When he woke up the next morning, Clark found that, apart from the low temperature, today was a very rare sunny day.

And when he finished his morning exercise and walked into the restaurant, the tempting smell of grilled sausages danced beside him.

Within a day, two good things happened in succession, which made Clark's spirit very uplifted. And the entire restaurant was in full swing because of the start of the Quidditch match.

"You must eat a few mouthfuls of breakfast."

He walked to the Gryffindor table and saw Hermione trying to persuade Harry. And our savior, who has no appetite at all, is fiddling with the ham and fried eggs in front of him absent-mindedly.

Clark ignored him and sat down straight away, using a knife and fork to divide the black pepper sausage in front of him, and put it in his mouth.

It has to be said that this kind of sausage in Western countries is really a boon for meat lovers. Compared with the kind of starchy sausage that is no different from mud, this solid taste really satisfies the mouth, tongue and stomach.

"I'm not hungry."

Facing the persuasion of Hermione and Ron, Harry pushed the plate in front of him away.

Clark glanced at him. Of course he knew why Harry was like this. The tension of the game was only one aspect. What he saw when he went to find Snape last night also had a certain impact on him.

At least Clark heard Harry tossing and turning in bed last night, until Clark fell asleep, and Harry's bed made noises from time to time.

Time slipped away quietly in Harry's nervousness, and in the blink of an eye, it was eleven o'clock, and all the teachers and students of the school gathered on the Quidditch pitch.

The stands as high as the Colosseum were filled with enthusiastic young wizards, full of enthusiasm and voices. If the momentum could have color, then the white clouds in the sky would probably be dyed red.

Clark, Ron and Hermione came to the highest row of the stands and joined Neville, Seamus and Dean. In fact, all the stands in this row were Gryffindor students in red and yellow school uniforms.

To surprise Harry, they used a bed sheet to draw a huge banner that said Potter must win, and Dean, who was good at drawing, drew a big Gryffindor lion underneath.

Then, with a wave of his wand, Clark cast a clever transfiguration spell, causing the lion on the banner to roar silently and start running, with a poisonous snake representing Slytherin in its mouth.

Yes, even though he didn't like the sport of Quidditch, Clark came anyway.

Not only did he come, he also had two slashes of canary yellow and red painted on his face, as if he was really a big Quidditch fan.

He had to come!

Clark read an article in his previous life discussing why Hermione could not marry Harry. Although the author of that article was only using "Harry Potter" to explain the history, culture and political lineage of the Western world, some of them His point of view also inspired him deeply.

After all, the British wizarding world is also rooted in the British Muggle world, and the culture inherited by these wizards is more or less influenced by Muggle culture.

Although Clark carried fragments of the Godhead of Knowledge, he did not go to Ravenclaw, who symbolized wisdom, but to Gryffindor. It is precisely because he knows that only Gryffindor College can cultivate the ruler of the wizarding world.

In other words, only Gryffindor students can truly be the leaders of all Hogwarts students.

In fact, this can be seen by looking at the names and logos of the four colleges, "Gryffindor" and a lion.

The root of "Gryffindor" is gryffin, which is transliterated as "Griffin". Control of the sky (eagle).

As the king of beasts, the lion is considered a symbol of bravery, nobility, royalty, strength, majesty, and courage.

Widely used in the aristocratic royal coat of arms in Europe.

Compared with it, Hufflepuff (badger), Ravenclaw (eagle) and Slytherin (snake) are all a little bit less interesting.

Students in these colleges may become excellent scholars, technicians, politicians, and businessmen in the future, but it is difficult for them to become an excellent ruler.

If Clark wants to hold the throne high, he must develop his own team at Hogwarts, just like Harry's D.A organization. Only his identity as a Gryffindor can help him win the conviction of other college students.

For the same reason, if he wants to become a student leader of Hogwarts in the future and gain rights, he must actively participate in various activities to show his strength and vitality.

Instead of being alone like Hermione before, staying in towers and libraries, delving into those esoteric magical knowledge.

After all, the educational concepts of the East and the West are different. A nerd like Hermione who only studies and does not participate in sports activities is not welcomed by them, or in other words, he is not suitable to be their ruler.

If Clark, according to the cognition he cultivated in the Eastern world before crossing, only chooses to be a knowledgeable academic master, then perhaps the final result will be nothing more than a Merlin mage assisting King Arthur.

And his goal is to become King Arthur who rules the wizarding world, and even the entire Muggle world!

If he wants to go against the general trend of the wizarding world, break through the blockade of the Holy See, and become a new god, Clark's long step to godhood is not so easy.

However, Clark has no fear or fear in his heart. Compared with other people, he who possesses fragments of knowledge and godhead is already too lucky. Standing on the highest step of the stand, looking at the little wizards under his feet, Clark's heart was full of pride.

At this time, Mrs. Hodge, who was the referee, appeared in the center of the arena carrying a box. The two teams stood on both sides of her, and Harry was among them.

Accompanied by Mrs. Hodge's whistle, fourteen players chased several balls into the sky, and a tense Quidditch game began.

"The Quaffle was snatched by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor..."

The commentator of the game was Lee Jordan, a good friend of the Weasley twin brothers. Accompanied by his voice, the Quidditch players on the field whizzed past on flying broomsticks.

If you ignore the stupid rules of the game, you will find that the Quidditch game is actually quite interesting, at least Clark sitting at the scene thinks so.

This game combines many interesting sports, high-speed flying brooms are more exciting than racing cars, the mode of fighting each other for quaffles is a bit like basketball, and the swinging bludgers are like baseball.

Perhaps the only downfall of the entire game was the Seeker who disrupted the balance.

"Now it's Gryffindor with the ball...well, Angelina...the Slytherin keeper came rushing, oh...the stupid big one got tricked, she went around and Gryffindor scored !"


The whole stadium suddenly became noisy. This is the first goal scored in this game, which is really a good sign.

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