strong winds howled, creating a chaotic scene.

Zhu Wen and Cai Shigou struggled to resist the attacks from the magicians, watching them getting closer and closer. enough! Zhu Wen shouted angrily, pulled out his sword, and rushed towards the magician violently.

They engaged in fierce close combat, with dazzling moves, and every confrontation caused a buzzing sound of swords in their ears. ah! Damn guy! Do you think you can defeat me? The magician roared and used magic more and more crazily.

Zhu Wen's offensive was like a rainbow. He relied on his extraordinary swordsmanship to force the magician to retreat.

Hurry, don't let him escape! Cai Shigou shouted loudly.

Zhu Wen and Cai Shigou united as one and continued to launch fierce offensives, leaving the magician and Zhang Zongchang with no chance to breathe.

Zhang Zongchang! You can't escape! Surrender! Zhu Wen shouted angrily.

Zhang Zongchang looked ferocious and tried his best to resist Zhu Wen's sword moves.

Do you think I would just surrender like this? Plum snake will never give up! Zhang Zongchang roared, with a ferocious smile on his face.

At the same time, the magician also showed powerful magic power. The staff in his hand released beams of light, forcing Cai Shigou to retreat.

Cai Shigou was covered in sweat and tried his best to resist the power of magic.

Damn magician! Cai Shigou cursed angrily.

Just when the situation reached a stalemate, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield. It was medical officer Bian Yong. guys! Let me help you! Medical officer Bian Yong waved his medical staff and released healing light.

His magic dispelled various spells released by the magician and gave Cai Shigou a chance.

Thank you, Medical Officer Bian Yong! Cai Shigou said gratefully.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wen smiled approvingly at the medical officer Bian Yong, and then he launched another fierce attack.

The swords gleamed, the strikes were dazzling, and the battlefield was filled with a fierce atmosphere.

Click! Zhu Wen's sword move aimed at Zhang Zongchang's vital part and stabbed him in one fell swoop.

Zhang Zongchang's eyes widened and he fell to the ground in disbelief. it is finally over! Zhu Wen breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of joy.

At the same time, in the forest not far away, the magician felt a dangerous atmosphere.

Damn, they succeeded! I have to get out of here! The magician understood that the balance of victory had tipped to the opponent.

He ran wildly, trying to escape capture.

Don't let him escape! We must catch him! Cai Shigou roared and followed closely.

Accompanied by the cheerful chirping of forest birds and the sound of vegetation rubbing against each other, they embarked on a dizzying chase.

Chase! Catch him! Zhu Wen shouted and ran hard.

They walked through woods and jumped over rivers, trying their best to track down the magician. The panting breaths and the footsteps behind the opponent mix together to form a tense and exciting symphony.

Finally, they caught up with the magician in an open meadow.

You can't escape! Cai Shigou roared breathlessly.

The magician turned his head, sneered and pulled out his staff, preparing to attack again.

But at this moment, medical officer Bian Yong cast a poisonous spell to immobilize the magician.

Now is your time! Medical officer Bian Yong said proudly.

They gathered around the magician and held him firmly under control.

A puff of black smoke rose, and the magician suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving everyone at a loss. he...Why did he disappear suddenly? Cai Shigou looked around in confusion.

Zhu Wen frowned and stared at the place where the black smoke dissipated.

At this moment, Huang Ying came over in pain, clutching her chest.

Huang Ying! What’s wrong with you? Zhu Wen quickly stepped forward to support her.

Huang Ying's pale face was filled with pain. She managed to speak: I was under his spell and I feel weaker and weaker....Please help me find a safe place to rest.

Medical officer Bian Yong immediately used his medical skills to try to relieve Huang Ying's symptoms.

Find a safe place quickly, we must let Huang Ying take a rest! Medical officer Bian Yong said to everyone hurriedly.

Everyone quickly escorted Huang Ying to a secluded and safe place. After placing her, medical officer Bian Yong began to carefully examine her symptoms.

Medical officer, will Huang Ying be okay? Zhu Wen asked worriedly.

Medical officer Bian Yong frowned and observed Huang Ying's condition intently.

This is a rare form of dark magic that seems to cause energy depletion and physical weakness. I will try my best to treat it, but it will take some time. The most important thing now is to give her plenty of rest and recovery. Medical officer Bian Yong said in a solemn tone.

Please be sure to save Huang Ying! Cai Shigou asked anxiously.

Medical officer Bian Yong nodded. He knew very well the importance of time in treating such a special disease.

During the break, everyone also began to reflect on the battle just now.

That magician, why is he so cunning? Zhu Wen frowned.

Maybe he has some hidden means to disappear in an instant. We must find out who he is and why he colluded with Zhang Zongchang. Cai Shigou thought.

That's right, we can't let go of any clue to find out their true purpose. Zhu Wen said firmly.

While everyone was discussing, Huang Ying's symptoms suddenly worsened. She trembled her lips and moaned in pain.

Medical officer! what happened? Cai Shigou turned pale nervously.

Medical officer Bian Yong nervously checked Huang Ying's pulse and breathing.

Things got worse and her dark magic was eating away at her body. We must find a way to treat her, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! Medical officer Bian Yong's tone revealed deep concern.

Everyone fell into silence, and the tension and worry in their hearts filled the air like a thick fog. They knew that time waited for no one, and there could be no further delay.

We must find a cure for Huang Ying as soon as possible! Zhu Wen gritted his teeth and looked resolutely.

Medical officer Bian Yong and everyone launched an active investigation, looking for various possible antidotes and treatments.

We have tried our best and searched for all possible clues, but we still haven't found a cure! Cai Shigou said frustratedly.

Zhu Wen raised his head with firm eyes.

Keep at it, we've taken an important step. As long as we don't give up, we will always find the answer! Zhu Wen encouraged everyone.

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