Hidden Corner

Chapter 411: 411 Qu Ling Mansion 1

 Chapter 411 411 Qu Ling Mansion 1

 In the infinite black sea.

Esselin and her teacher Miman had just entered the Black Sea through the portal when they saw the huge King of Death Angels lingering at the entrance of Midran in the distance.

Both of them were breathless and stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

 The boundless black sea of ​​unknown liquid kept flowing past the two of them.

Miman looked at the King of Death Angels who was spinning around unconsciously. From here, although the opponent was large, it was still much smaller than the huge Midran, which was the whirlpool of Midran. One-tenth the size.


You must know that the volume of Midran is at least dozens of times that of the actual Earth Moon.

 From this perspective, the size of the King of Death Angels is basically larger than the entire earth and moon.

"Teacher, what should I do now? My brother won't be completely trapped inside, right?" Iselin was a little desperate. Such a big guy blocked the door, but he still existed in such a powerful blind spot. Even in the illustrated book recorded by the teacher, this The position can also be ranked to the second level.

 The perfect apex predator of the Black Sea.

 In the eyes of such beings, these individuals are just dust.

 “Something is wrong.” Miman observed the King of Death Angels carefully.

"The state of the King of Death Angels seems to be different from what was expected. I still need time to make careful deductions. We can only observe it from a very long distance. Otherwise, once we get close and are noticed by it, we will not be able to escape."

The red light in his eyes was also flashing. Although he was strong, he was unable to do anything when faced with such an unreasonable and terrifying existence.

"Perhaps there are other ways to leave inside Midran. Now I hope my brother can find clues inside." Iselin said helplessly.

"You should be happy. At least the state of the portal your brother carried when it self-destructed was good. Don't worry, he is not as fragile as you think." Miman comforted him.

“Thank you, teacher.” Iselin nodded. Now that things have happened, she can only comfort herself.




 Shaoyin Kingdom.

 Quling Mansion.

After a day's long journey, Li Chengyi took the transfer order and finally arrived at Quling Mansion, one of the nine capitals in the entire Shaoyin Kingdom.

Crossing a large black soil plain, the terrain gradually rose up. After driving for a day, Li Chengyi finally arrived at Quling, the capital city that governs Cangshi County.

 At the edge of the broad black soil plain, the black soil gradually transforms into gray-black rocks.

 The ground extends, forming a huge black cliff with no visible edges.

 Below the cliff is the endless blue-black sea.

 Meteor, also called Night Sea.

It is said that this ocean was formed by the huge crater made by the pulling star.

 Quling Mansion is located on the edge of a cliff, and a little further ahead is the turbulent boundless sea.

From a distance, the entire city looks like a group of black castles. Fortresses of different sizes are crowded together in one place, and they are surrounded by tall black stone walls.

From a distance, it looks like a bundle of firewood that has been forcibly tied together.

The pieces of firewood are black fortresses crowded together.

 There is only one side of Quling Mansion that is accessible, and there are multiple entrances and exits on this side.

Li Chengyi approached along the official road, which connected to the second gate of Fucheng.

At this time, there was an endless stream of caravans and trucks coming in and out of the city gate. There were also many lone warriors like him, but most of them were very fast and passed by in a flash.

There is no one guarding the gate to charge, the city gate is wide open, and any visitor is welcome to enter.

Li Chengyi was a little uncomfortable at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really the case.

 There are so many powerful people in the city, so the city gate would be of little use.

 Judging from the two rankings, it is very likely that there is a strong person with a seal in Fucheng, that is, a blood warrior who has fused the true seal.

As for Zhenqi martial arts, although there are ways to integrate Zhenyin, the difficulty is much higher than that of Blood Yuan warriors.

In Zhenqi martial arts, the integration of Zhenyin is basically the ultimate. It belongs to the highest theoretical realm of martial arts and is extremely rare in number.

  But among the blood warriors, this is a group that actually exists in reality, and its number is much larger than the former.

Looking from a distance, Li Chengyi could tell at a glance who were warriors and who were civilians.

 The method is very simple, just look at the movement speed of the people at the city gate.

 Those who flash by and come in and out quickly must be warriors.

Most of these people walked alone, jumping up and down, jumping more than ten meters at a time. They were happy and walked through the city gate. If they were unhappy, they jumped directly from various city walls. In the blink of an eye, they shot out and disappeared without a trace.

As for those who walked in and out slowly and honestly along the official gate of the city, they were mostly civilians and merchants.

 This group of people, even if there are warriors among them, are not very tall. At least those with strong strength will not be willing to pledge money to others.

 These two groups are clearly distinct, the former is fast and the latter is slow.

From time to time, there would be a few warriors squaring off outside the city, and the fights would be very lively with constant explosions. There are often onlookers who stay temporarily to cheer.

Li Chengyi took out the silver tune order in his arms and simply followed the local customs. He jumped up, covered with white light energy, and rushed towards the city in the blink of an eye.

He jumped up and passed the black city wall more than ten meters high in the blink of an eye.

 The city is a patchwork of gray-black residential roofs, like countless tiles floating on the sea, giving it a sense of trypophobia anxiety.

