Before leaving, Furong took Chen Bin's hand and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Naama. Your mother is too young, and I misunderstood that you are brothers and sisters. Thank you for your help, we will meet soon. "

After saying this, she once again planned to perform a kissing ceremony, but this time she was replaced by Chen Bin. "Sorry, actually I am Chinese, and I usually use this method to express my greatest gratitude."

Furong smiled slightly, made a less-than-standard hand gesture, and turned around to leave.

"Thank you, Professor Naama." Luna didn't know Chen Bin very well, so she couldn't wave her hands as goodbye like Draco and Cedric.

When Chen Bin turned around, he saw Katerina standing behind him without knowing it. She smiled meaningfully and said, "Sure enough, I am surprisingly destined to be a woman."

"Uh..." Chen Bin felt a little bit like he was being caught.

"But it's your rule." Kate kissed Chen Bin on the cheek and whispered in his ear: "Do you like the bunny girl costume? I will reward you tonight."

This car drove too suddenly! Hey, it's just cosplay, the two of them are still very pure.

Anyway, Katerina, who grew up in Eastern Europe, doesn’t know how lethal Cosplay can be to some old drivers with middle-aged souls, nor does she know how much old drivers can imagine when encountering Cosplay, which even decontamination powder can’t remove. Thought.

Kate ignored what he was imagining and went over to Isha to chat quietly.

When Mr. Weasley came back, he slapped his forehead and said apologetically: "Harry, this is your lost wand. The Crouch family elf stole it. Fortunately, your wand was so rare that it was I recognized him instantly.”

Harry took the wand, but Hermione asked nervously: "Is Winky okay?"

"Winky? That house elf? More than twenty of us wizards suspected that she secretly used Harry's wand to shoot the Dark Mark, so Crouch released her. She is free now." Mr. Weasley said in a kind of voice Said in a nonchalant tone.

"Then..." Hermione wanted to ask further, but was interrupted by him. "Okay, don't talk about this now, just go back to the bedroom and sleep for a while. If this happens, you should leave here when you wake up."

When Mr. Weasley led the children away, Hermione immediately walked into Harry and Ron's bedroom and chattered about tonight's events.

Isabel couldn't help the spirit of gossip and used magic to transmit their discussion to the living room. Questions such as the possibility that Malfoy and Goyle's fathers were Death Eaters, the origin of the Dark Mark, students around the world, and where Winky would go, all fell into her ears.

However, Chen Bin and Kate were also a little sleepy, so they didn't have the energy to stay vigil in the living room with the Naamas, and went straight back to their respective bedrooms to take a nap.

After only a few hours of sleep, Chen Weiguo woke them up.

Isabel used magic to put the tent into her backpack, and then Mr. Weasley led the group to leave the camp as quickly as possible.

Mr. Robert stood at the door of his little stone house, waved goodbye to them in a daze, and said a vague "Merry Christmas."

"The painting style is really weird." Kate nervously held Chen Bin's hand, thinking that if she decided to return to Muggle society on Christmas Day in the first grade, she would not know whether she would get the consequences of Mr. Robert in the future.

"He'll be fine," said Mr. Weasley as they strode toward the swamp. "Sometimes, when a man's memory is altered, he can be a little confused for a while... and let him forget. It’s such a big thing.”

They passed through the bustling crowd and learned the situation from Basil, the besieged portkey keeper. They had no choice but to line up obediently and got an old tire before dawn to wear back to Stoat Mountain.

"It seems that too many adult wizards have not mastered apparation, or are unable to bring their children with them to use this magic." Isabel muttered to herself, causing dozens of wizards to glare at her. However, when they saw the beauty's appearance and identity, they all changed their expressions to gentle expressions.

The name of the British Naama family has transcended national borders. It doesn't work well in Eastern and Central Europe if you offend her at any time.

"Most of them come from all over the world. Have you ever heard of anyone who can apparate across continents?" Chen Bin rolled his eyes at his mother and followed Mr. Weasley.

(д): "Binbin is itchy?"

(): "Believe it or not, I called Mr. Weasley daddy?"

Σ(д|||): "You are cruel, my mother surrendered."

Chen Weiguo and Kate found the mother and son in the stall quite tiring. Chen Bin didn't speak softly, he only spoke when Mr. Weasley spoke, just to ensure that he couldn't hear.

That is to say, everyone (including Chen Weiguo) also knew that Chen Bin was teasing Yisha, but only Yisha and Arthur did not know. Chen Bin had long told his handsome dad that Yisha had written the prophecies in his mind into seven storybooks since he was a child, and regarded the three protagonists in the stories as little idols, so his handsome dad had long known that his wife's anomaly was basically chasing stars. .

