Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 15 The Potions Class Dismissal

"Observation, imagination, release, transformation, firmness, these are the five steps of transfiguration."

"You have to have a strong control over your magic power, you have to believe firmly, don't hesitate, don't let your wild little heads interfere with it."

"Miss Brown, as I said, watch carefully!"

"Very good, very good. Everyone can see that the matches between Mr. Prewett and Miss Granger have changed. Gryffindor will add 20 points."

In the spacious Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall raised her hands and showed the young wizards present the two needles in her hand, but in the eyes of other students, they looked more like two wooden thorns.

This was their first transfiguration class. After taking a lot of complicated and difficult notes in the "Basic Transfiguration Guide", Professor McGonagall gave each of them a match and tried to make them a Needle.

This kind of transformation spell, which turns one dead object into another dead object, is only the most elementary stage of the transformation spell, but it is still very difficult for young wizards.

In Clark's view, the transfiguration in the Harry Potter world is called "transformation", but it should be called "distortion".

As long as I believe and think about it, this matter can go as I think. I say it's a needle, and it's a needle, it looks like a needle, and it feels sharp, can you tell it's not a needle?

Under the action of the ideal power of chaotic magic, the wizard distorts one thing into another. As for the transformation of matter, the loss and increase of mass, the change of physical properties, and even some logical thinking, there is no need consider.

It all depends on whether the wizard's ideas are strong, whether they believe in their hearts, and whether their magic is strong.

"It's magic!"

Clarke was very interested in this "pointing a deer into a horse" spell, which reminded him of the "observer effect" in quantum mechanics.

Like the magic power of chaos, quantum mechanics is also chaotic and disordered, and a wizard who possesses the magic power of chaos is a strong observer, and what he thinks is what he sees.

Compared with the weak willpower of other young wizards, Clark, who has the [Focus] skill blessing, can use the transformation spell very smoothly.

First observe the needle, then imagine it in your mind, then release the magic power of chaos, wrap the match, penetrate it, and when you wave the wand and read the spell, silently tell yourself, "This is a needle! This is a needle! "

The magic power is combined with the will, and the rest is left to God's will. After all, with the magic power of chaos, there are always accidents.

Clark cast the Transfiguration Charm for the first time, and the effect was very good. At least halfway through, the match was successfully turned into a wooden needle, and Hermione's needle tail still had a little red match head.

But among the dwarfs, the taller ones are better than most of the classmates.

For example, Seamus successfully lit a dozen matches, while Harry magnified the match several times. As for Ron, in front of him was a strange wooden stick twisted like a branch.

It's a pity that not all courses can let him develop his strengths like Transfiguration and Charms, and not all teachers like Clark that much.


In the cold and damp basement, the door was pushed open forcefully, slamming heavily against the wall, and then bounced back, and obediently inserted the latch by himself.

A teacher with black and greasy hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin, like a bat with spread wings, wearing a black cloak, with a straight face, strode to the podium.

"In my class, you are not allowed to wave wands or cast spells without permission! Otherwise, you may taste some special drinks."

Standing on the podium, he raised his eyes and glanced around the classroom, looking at the whole class. His indifferent and empty eyes reminded you of two dark tunnels.

"I am Professor Snape, your Potions teacher. You are here to learn the esoteric magic and delicate craft of potions."

Snape spoke a little higher than a whisper, but everyone caught his every word, and like Professor McGonagall, he had the intimidating power to bring order to the classroom with little effort.

"Actually, many of you won't believe it's magic, since there's so little foolish wand waving here. I don't expect you to really appreciate the whiffs and puffs of white smoke coming from the simmering cauldron. The beauty of the fragrance."

He looked at Draco Malfoy who was sitting in the back row. In today's class, Gryffindor and Slytherin were together, so he was there.

"However, for those few top students, those who really have the intention, I can teach you how to work magic on the mind, how to trap the senses. I will teach you how to increase your reputation, brew honor, and even prevent death, but There has to be one thing, and that's if you're not one of those dumb fools I'm used to meeting."

After he delivered his captivating opening remarks, the class fell silent. Clark raised an eyebrow, and Hermione Granger moved almost to the edge of the chair, leaning forward, as if eager to prove that she wasn't a dumbass.

But Snape just cast his cold eyes on Harry Potter, and said with sarcasm: "Speaking of which, when some of you came to Hogwarts, maybe some of you already possess extraordinary abilities and have enough self-confidence, I think you can stop paying attention to my class."

At this time Harry was still taking notes with his head down, Clark quickly touched him with his elbow, and when he looked up, he saw Professor Snape staring at him like a poisonous snake, spitting out foul-smelling venom.

"Mr Porter, a celebrity of our generation, tell me, what would I get if I added daffodil root powder to an infusion of wormwood?"

What grass root powder is put in what solution?

Harry glanced suspiciously at Ron on the right, and Ron was as stunned as he was; he looked at Clark on the left again, the "Knowledge Incarnate" was looking down at the book in front of him, as if wanting to See the flowers; only Hermione, beside Clark, raised her arms high in the air.

"I don't know, sir," said Harry.

Snape curled his lips contemptuously.

"Tsk, tsk—it seems that fame doesn't mean everything."

Snape deliberately ignored Hermione's raised arm.

"Let's try again. Potter, if I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you find it?"

Hermione kept her hands up as high as she could without leaving her seat, but Harry had no idea what a bezoar was. He tried not to look at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, even though they were all trembling with laughter.

"I don't know, sir."

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