 Huge fortresses rise from time to time among the residential buildings. These forts have different shapes, some are cylindrical, some are mushroom-shaped, and there are also traditional giant cornice pavilions, spire towers, etc.

 But all these fortresses have one thing in common, that is, the surface seems to be melted, the outline patterns are somewhat blurred, and they are all black.

 Above the fortress, silhouettes of people leaped in and out from time to time.

Li Chengyi fell down and fell lightly into the gap between the houses below.

Those gaps are the streets of this city.

 On the street, the passers-by here are obviously different from those in Cangshi County.

 Most of them were dressed gorgeously and neatly, and many of them were followed by servant guards.

At a glance, there are many strong warriors on the street.

There are also many beautiful women walking along the street. Most of them are wearing cool clothes. Some of them are bold and even just wear a tube top and ultra-short leather pants and walk naturally on the street.

 Judging from his demeanor and the familiar expressions of passers-by around him, it is obvious that this kind of attire is very common here.

Li Chengyi was dressed up like this, wrapped up tightly, with black clothes inside and white robes on the outside. It's just that there were very few people like this, and at first glance, he looked like an outsider looking around.

As he walked along the road, at every street corner, there would be a small metal signpost to guide the way.

Following such signposts, Li Chengyi easily walked through the complicated spider web-like streets and came to a huge fortress in the innermost part.

This fortress is different from the others. It is built on the top of a huge rock carved into a black dead tree.

The fortress is dozens of meters high from the ground. From a distance, it looks like it is growing from the top of a dead giant tree.

The style is a traditional spire pavilion with cornices and painted walls, but its four rectangular walls look like four huge black guillotines.

 The roof is also covered with a strange mass of black and red flesh that looks like countless eyeballs.

  I don’t know what it is.

Li Chengyi looked at it from a distance and felt an indescribable evil feeling coming towards him.

‘It should be right here. ’ He looked up at the entrance and exit gate of the fortress.

It is a black stone staircase on the trunk of a giant black tree, winding straight up to the top entrance.

At the entrance of the stairs, there is a stone tablet buried deep in the ground, with the head exposed.

 A letter to: Qulingfu Yamen.

There is no watcher, and it seems that there is no need for a watcher. Just look at the people passing by and you will know.

 Including the martial artist, everyone who comes slightly closer to this place will involuntarily avoid their sight and quickly go around the bend.

Li Chengyi stood beside a grocery store and looked at the stone tablet for a while, but he didn't notice anyone coming in or out at all.

He looked around and found that this neighborhood was also particularly deserted.

From the side he was standing on, he could see more than twenty storefronts. Only four were open, and most of them were small groceries and restaurants.

 There are not many guests coming in and out.

 He frowned, randomly found a restaurant, and looked at the billboard at the door.

 ‘Xuji Red Shrimp Noodles’

 At the door, he glanced at the red shrimp noodles that the two guests were eating.

 A large gray pottery bowl, filled with dark hot soup and white vermicelli, mixed with chopped green onion, lard, garlic leaves, minced meat, green vegetables, and two fist-sized blood-red prawns.

 It is steaming hot, fragrant, and smells delicious.

Li Chengyi looked at the mustachioed boss who was busy washing vegetables at the end of the store, and stepped forward.


 He looked at the price and put two big coins on it.

  “Have a bowl of all-added noodles.”

"Okay, wait a moment, sir." The boss smiled and wiped the sweat with the gray towel on his shoulder, and quickly grabbed the dried vermicelli to prepare for the pot.

"Boss, how come you don't see anyone coming in or out of the government office opposite? This is my first time in Quling. I feel like the government office here is a little different from other places?" Li Chengyi took advantage of the situation and sat at a table near the boiler. Down.

"As soon as you hear the accent of the guest officer, you know that he is not from Fucheng. You have also seen this place. Prices are very expensive. Not many people can stay. The rich and powerful are everywhere." The boss looks to be in his forties. A trace of rhythm and rhythm revealed unintentionally while stirring the vermicelli made Li Chengyi faintly see a ray of true energy flowing in his arms.

This guy is a warrior?

"As for the government office opposite, you are not a local, so you really don't know. Our Quling Mansion, as one of the nine offices in the capital of Shaoyin Kingdom, also has something special that belongs to us. This Yin Shutian Ju Pavilion is The biggest special thing about Fucheng. Fortunately, you didn't walk in rashly and knew how to ask around first. Otherwise, you would definitely suffer a lot if you went in directly." The boss smiled.

 “Oh? How do you say this?” Li Chengyi said in surprise.

"Hey, don't look at it. Yin Shu Tian Ju Pavilion is just a fortress building, but in fact, it is alive." The boss said, lowering his voice, "The master of Fucheng, Yin Yue Zhenren, used various secret methods to destroy it. Transformed into a huge war weapon, as long as you enter the entire city and make any slight movement under the gaze of Yin Shu Tian Ju Pavilion, you will be seen by those Yin Eyes, and then if you are watched by all Yin Eyes at the same time, you will Something terribly horrific happened."

His mysterious explanation.

 (End of this chapter)

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