Medical officer Bian Yong walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book and opened it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with a strange light

"These books are specially designed to be sealed. I guess every book has some kind of clue or way to solve a mystery hidden inside."

Everyone walked over and started to check and flip through each book. They racked their brains to think about every clue and puzzle. Ah! I found it! There is a small bronze plate on the back cover of this book, with an ancient map engraved on it. Symbol." Zhu Wen shouted excitedly.

They hurriedly gathered together to sort out the clues in the book.

Zhu Dali pointed to the map symbol with great interest:"Look, there is a special tunnel near this symbol. We may be able to leave through there." Huang Ying poked her head out with expectation:"Then what are you waiting for? Let

's go!"

Dali was walking in the tunnel and accidentally bumped into a soft object. He looked up and froze in horror. In front of him was a huge hanging three-headed snake.

Wow ah ah ah! Zhu Dali screamed and jumped up, his heart beating rapidly.

When Huang Ying saw this, she was also affected by Zhu Dali's fright. She squatted on the ground, not daring to breathe.

The three-headed snake hissed as if mocking their fear.

Zhu Wen and medical officer Bian Yong immediately moved closer to Zhu Dali and Huang Ying, trying to calm the tense atmosphere.

Don't be afraid, it's just a virtual snake. We need to stay calm and find ways to deal with it." Zhu Wen tried his best to sound calm.

Medical officer Bian Yong held the dagger in his hand tightly and said with firm eyes:"We need to find its weaknesses and find a way to crack it."

Zhu Dali looked cautiously into the snake's open mouth, trying to find any clues that could be used. Suddenly, he noticed a protrusion on the snake that looked like an eye.

"etc! Look there! Its eyes!"Zhu Dali pointed to the bulge of the snake in surprise.

Huang Ying looked up and said hopefully:"If we can attack its eyes accurately, we may be able to temporarily lose its vision and give us a chance to escape.

Zhu Wen nodded in agreement and suggested:"We need to unite and attack its eyes at the same time." Be sure to seize the opportunity."

Everyone prepared their weapons and carefully began to approach the hanging three-headed snake.

"Now! Let’s act together!"Zhu Wen ordered loudly.

They rushed forward at the same time, piercing the snake's eyes with daggers and swords.

Chi chi chi! The sharp sound was accompanied by a violent struggle, and the snake roared in pain.

The snake's body was shaking and hanging in the air. It is floating unsteadily. It can no longer accurately capture the surrounding environment.

"quick! Now is the perfect time for us to escape! Zhu Wen shouted.

The four of them quickly ran away from the snake's pursuit range, using the curved terrain of the tunnel to hide instantly. The three-headed snake in the air roared angrily, but it had lost the ability to directly attack and find its target. Ability.

Zhu Dali breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall, with a layer of cold sweat on his palms.

Huang Ying also stopped trembling, still looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Medical officer Bian Yong checked the surrounding environment , making sure they got a chance to breathe temporarily

"We should get out of here quickly and not give it another chance."Medical officer Bian Yong suggested.

Zhu Wen immediately agreed. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down the fear in his heart.

The four of them walked through the passage carefully, with their lips tightly closed, not daring to make any sound.

"Hiss!"The snake made a series of hisses from behind, seeming to warn them not to try to escape again.

Zhu Dali quickened his pace, and the tension in his heart became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, countless three-headed snakes appeared in front of them. Blocking their way.

No! We are trapped! Zhu Wen shouted urgently.

Everyone reacted quickly, and they could only turn around and run back, trying to find another way to escape.

The three-headed snake hissed , hot pursuit. They ran with all their strength towards the only exit, and everyone felt the breath of death approaching.

"hurry up! Hurry up!"Zhu Dali shouted, with sweat on his forehead.

They ran as hard as they could, but it seemed that their efforts were insignificant compared to the endless number of three-headed snakes.

Suddenly, a fork in the road appeared in front of them. Zhu Wen The decision was made immediately:"Let’s spread out! Each chooses a path!"

Everyone chose a forked road, sending each other their last blessings and hopes.

Zhu Dali gasped and ran to the right along a forked road. He could feel the breath of the three-headed snake still chasing him, which made his hair stand on end.

He raised his sword, always ready to fight the three-headed snake. However, as he continued to move forward, he was surprised to find that there was no three-headed snake on this fork in the road.

Did I successfully escape? Zhu Dali was overjoyed.

Before waiting He was thinking too much, and a brilliant idea suddenly came to his mind. He turned around and returned to the previous intersection, hoping to find others.

When he returned to the intersection, he found that Huang Ying had also chosen the same route, and met him unexpectedly. Yu.

Huang Ying! Are you okay? Zhu Dali breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Ying said breathlessly:"I'm fine, but we need to find other people quickly."

The two of them continued to move forward, while observing whether there were other escapees around.

After a while, they met the medical officer Bian Yong, who looked around anxiously

"Zhu Dali, Huang Ying! Are you guys OK?"Medical officer Bian Yong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them.

"We're fine, but what about everyone else? Zhu Dali asked.

Medical officer Bian Yong said with a frown:"We are separated. I don't know where they are now." We must find them as soon as possible."

The three of them began to search around, carefully avoiding places where the three-headed snake might appear.

Suddenly, Zhu Dali heard a faint cry for help. He immediately directed Huang Ying and medical officer Bian Yong to rush in that direction.

The cry for help As it became clearer and clearer, they followed the sound and finally found the trapped Zhu Wen.

Zhu Wen was entangled by a huge three-headed snake, and his sword had been dropped on the ground.

"Help me! This snake keeps wrapping itself around my wrist! Zhu Wen shouted anxiously.

Faced with this situation, Huang Ying and medical officer Bian Yong took immediate action.

Huang Ying quickly picked up the sword on the ground, aimed at the snake's neck and attacked. The sword flashed and quickly penetrated the snake. inside the body.

Medical officer Bian Yong also picked up a dagger and stabbed the place where the snake's body was connected, trying to distract it. The cooperation of the three people allowed them to successfully rescue Zhu Wen. They gathered together again, feeling even better firm

"We can't stay trapped like this any longer. Zhu Wen reminded.

Huang Ying nodded with firm eyes:"Yes, we must find a way to escape." Medical officer Bian Yong thought for a moment and said:"We can try to use the special structure of the fork in the road to confuse and mislead the three-headed snake's pursuit, so as to give us a chance to escape.""

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