Chapter 2511: Extraordinary Twins

Chapter 2511 Extraordinary Twins

“Don’t worry, we can trust him or the law.”

Lu Wenhui smiled, but it is difficult to have a sincere smile.

Because Zhou Zefan refused to apologize, Han Chang naturally would not issue a letter of understanding.

Zhou Zefan was prosecuted for intentionally hurting others, and the court opened that day.

Qiao Weiyang came to the scene very early, surrounded by people who were watching, many of whom were Huawen Jewelry.

They did not deliberately want to see Zhou Zefan’s fall, but the interests are related, and everyone wants to know the result sooner.

Han Chang in the wheelchair aroused the sympathy of many people as soon as he appeared. His face was pale, and the medical bandage covering the wound was faintly visible under his clothes. It was obvious that the injury was serious.

Han Tian followed him, and asked warmly.

The trial officially began.

Although everyone has known the facts of the case for a long time, after hearing the introduction of the case again, I still feel that Zhou Zefan is a bit too much.

Han Chang’s lawyers seem to be filled with indignation: “Just ask, if everyone is dissatisfied with each other, they can fight each other with swords and guns, then how do we guarantee the safety of each of us? If we give people a knife at every turn, then who would dare to talk to someone like Zhou Zefan? Know it?”

Obviously, Han Chang’s lawyer wants to arouse more people’s dislike of Zhou Zefan, in order to win more sympathy points for Han Chang.

“Objection.” Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer said immediately, “These are all hypotheses, not facts.”

“The objection is valid.” The judge said, “Plaintiff lawyer, please pay attention to the wording and show appropriate evidence.”

Han Chang’s lawyer immediately produced evidence: “Because of some of the previous things, Zhou Zefan held a grudge against Han Chang. He felt that Han Chang killed his father. However, we have collected detailed information. Zhou Zefan’s father is For those who passed away from depression, there is no evidence that his death has anything to do with our client Han Chang. On the day of the incident, Han Chang and his friend came out of the hotel after discussing the matter. Although there were several people around him, he was right. With the kindness of the deceased’s son, he did not guard against Zhou Zefan, but instead allowed him to approach.

Who knows, Zhou Zefan stabbed him with a single knife. When he was about to escape, he was caught by people around Han Chang and sent to the police. This is the situation that night, as well as Zhou Zefan’s dagger that stabbed Han Chang and Han Chang’s wound.

We can see that Zhou Zefan is left-handed, and Han Chang’s wound was identified by a forensic doctor. It was a person who was good at left-handed and stabbed him.

This can also prove that Zhou Zefan was the one who stabbed people this time. ”

This evidence is almost certain, and it has always been Han Chang’s killer.

The shareholders of Huawen Jewelry sitting in the auditorium looked at each other and knew that Zhou Zefan was having trouble this time.

“Zhou Zefan is a left-handed thing, everyone in the company is indeed well known. He even writes with his left hand.”

“Yes, this wound is really obvious.”

Han Chang’s lawyer continued: “These facts should undoubtedly establish that Zhou Zefan is the murderer this time.”

The judge also talked with people around him.

On the contrary, it was Qiao Weiyang. At this moment, he finally showed a smile.

It turns out that all the evidence of Han Chang is this.

Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer said: “We want to add more witnesses.”

“Agree,” the judge said.

When everyone saw the newly added witness, it turned out to be Qiao Weiyang, they were all a little surprised.

She is familiar with Zhou Zefan, what evidence will she have to prove Zhou Zefan’s innocence?

Han Chang’s lawyers are already in their hands, and are not too concerned about Qiao Weiyang’s arrival.

He didn’t think that Qiao Weiyang, a female artist, could show how much evidence could be provided.

He smiled and said, “Miss Qiao, why don’t you come here for filming?”

“This lawyer’s words are wrong. Does the witness and profession have to be related? The law stipulates that only persons in which professions can testify in court?”

He concluded, and said: “That’s not true. Let’s see what evidence you can produce.”

Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer asked: “Miss Qiao, I want to ask you, what are you here to prove?”

“I want to prove that Zhou Zefan’s left hand is impossible to take a knife, let alone stab people.” Qiao Weiyang said firmly and calmly.

People in the auditorium felt surprised, what is Qiao Weiyang talking about?

Everyone knows that Zhou Zefan’s left hand is normal, and he is a well-known left-hander, how could he not be able to hold a knife?

Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer continued to ask: “Do you have any basis?”

Qiao Weiyang said in a hurry: “Yes. Everyone knows that Zhou Zefan was injured in a car accident some time ago, injured, and injured his left hand.”

This thing does happen. Almost everyone knows about Huawen Jewelry. During that time, Zhou Zefan took a period of leave.

