Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 121 Time Turner

Next, Chen Bin withdrew the green light and invited Fudge to sit back in the guest seat. The meeting with Principal Dumbledore was conducted in a sincere and friendly atmosphere.

An hour later, Fudge and everyone left, leaving only Chen Bin and Dumbledore in the office.

Dumbledore finally said why he didn't use the "Time Turner" to save Pettigrew - not because he didn't, but because he couldn't.

Magic related to time is unstable and can even have catastrophic consequences. The Ministry of Magic gave an example that a wizard may kill himself at different times by mistake, or completely change the trajectory of a person's life. They will conduct strict warranty checks on users and set hundreds of strict laws to punish wizards who abuse the Time Turner.

There is no "time turner" in this world that cannot change the settings of the past. Even if Hermione returns to the past classroom without saying a word, a series of chain reactions will occur.

For example, a god of learning thought that she was abnormal and missed important knowledge because of her distraction, thus killing his chance to invent epoch-making magic in the future.

This chain reaction was rated as a series of negligible changes by the Ministry of Magic, because the wizarding world believed that wizards were not responsible for events that had not yet occurred.

They only target major events that have been modified, such as changing the actions of the Ministry of Magic and Muggle leaders, informing people in the past about the fate of the future, etc.

In other words, the wizard is responsible for actively modifying the established past.

In order to limit variables, the Ministry of Magic will ask students who use this item to stay as quiet as possible and avoid actively changing the future. Moreover, the version in Hermione's hands was only for use by young wizards with low magic power, and it also had a lookback time limit.

Also, the Department of Mysteries can detect changes in major events and send people to an earlier point in time to capture the disruptors.

When Dumbledore said this, Chen Bin knew what he wanted to say - it was a foregone conclusion that Pettigrew would be killed, and Minister Fudge was also involved.

Whoever changes the past related to Fudge, the Department of Mysteries must arrest the interferer at an earlier point in time.

The wizards who were able to ignore capture could not use the time turner, including the underage Chen Bin, because his magic power had already exceeded the limit.

Since nothing could be changed, Chen Bin also went back to the dormitory to wash up and sleep.

The next morning, the Daily Prophet headlined: Sirius Innocent! Minister Fudge personally apologized on behalf of the Ministry of Magic.

When Harry saw the news, he jumped with joy and ignored the laughter of the students in the auditorium.

In addition to receiving compensation, his godfather became the Ministry's Auror and Associate Professor of Extracurricular Activities at Hogwarts the following year. This news has been confirmed by the Daily Prophet and has been approved by the school board and Dumbledore.

Of course Harry didn't know that Chen Bin was behind all of this.

According to the original plot, Sirius continued to be his fugitive, and Lupine almost resigned because he was exposed as a werewolf.

Now, as one of the makers of the Marauder's Map, Lupine returned the map to Harry the night Fudge was intimidated.

In addition to Sirius becoming an Auror and professor with a salary from the Ministry of Magic, Lupine will also become a resident Auror and professor next year, but it has not been announced yet.

Orthodox Aurors need 3 years of training?

Yes, that is 3 years.

Nymphadora Tonks, who has not yet appeared, is training under Mad-Eye Moody, but she is now almost qualified or has just obtained the Auror qualification.

However, Sirius inherited the blood of the pure-blood Black family. Although Lupine was a mixed-blood descendant, he inherited the strong blood of his father. His father, "Lyle Lupin," is a world-renowned authority on the apparitions of non-human demons.

In addition to having excellent magical blood, these two people also played front-line combat roles in the "First Wizarding War". Now it only takes a month to catch up on the orthodox Auror rules and practical tips.

If Lupine had not resigned, God knows whether Voldemort would send someone to pretend to be Mad-Eye Moody next year, let alone whether Lupine would die under Voldemort's curse.

The change of "Defense Against the Dark Arts" professor every year did not only happen during the seven years that Harry was studying there, but continued to this day after Voldemort's application for this position was rejected. Even Dumbledore could not detect whether he was actually hired. curse.

This year, Harry and Hermione did not travel through time and space to save Sirius, so Buckbeak was still beheaded. Chen Bincai had no interest in causing unknown variables to Hermione and Harry for the sake of an eagle beast, and Lao Deng also avoided talking about it.

This year, Harry once again won the House Cup for Gryffindor and also won the Quidditch championship. With his strength, Harry continued to be ranked No. 1 in the school.

This year, at the graduation ceremony, the results of Katerina's public examination were also announced in advance. In addition to her N.E.W.T.s' "Muggle Studies", which she got an "E (excellent)" for not having read the textbook, she also got O (excellent) in all subjects in her O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s exams.

When Chen Bin heard the result, he was stunned for a few seconds on the stage, wondering whether she or he was the time traveler? If he relied solely on his strength, Chen Bin would not have achieved this result even if he repeated the grade for ten years.

"Dear students, there is another news to be announced." Dumbledore stood on the stage and glanced at everyone, then said: "Professor Naama will resign from his position as professor of Divination because he has to concentrate on extracurricular activities. .”

As soon as these words came out, almost all the students glanced at Chen Bin with contempt, as if saying with their eyes: "This guy concentrates on extracurricular activities? And he has almost never taken "Divination" this year!"

Dumbledore ignored the looks of the students and continued: "However, I am very honored to announce to everyone that due to Miss Naama's excellent results, she has been invited to replace Mr. Naama as the next year's Divination Editor. One of the double professors.”

The entire audience was excited, with clapping, cheers, and whistles rising and falling. This was in sharp contrast to the reaction when it was announced that Chen Bin would be resigning as Professor of Divination.

Who told a scumbag to act mean to all the students in the school during the final exam? Now all the teachers and students in the school can see clearly how scumbag this person is!

Chen Bin also picked up a photo stone to record which scum whistled at Little Kate. This will become the list of students who will retaliate next year.

The abbot is a very petty person! (▼ヘ▼ # )

Amid cheerful laughter, a group of students came to the Hogsmeade platform to wait for the train to arrive.

"...I really hope that Sirius can complete the Auror training of the Ministry of Magic soon. But, Ron, can you put the piggy back in the cage?" Harry couldn't wait to share his joy with Ron and Hermione. I didn't know that Sirius would have various reasons to stay at the Dursley's house for a full month in the next two summer vacations.

There was an owl standing on Ron's shoulder, obviously wanting to show off his new pet in front of everyone. Before he left, Sirius ordered the owl for him according to the original book as compensation for killing Scabbers.

As for whether this owl of the same species is the original one, who knows?

"Hey, Hermione. Why do you seem so unhappy?" Harry didn't understand as if the whole world owed her money.

Ron bumped him with his elbow, and then looked at Chen Bin and Katerina at the end of the platform.

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