Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 88 Voldemort's First Time

"Enough of the delay." Voldemort's voice was full of impatience.

"Oh, master, I can do it, these are just a few small bugs, and we will get rid of them soon."

Quirrell is like a student who has not finished the paper when the bell rings, and wants to struggle again.

While coping with Voldemort's urging, he sideways dodged the tree trunk thrown by Hagrid. Unexpectedly, there was a Clark hidden in the canopy.

The light blue activated rope was very close to Quirrell, like a snake coming out of a hole, it got out from the gap between the branches and leaves, and before he could react, it was wrapped around his right wrist.

The physical version of "Abolish Your Weapon" was launched successfully!

"Do not!"

The hand holding the staff was locked, and this sudden change shocked Quirrell.

You must know that British wizards have long been accustomed to casting spells with wands, and their long-term dependence has led to the so-called wandless casting, which has become a very clever spellcasting technique.

Without a wand, there is no difference between ordinary wizards and Muggles.

Nick, who was almost headless at the time, was beheaded forty-five times with a blunt ax because his wand was taken from him, preventing him from escaping from prison.

In desperation, Quirrell quickly pulled his right hand, trying to break free from the shackles of the rope.

However, the magic rope made of bird, snake and snake skin has excellent ductility, and Quirrell's body, which was hollowed out by Voldemort's remnant soul, not only did not move, but was staggered by the rope.


Seeing such a good opportunity, Norbeta, who was hovering in the sky, would not let it go. He swooped down towards Quirrell, and a line of fire had already hit the back of the opponent's head.

At the same time, Hagrid's arrows, and a large cloud of mud that Clark controlled with the Levitation Charm, also flew towards Quirrell.

Seeing that Quirrell, who was unable to use his wand, was about to be hit by these three attacks, Clark couldn't help but smile.

No wonder Harry Potter, a little first-year wizard, can defeat this guy alone, which is too weakened by Voldemort's remnant soul.

You know, Quirrell was also a high-achieving student at Hogwarts back then, a man of the moment among the Ravenclaw students of that class.

Being able to stay in school as a professor at Hogwarts, even the least valued Muggle studies class, also proved his strength from the side.

But before he could be happy for a while, Quirrell seemed to sense despair, and raised his head and let out a howl. Streams of black smoke gushed out from his body, turning into abstract smoke snakes, surrounding him and protecting him.

Nobetta's fireball, Clark's mud, and Hagrid's arrow hit the black smoke like a mud cow entering the sea, and they were swallowed silently without a single bubble coming out.

Clark could tell at a glance that this thing had the same aura as the skull that emerged from the unicorn's wound just now.

It's just that this time the aura is bigger, darker, and purer. If we say that the previous one was dark prepared by mixing various pigments. So what is wrapped around Quirrell now is the empty nothingness of the black hole.

He loosened the magic rope wrapped around Quirrell's hand in time, but just a little bit, one end of the rope disappeared inexplicably.

Clark also didn't care about his distress, he kicked his feet on the canopy vigorously, and the whole person flew backwards, and at the same time, he didn't forget to call Norbeta to escape quickly in the soul link.

Fortunately, this little guy's animal instincts are very keen. He spread his wings and raised himself up a few meters, avoiding the bite of the giant black smoke snake.

Countless giant black smoke snakes spread from Qi Luo's body like a tide, devouring the soil, trees, air, and even the moonlight in the sky. They all opened their mouths and swallowed.

The evil breath and the frantic dancing of countless snake heads reminded Clark of ancient and modern China and foreign countries.

Demons and ghosts in various myths and legends.

Such as Hydra Hydra, Yamata no Orochi, and Xiangliu. Of course, the power of this move is definitely less than one ten-thousandth of the strength of these ancient monsters, but it is still extremely amazing.

This is finally forcing Voldemort to take action!

It was the first time seeing Clark.

Like Dumbledore, the Dark Lord's soul anchor is also very exposed and obvious.

Clark just took a look and guessed that the core he used to stabilize the magic power of chaos should be "greed".

It is the greed that devours everything, I want, I want, I want.

I just don't know whether this quality is all of him, or one of the seven soul fragments. After all, anyone who understands the occult will have some understanding of the famous "Seven Deadly Sins".

But it is one thing to know the source of the opponent's power, and another thing to be able to really fight against it.

Facing the overwhelming black smoky python tide, Clark had no choice but to retreat again and again. Not even the big tree thrown by Hagrid didn't last a second in the black smoke.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Quirrell's weak physique could support such a powerful black magic.

But maybe because he hated Clark, the kid who sabotaged his good deeds time and again, those black smoke pythons spread to him faster under the command of Quirrell's subconscious.

With the help of Norbeta's spiritual perspective, looking down from the sky, one can clearly see that those black smoke pythons have surrounded him from top to bottom, left and right, like a giant beast, opening its bloody mouth to him. I must keep him.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

The hairs on the back of Clark's neck stood on end, and the activated rope in his hand shot toward his back, hoping that Hagrid would give him a hand, but suddenly, a strong suction force came from the huge mouth of black smoke, slowing down his retreat Not to mention, it also disturbed the flying of the rope.

Hagrid watched helplessly, the end of the rope was only a little away from his fingers, and he swooped down to catch it, but he missed it.

"Do not!"

Looking at Clark who was about to be engulfed in black smoke, Hagrid let out a hoarse cry, but the black smoke still closed together in his desperate eyes first.

Clark's figure just disappeared behind the black smoke, just like the scorching sun at noon was swallowed by the night, and the blooming flowers fell into the mud.

On the other side, Clark is surrounded by thick darkness, and there is no light as far as he can see, only pure darkness, pure nothingness. It was as if he had been exiled to another dimension. At this moment, he lost the concept of time. He seemed to have passed a moment in a trance, and it seemed that a thousand years had passed.

See nothing, hear nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing.

Empty, lonely, cold!

If this is the world after death, Clark must admit that Voldemort's pursuit of the so-called immortality is still very meaningful.

For Voldemort, whose soul is anchored by "greed", death is no longer another journey, but a purgatory of nothing. After all, "death" is the most greedy thing in this world, and it will eventually take away everything from you .

But for Clark, all this may not be so unsolvable.

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