Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 29 Magic Mechanics and Civilization Stagnation

Like Hermione, as a time traveler, Clark didn't stay at home like the children of wizards. He also went to a Muggle primary school in the UK. Not only did he go to an aristocratic school, but his grades were also very good. .

So of course he knows that the so-called "happy education" is not implemented here as many people say. In other words, in noble schools, Muggle children can still receive a good education.

At least in Muggle elementary schools, they taught systematic content, but in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, what Clark and the others learned was more like loose sand.

Spells, transfiguration, potions, astronomy, herbal medicine, history of magic, the contents of each subject are independent, all have no internal connection, and there is no logical system at all.

The so-called "learning" of little wizards is nothing more than waving their wands like cats and tigers, imitating the awkward pronunciation of spells, and then forming an instinctive reaction in repeated practice.

In this way, every time you learn a spell, you need to memorize a spell, a gesture, and a magic operation technique. How many spells can you memorize even with a smart brain?

You must know that Charms is linguistics, but it is not only linguistics!

Anyway, among the wizards that Clark knew, the more powerful elites also proficiently mastered seven or eight commonly used spells.

Even most adult wizards can use two or three spells proficiently, which is considered very good. Isn't there news that many employees of the Ministry of Magic can't cast an Iron Armor Curse?

"So there is something wrong with the teaching method of Hogwarts!" At this point, Clark began to boldly criticize the teaching method of Hogwarts.

"At least in my opinion, the wizards cultivated by this education method are no different from chimpanzees who can use tools. They have skills but no morals."

"It's like a skilled worker who can meet the needs of life and work. Occasionally, with a flash of inspiration, with his rich experience, he can also invent some new things, even extremely sophisticated inventions, but they don't understand the behind the scenes at all. Laws at work."

"It's nothing at all. Look at Harry, and other young wizards who are also from Muggle families, don't they all adapt to this teaching method?"

Clark looked at Hermione and praised: "But you are too smart, Hermione, as smart as you, and have gone a long way in Muggle education. You were supposed to be a scholar of magic, but now you are asked to be a magician." Mechanic, of course you will get angry."

That's it!

Clark's words seemed like a flash of lightning, dispelling the fog in Hermione's mind, and she finally knew why she felt restless and angry recently.

This is the "knowledge barrier" that belongs to Hermione alone. In fact, this problem is not big. You can see it after reading the original book. Transformed into a more skilled magician.

"Maybe it's just because we're too young to be taught such esoteric knowledge in school?"

After all, she had feelings for Hogwarts. Facing Clark's attack, Hermione couldn't help but retort.

However, Clark's words instantly rendered her speechless.

"Don't tell me that you didn't read the textbooks of senior grades in advance. Does it contain fundamental magic theory? Does it teach you how to study magic? No, there are only more difficult spells and more complicated potions on it. That's all!"

Seeing that Hermione was silent, Clark continued to guide her.

"So have you ever wondered why Hogwarts adopts this teaching method? As the only magic school in the UK, it is more like a magic school. The little wizard graduated after only seven years of study, There is no place in the entire wizarding world for them to continue their studies?"

"Is it because higher knowledge is not suitable for widespread dissemination? Just like a master leading an apprentice?"

Clark was taken aback by Hermione's words,

He just praised the other party for being smart, and this girl guessed something with just a few words.

Clark nodded, then shook his head again.

"What you said is just one aspect. Today's high-end magic is indeed passed down in the form of schools and families, but this is more similar to the craftsman-apprentice system and the inheritance of family craftsmanship."

"If you look at the universities in the Muggle world, that is the model that should be used to study magic. But if you look at "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft", when the development of the Muggle world is changing with each passing day, science has penetrated into the atom and quantum, and the sight has already Light-years away, the civilization of the wizarding world has stagnated like it did in the Middle Ages."

Yes, if you leave aside the fantasy color given by magic, there is actually not much difference between the wizarding world and the Middle Ages.

But in theory, as long as any wizard wants to learn about Muggles, they can easily obtain a lot of Muggle information and get great benefits from it. When they know that their own magic can bring them a lot of gold plus When they were in Long, they could control the big Muggle enterprises and obtain all kinds of materials. Don’t say that things in the Muggle world are useless to wizards. After all, they all live in the same world, and Aurors—only a few hundred people The Aurors didn't have time to stop them.

The wizards in the magical world and the Muggles in the normal world, the two groups who are close at hand and have no barriers to information exchange, have developed into two groups that are almost cut off. Such an extraordinary world is separated from the mortal world. , is completely unbelievable-this is simply impossible and unscientific!

If this is just a certain person, there are many accidental factors that restrict them from participating in the interests of the Muggle world, but expanding this sample to a group of thousands of people-there is no accident at all, such an attempt People who come into contact with Muggles are almost inevitable.

And the wizards who are deeply involved in the Muggle world will have a great impact on the wizarding world, so today's wizarding world should never be like this, at least the goblins of Gringotts will perfect them with great enthusiasm financial system. You must know that in a certain fan novel, there is a time traveler who controls the entire Gringotts by virtue of financial knowledge.

But this kind of thing didn't happen!

Even a Muggle lover like Clark's uncle, Arthur Weasley, is just curious about Muggle items, adding a traceless stretching spell and a levitation spell to a car, and he hasn't researched it. Here comes the magic engine.

Listening to what Clark said, and comparing the development of the wizarding world and the Muggle world, Hermione couldn't help but nodded, admitting that what he said made sense, but it also made her have new doubts.

"Then what caused all this?"

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