In the early morning light, the group passed through the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole and walked on the wet path back to the burrow outside the village.

They turned a corner and finally the Burrow came into view.

This is Weasley's home. It obviously does not meet the specifications of wizards, but for Isabel, it is full of surprises. It is full of magical animals and magical items. It is also the most warm and affectionate place she has seen in movies since she was a child. The wizard's home.

Isha came here last year to pick up Ron for a vacation at Nama Castle, but she had fantasized about every corner here more than a hundred times in her previous life.

The Burrow was at least four stories high and was built crookedly. It was definitely built by magic. There are ghouls in the attic and goblins in the garden. Like other wizards' homes, there are a variety of magical equipment and clothes here.

The garden features trees coiled around the base of the walls, overgrown weeds and overgrown turf, a large pond, and a swarm of goblins. If too many guests came, they would have dinner in the garden.

There is also a shed on one side of the garden, which is filled with Muggle items collected by Mr. Weasley, such as batteries or discarded technology products. There was a Ford Anglia parked in it before.

Isabel's eyes were filled with stars, and her mind was filled with childhood memories. Although she had been here last year, her mind was already filled with the text descriptions here:

"Ron's room is at the top. You need to go up to the fifth platform through a narrow staircase, just below the ghoul loft. The walls and sloping roof of his room are covered with orange Chadli cannons. A poster of the team. And his sheets were a bit old, with the logo of the Chudley Artillery Team printed on them: two black letters "C" and a flying cannonball. There was also a fish tank in the room with frog eggs, and a Deck of automatically shuffled cards, etc. There was a sign on the door that said "Ron's Room".

Percy's room was on the second floor, with a window looking out onto the garden, and he spent a lot of time in it. While at Hogwarts, he spent long hours writing letters to his girlfriend Penelope Crevat, and stayed here after graduation to complete his work at the Ministry of Magic - writing reports.

The twin rooms are on the third floor. They often conduct magic experiments in the room, often hearing explosions and noises, and also inventing many interesting and dangerous gadgets. When Molly cleans out their room, she finds a stack of orders from students for their fake wands and magic candies.

Ginny's room was on the third floor platform, and Hermione slept here with her during this period. The room was small but well-lit, with a band poster of The Weird Sisters on one wall and a picture of the female Quidditch captain on the other. There is a table in front of the open window. Sitting here, you can peek at Harry playing Quidditch in the garden. "

"Mom, come in -!" Chen Bin shook Yisha's arm vigorously, finally calling her soul back.

He didn’t have much feeling for this house that was built in complete violation of the laws of physics. The crooked appearance seemed to be blown down but it could last for more than twenty years. Apart from the achievement of “tearing off the lid of Newton’s coffin” There is really nothing else that makes Chen Bin worthy of aspiration.

"Well, Bin Bin, Go-Go-Go-" Ishara took Chen Bin's hand and trotted forward impatiently.

Mrs. Weasley was waiting in the front yard, obviously not expecting so many people to come back together.

She ran to her husband's arms while still wearing slippers, and nervously described the horrific scenes in the Daily Prophet and the photos of the Dark Mark with a pale face.

Then, her eyes were red and she hugged the twins tightly, causing the three of them to bump their heads.

"Ouch! Mom, you're going to strangle us!"

She hugged each other for a while, and finally spotted Naama's family behind everyone.

"Welcome to my humble home, please come in this way." She warmly greeted Yisha into the front yard, and then gestured to Chen Bin and the three of them to come together.

Since the space in the kitchen was too small, Arthur used magic to move a large table and round chairs to the yard.

Several underage wizards kept talking about this "thrilling" journey, and actually passed the Quidditch match off.

After everyone shared their experiences, Mrs. Weasley became more enthusiastic about Isha. She didn't know that the children would live well without Isha, but the fact now is that Isha protected a group of little wizards.

Arthur was reading the newspaper, his face darkening with anger. "I knew it would be written like this. The Ministry of Magic is criminals have been is extremely poor..."

He saw the end of the article and discovered the reporter's name: "It is indeed Rita Skeeter."

Percy also angrily complained that this woman was specifically against the Ministry of Magic and found fault with everything.

"Okay, Percy." Bill said, yawning, "Stop talking."

However, Arthur's name was also mentioned in the newspaper, and rumors were spread without naming names, implying that Arthur claimed that no one was harmed after the Dark Mark appeared, but someone later found several bodies lifted out of the woods.

Mr. Weasley handed Percy the newspaper angrily. "Oh my gosh, no one was hurt. The body was just a rumor! That's what she likes to write. Molly, I'm going to the office. This needs to be cleared up."

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