Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 61: I Have an Exclusive Craft to Train Dragons

Beside the fireplace in Hagrid's cabin, Clark swung his wand, moving the dragon eggs from the ground to the iron stand next to the fire.

For the eggs of the Norwegian Ridgeback, this distance is just right, neither because the temperature is too low, causing the Charmander to grow slowly, nor because the temperature is too high, causing it to break out of the shell early and suffer from malnutrition.

The four of Clark looked at it carefully by the charcoal fire in the fireplace. This was the first time they had seen such a thing.

This dragon egg has a glazed ceramic-like smooth shell covered with dark scale-like grid patterns. With the firelight shining and Hagrid's fingers moving, a mysterious dark golden reflection is projected, Full of mysterious magic color.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Hagrid looked at the dragon egg obsessively.

Can you imagine a half-giant nearly five meters tall, with a beard and a big hand as thick as a rock, stroking the hot dragon egg without changing his face, and then speaking to it with a tone like a boy staring at a game console , Say something nasty?

Clark and the others have seen it today. Sometimes the happiness of straight men is as simple as that.

Seeing his behavior, Hermione didn't take it seriously.

"Hagrid, don't forget you live in a log house." She reminded kindly, but Hagrid didn't listen at all, he hummed a little tune happily while flicking the fire.

Hermione wanted to speak again, but Clark held her back and shook her head. Seeing Hagrid's obsessive state now, he can't be persuaded.

Besides, Clark didn't have other ideas about the little dragon. Perhaps, this little guy will be the key to his breaking the game.

In the following days, Hagrid nestled in the hut every day, putting all his thoughts on the dragon egg.

And Harry and the others had new things to worry about: what would happen to Hagrid if someone found out that he was raising dragons illegally in his hut?

"I wonder what it's like to live in peace and tranquility," said Ron with a sigh.

Night after night, they struggled to complete a mountain of homework assigned by their teachers. Hermione had already started to draw up a detailed study plan for Harry and Ron, and that thick stack of papers seemed to drive them crazy.

As for Clark, after seeing Hagrid's dragon egg, he was mysterious and didn't know what he was planning.

Then, at breakfast one day, Hedwig brought Harry another note from Hagrid. Hagrid only wrote four words on it: Coming out of the shell soon.

Ron didn't want to go to herbalism class and wanted to go straight to Hagrid's cabin. Hermione strongly disagreed.

"Hermione, how many times in a lifetime can we see Charmander come out of its shell?" Ron persuaded.

"We've got to have lessons, or we'll get in trouble; if anyone finds out what Hagrid's doing, he'll be worse off than us—"

"Stop it." Harry warned softly.

Malfoy was just a few steps away from them, stopped to listen to them, how much did he listen to?

Ron had been arguing with Hermione in herbalism class. In the end, it was Clark who spoke, and Hermione finally let go, and agreed to run to Hagrid's cabin with them to have a look during the morning recess.

When get out of class was over, just as the bell rang in the castle, the four of them threw down their small shovels and hurried across the field towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid greeted them, flushed and excited.

"It's coming out soon." He let the four of them into the hut.

The dragon egg lay quietly on the table, and there was already a deep crack on it. Something was moving inside, making a very playful clicking sound.

They all moved their chairs closer to the table and watched closely, holding their breath.

Suddenly, with a harsh scratching sound,

The egg cracked. Charmander was waddling and flopping on the table, its appearance was not pretty, it looked more like a crumpled black umbrella.

Its spiny wings are very large compared with its thin black body. It also has a long, large nose with white nostrils, horny bumps on its head, and bulging orange eyes.


There was a system beep in Clark's ear, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it right now. Taking advantage of Charmander's unsteady standing, Clark quickly reached out to collect the dragon egg fragments around it.

Like the dragons in Faerun, although the dragons in the wizarding world are not so powerful and intelligent, their first meal after birth is these broken eggshell fragments.

Dragons eat this, just like Muggles eat calcium tablets, which can quickly increase their bone strength.

So the Norwegian Ridgeback, who was robbed of dinner, sneezed and spewed sparks from his nose, trying to show Clark a little bit.

"Clark, what are you doing? Return Norbert's dinner to it." As a giant beast lover, Hagrid certainly understood the significance of the dragon's first meal to them.

"Don't worry, Hagrid, Charlie taught me a trick." Clark didn't stop, but intensified even more.

He did not know where to take out a dragon leather glove, put it on his left hand, and then pinned the little dragon that was about to pounce on him to the ground.

"Boom." Xiaolong hit the floor heavily, which made Hagrid very heartbroken, and quickly stopped it.

While holding the little dragon, Clark explained to him: "Fire dragons are very difficult to tame creatures. When they grow up, they are very intelligent, cunning and cruel, and most importantly, they have strong attack power.

So if you want it to be obedient, you have to educate it well from an early age, just like teaching a child, and you can't pamper it too much. If its mother had been a real dragon, she would have done it. Hagrid, take care. "

After all, Clark picked out a large piece from the eggshell fragments, cleaned it, and stuffed it into his mouth. Of course, he didn't swallow it, just put it in his mouth to make a show, after all, he didn't have the stomach of a dragon.

Seeing that his first meal was eaten, the little dragon screamed and struggled violently, but Clark intensified his strength and pressed it firmly to the floor.

Fortunately, he put on the dragon leather gloves in advance, otherwise the barbs on Xiaolong's body alone would be enough for him to suffer.

"For these wild little guys, you have to let them know how powerful they are. Oh, this guy's strength is really not small. From this point of view, it might be a female dragon."

Among the fire dragons, female dragons are generally more powerful than male dragons. There are fine beads of sweat on Clark's forehead. This newborn baby dragon must have at least 9 strength points. This kind of physical quality is really unique.

And Hagrid obviously understood Clark's intentions, but he was still very distressed, standing aside and rubbing his hands nervously, for fear that Clark would break the little dragon's wings.

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