Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 25 Harry's Nimbus Two Thousand

Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when Clark, Harry, and Ron went out to breakfast in the Great Hall together.

He was very happy to see that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts, although they looked a little tired.

This made him look very bad, and when Harry and Ron saw him, they also glared at him, wishing they could swallow him alive.

Clark ignored their cockfighting behavior as children, and sat down next to Hermione and Neville.

As soon as he sat down, the big dinner plate in front of him was filled with food again.

Today's breakfast consists of baked chickpeas in tomato sauce, grilled white sausage, and his favourite, fried toast with honey butter. The toast covered with honey butter sauce is fried golden on both sides, the shell is crispy, and the inside is soft, fragrant and sweet. Ripping it apart and soaking it in milk gave Clark a sense of satisfaction like eating fried dough sticks soaked in soy milk.

Hermione finally couldn't hold back when she saw how he was eating and drinking, she put on an angry look, and complained to Clark.

"You don't even know what we went through last night..."

The experienced Clark knew never to try to interrupt a girl, whether she was a girl or a woman.

So even though he had heard Harry say it again in the morning, Clark still pretended not to know, and listened to Hermione say it again with great interest.

Compared with Harry and Ron, Hermione was not at all interested in the big dog and what was hiding under the trapdoor.

She just kept complaining about Harry's lack of school rules and their audacity. Neville just wanted to never go near that big dog again.

After the three finished speaking, Ron and Harry came over. As soon as Hermione saw them, she immediately turned her head away, "hummed", and didn't want to talk to them.

But Harry and Ron felt that this was a good accident. They had always thought that Hermione was self-righteous and liked to give orders, and now that no one was making noise in their ears, they were happy to ignore it.

Seeing the awkwardness between the two sides, Clark could only shake his head helplessly, wondering if the Iron Triangle of Gryffindor would part ways with his participation.

After eating, Hermione took the book and left arrogantly. Clark looked at her back, and then at Harry's Ron, who was eating ketchup, and chose from the heart. go up.

After all, Harry is clueless, Ron is not wise, and two teenage boys, how can Hermione be cute.

Of course, Clark is purely appreciative. Although he liked Emma's face when he watched the movie, this girl is too young now, more than cute, but not enough money. Besides, it wasn't watching a movie now. For him, Hermione's role was greater than Harry and Ron combined.

And hearing the footsteps chasing after her, Hermione, who had deliberately slowed down her pace, smiled.

But when Clark walked up to her, the smile on Hermione's face withdrew, and she pretended to be indifferent again. Clark said in his heart that you are too young for a girl, and he teased her in just a few words. I had to laugh, and happily went to the library together.

As for Harry and Ron, they didn't realize that Clark was missing at all, and their minds were still full of revenge on Malfoy.

To their delight, such an opportunity arrived with the owl postman about a week later.

As the owls swarmed into the auditorium as usual, everyone's attention was drawn to the slender package carried by six long-eared owls.

Clark was eating fried eggs, chatting with Hermione and Neville about the homework of herb class, when he heard the movement and looked up, he knew what it was.

The Nimbus 2000 that Professor McGonagall bought Harry!

Six owls circled down and landed in front of Harry, knocking his bacon to the floor with the long, thin package.

This took him by surprise.

Just as the owl flew away with flapping wings, another owl brought a letter and threw it on top of the package.

Harry tore the letter open first, and after just one look, there was a look of joy on his face, and Ron had the same look on Ron's face when he handed it to him.

"Nimbus 2000!" Ron exclaimed enviously, "I haven't even touched it."

They left the auditorium in a hurry, trying to find a place where no one was there to unpack and take out their broomsticks before the first class.

However, as they passed through the hall, they found that the way upstairs was blocked by Crabbe and Goyle.

Malfoy snatched the package out of Harry's hand and touched it.

At this time, Clark and Hermione had finished their meal and walked behind, just in time to see this scene.

Although Hermione had conflicts with the two of them, it was an internal conflict. Now that she met the Slytherin guys, she still knew to be consistent with the outside world.

Seeing Clark standing behind Harry, Malfoy recalled the harrowing experience of him being so itchy that he couldn't sleep.

"It's a broomstick." As he spoke, he obediently threw the package back to Harry, but his face was still mixed with jealousy and resentment, "You wait to be punished, Potter, First graders are not allowed to play this."

Ron couldn't hold back.

"It's not some old broomstick," he said. "It's a Nimbus 2000. What do you mean you have one at home, Malfoy? A Comet 260?"

Ron grinned at Harry, "Comets are pretty bright, but they're not at the same level as Nimbus."

"How do you know? Weasley, you can't even afford half a broom handle." Malfoy shot back ferociously. "I guess you and your brothers have to save stick by stick."

Before Ron could answer what he said, Clark, his cousin, stood up first.

"As far as I know, hasn't the Malfoy family already started to reap their laurels? I remember that last year I took over a medical herb shop that was unable to operate from your family."

Clark's words were like a slap across the face, making Malfoy flush.

Even his two servants looked at him suspiciously, as if they were afraid that the Malfoy family would go bankrupt and they would no longer be able to support the two of them.

This made Malfoy dizzy and couldn't resist pulling out his wand. But at this moment, Professor Flitwick appeared at Malfoy's elbow.

"I hope it's not a fight, boys?" he asked sharply, looking at the opposing sides.

"Someone brought Potter a broomstick, Professor," Malfoy said hastily, putting away his wand.

However, he didn't see what he imagined. Even in front of the teacher, Harry and Ron didn't panic, and they didn't look like they were caught violating discipline.

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