Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 105 Professor Bubaji’s invitation

A few days later, after just finishing "Divination" which was like a repeater, Chen Bin saw an invitation flying in front of him as soon as he left the classroom door.

When he saw the signature on the envelope, he couldn't help but look strange, not only for the sender, but also for the subject she taught. The professor who sent him a letter inviting him to inspect the class was named "Caredi Bubbaji", a new professor of "Muggle Studies" this year.

In the original book, the female professor was killed by Voldemort in Malfoy Manor because she advocated friendly coexistence with Muggles. In reality, she is the teacher with the least sense of presence along with the professor of "Ancient Rune Studies" and the professor of "Arithmetic Divination", but her professors are more unique than the other.

"Bathcida Barbling", the professor of "Ancient Rune Research", looks similar to Snape in appearance, but her real age is unknown. When she doesn't speak, she looks like a scholar like Professor McGonagall.

"Setima Victor", the professor of "Arithmetic Divination", looks slightly older than the former. She seems to have some kind of antagonistic relationship with Trelawney. She belongs to the faction that looks at the future through numbers, which is an absolute. A rational calculator, or an avid researcher with his own formulas for everything in the universe. Similar to this academic theory is the Chinese iron plate magic arithmetic. Trelawney's sect is like holding a shackle, asking for rice, possessing...

As for Bubaji... Chen Bin felt very complicated. She is very friendly and easy-going, just like the aunt next door. She treats everyone equally, never discriminates against anyone, and is particularly caring for Muggle-born wizards.

However, every time she ate, she would sit at the other end of the table and still pay close attention to Chen Bin. That fiery look in her eyes directly touched Chen Bin's sense of magic! Chen Bin’s character is the young master of the Naama family who has thousands of years of pure blood, okay? Even though his father's side was a martial artist for thousands of years, his father was also the minister to Britain, and he obviously had nothing to do with Muggles.

As for the subject "Muggle Studies", it's even more ridiculous. He has never read any textbooks on this subject. When he took the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s exams in the first grade, it was all poured into his brain through Lao Deng. knowledge to pass the written test.

Everything went smoothly in the exam, except for Chen Bin who almost crashed in the N.E.W.T.s test paper of "Muggle Studies", if he didn't have the memory of his previous life.

The content of the entire course and past test questions were indeed implanted in his mind, such as "Muggle Cooking Methods", "Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles", "Retarded Muggles", "Muggles Take Attention", "My Life is Like a Muggle", "Philosophy of the World: Why Muggles Would Rather Not Know", etc., are all simple knowledge about modern society, and their release dates span from the 1960s to the 1990s.

Of course, the later very famous anti-Muggle book "When Muggles Attack" (When Muggles Attack) was not selected as the textbook for this course, because Voldemort was still wrapped in a headband in the first grade, and Hogwarts was not Death Eater Control.

The content for grades three to five ranges from the ancient mythology of Western Muggles to the changes in modern technological society. Grades six and seven provide a more in-depth analysis of the political economy, military, social structure and technological achievements of Muggle society from an academic perspective.

Basically, after graduating from fifth grade and getting an E or above in this subject, it is more than enough to pretend to be an ordinary Muggle in modern society, and you will definitely be qualified for jobs involving Muggle society. Only those wizards who get E or above in this subject in seventh grade are considered Muggle-savvy. Of course, the best among them are employed as Muggle affairs consultants of the Ministry of Magic. They analyze Muggle trends from an academic level. The wizarding world should pay attention to Muggles. In which areas of action and development, etc.

There was nothing wrong with the subject of his O.W.L.s back then. It was nothing more than common sense in modern society, plus some ancient mythology that Chen Bin was not familiar with. It's not that the myths in the test paper are rare, but that the questions need to be interpreted from the perspective of a wizard.

As long as he is not influenced by the knowledge from his previous life, Chen Bin will have no problem getting an O based on his original ability. Anyway, the answer can only be generalized, and there is no need to analyze the meaning behind it academically.

However, the N.E.W.T.s questions were seven seriously over-the-top discussion questions, which killed all the candidates in the session.

At that time, Chen Bin thought he had traveled to a fake magical world!

Who says the wizarding world doesn't understand Muggles? The seven short questions cover politics, economics, civilization, industry and military. Not to mention wizards, even 99% of Muggles cannot answer them all!

More importantly, more than half of the questions here are about the future. Who can give a reliable answer? Chen Bin can do it, but does he have to reveal the secret just for an exam?

Therefore, even if Chen Bin failed to pass the test, he still had to write an answer that would have no limit to his deception.

Although he was able to answer the question, he deliberately spoke nonsense seriously and used a large number of current examples and public information to deduce a completely wrong answer.

As a result, his grade of O on this exam paper became the most valuable one, because all the candidates also received a grade of P or below! Last year, he specially read the current test paper. Fortunately, the difficulty was greatly reduced. However, its difficulty was roughly equivalent to the history, economics and business subjects of the Muggle college entrance examination. It also required the modern common sense that Muggle college entrance examination students should have. , industrial knowledge and military concepts, etc.

In a word, even if the difficulty is reduced, any N.E.W.T.s subject at Hogwarts is a compressed version of several Muggle subjects. It is to instill the maximum amount of knowledge in the least time, without even considering whether the candidates can pass.

"Bin, why are you in a daze?" Hermione waved her hand in front of Chen Bin, finally bringing his thoughts back to reality.

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