Chapter 68 - Liquidated damages up to one million

Chapter 68 Liquidated damages up to one million

Subei held the spatula and ran over to kiss him on the cheek.

“Dad, too! Dad, too! Because we are a family, Dad is harder than getting off work, Beibei wants to kiss him too.”

Lu Heting looked at his son, not bad, great, and took what he said in his heart.

Subei’s face was a little red, and she hadn’t gotten to that level with Lu Heting, and she didn’t intend to have too much intersection with him.

Kugun still hugged her leg and urged, Subei tilted her head and leaned against Lu Heting’s face, her lips did not touch him.

Only the hair was swept, swept across his cheek, and rippled in his heart.

Subei turned and went into the kitchen.

Looking at Lu Heting with a face begging for praise, Lu Heting touched his head.

He never thought that one day he would need to rely on his son to chase his wife.

As soon as the dishes were on the table, Gumball obediently picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of spicy pansa in his mouth. It was spicy and hot, his mouth was red and he couldn’t stop eating.

“When will you eat spicy food?” Lu Heting stared at him, his diet is light, and he has always been rolling.

“I’ve learned it now!” Gungun responded, holding another piece.

Pangasius has no thorns. Subei bought it specifically for Gungun, and made a light one for Gungun and a spicy one for himself.

Who knows that Gungun specializes in spicy food, even if the forehead is full of sweat, he can’t stop the little hands holding vegetables.

His taste is very close to that of Subei. Subei picks up vegetables for him and eats happily.

after dinner.

After eating Yangzhi nectar, he played for a while, took a bath, and climbed onto Subei’s big bed.

Subei was about to sleep with Gungun, when Lu Heting asked, “Are you busy with the big show?”

“Well, I have contacted their director and secured a substitute position.” Subei said with confidence.

“Is there any difficulty?” His voice is steady and strong, always giving people a sense of trust.

Subei sat down with a confident smile on the corner of her lips, “I already have a plan to replace Su Huixian in the big show.”

Lu Heting and You Rongyan feel particularly proud, this is his girl!

“Everything is ready?” Lu Heting originally planned to do a series of things for her.

But looking at her current appearance, it seems that he is no longer needed.

A little bit lost in my heart.

Subei showed a look of embarrassment, and Lu Heting was instantly refreshed, his black eyes looked at her, hoping that she could need herself.

Realizing that he really shouldn’t think like this, Lu Heting coughed lightly, alleviating the embarrassment in his heart.

Subei said: “My dad signed me a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a company, and the time just coincided with Orisa’s big show.

I went to inquire about the company today. I found that it was not a serious company at all, but a KTV that was reopened after renovation.

Their previous ribbon-cutting ceremonies walked the show, like this. “

She turned out the photo and handed it to Lu Heting.

In the photos, the so-called models are all KTV accompaniment, dressed extremely cool, scratching their heads and posing, they are not serious models at all, they are just gimmicks.

A flash of fleeting danger flashed through Lu Heting’s thick black eyes.

“This ribbon-cutting ceremony, if I don’t show up, the liquidated damages will be as high as one million!” Subei showed a bit of bitterness.

(End of this chapter)

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