However, Han Chang’s lawyer immediately said: “There is indeed such a thing, but as far as we know, this incident has occurred at least for several months, and his hands have been no longer a problem. He has been working normally. Many people have seen him work normally and there is no problem with using his left hand. I believe that even if no special witnesses are needed, it can be demonstrated. Ms. Qiao, do you want to deny this?”

“Naturally, I will not deny that his hand has been operated on before, and it is indeed not a big problem. However, his hand is just big bones and muscles and there is nothing wrong with it, and there are still problems in the small area. And it is in him. Three days before he was accused of stabbing Han Chang, he had just re-operation. The doctor asked his hand to rest for a few days. He was unable to participate in strenuous exercise for at least half a month, let alone stabbing people!”

“Absurd!” Han Chang’s lawyer exclaimed, “How is this possible? Is there any evidence?”

Qiao Weiyang took out a stack of documents and handed them to Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer.

He picked it up and presented it to the judge, saying: “When Zhou Zefan had this operation, not many people knew about it, but here are the hospital’s operation records. He has been detained to cooperate with the investigation in the past few days and has been in the police station. Drugs are being used. And now, a test report can be made and it is detected that there is a newly inserted alloy skeleton in his left hand. In addition, he has also requested sick leave from Lu Wenhui, and there are call records and Lu Wenhui’s leave signature record as evidence. ”

The judge reached out and took the report.

Han Chang’s face began to change slightly, and his lawyer couldn’t help but look at him. This was something that the lawyer had not grasped before.

After reading all the information, the judge nodded and looked at Zhou Zefan.

He doesn’t seem to have much wound on his left hand.

So, Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer invited another witness—the policeman who had been with Zhou Zefan these days.

The policeman said calmly: “At first I discovered that he had been eating with his right hand and didn’t care. After all, most people used his right hand. But according to observations over the past few days, I did not find that he had used his left hand. There was indeed a lawyer who brought in medicine for him. He has been applying medicine and taking medicine. We have kept a copy of these medicines according to the regulations, and we have also carried out laboratory tests.”

“The inspection report shows clearly that the medicine Zhou Zefan took was to treat his hand problems, and it was not prescribed after Han Chang’s accident. The medicine was prescribed long before the accident.” Zhou Zefan Said the defense attorney.

Han Chang’s face suddenly changed.

The people in the auditorium have changed their sympathy for Han Chang from the beginning to their sympathy for Zhou Zefan.

Zhou Zefan’s defense lawyer said loudly: “I can now boldly conclude that Han Chang, in order to resolve the accusations of public opinion against him, accused him of deliberately fraudulently causing the depression of Zhou Zefan’s father Zhou Ping, so he specially created this incident. It caused everyone to sympathize with him and blame Zhou Zefan.

He took advantage of Zhou Zefan’s fact that he was left-handed. He specially found a left-handed subordinate and stabbed himself, and then pressed Zhou Zefan’s fingerprint on the handle of the knife.

He specifically chose the place where the street light was broken, so it is difficult for the monitoring to see exactly what the details were when the accident happened.

Let’s ask, Han Chang was surrounded by five or six bodyguards, how did Zhou Zefan approach him? We can only imagine that all of this is self-directed and acted by him! ”

Han Chang’s lawyer made an opinion: “No, hypothetical things cannot be used as evidence in court.”

“The objection is valid,” the judge said.

However, with so much evidence on Zhou Zefan’s side, the judge quickly made a judgment: “This case announced that Zhou Zefan intentionally wounded someone. The evidence was insufficient and the injury was not convicted. Zhou Zefan was acquitted on the spot. Han was released. Chang is suspected of being involved in a self-directed case and needs to cooperate in a re-investigation!”

Zhou Zefan stood up and bowed deeply.

His mother Wu Shuanghua walked towards him excitedly.

Huawen Jewelry’s shareholders, although they were eager to fire him before, they were delighted to know that he was indeed innocent.

They were afraid of being implicated and affecting the company’s reputation.

But innocent Zhou Zefan, his ability to work is extremely recognized, and the current results naturally satisfy the shareholders of Huawen Jewelry.

Looking back at Han Chang, his face became a little ugly. Han Tian stood behind him, unable to accept the ending for a while.

She asked to see the evidence.

The evidence was handed over to her, and she flipped through it for a while and found that these evidences were all close together. In other words, they were all true and valid, and they would be flawless.

Does my father really direct and act all this by himself?

Lu Wenhui and Qiao Weiyang came over here.

Han Tian bit his lip and stared at them unwillingly.

Lu Wenhui smiled and said, “Mr. Han, are you satisfied with this ending?”

“You have known that Zhou Zefan’s hand has a problem?” Han Chang reacted, all this was expected by Lu Wenhui and Qiao Weiyang!

He was kept in the dark!

(End of this chapter)

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