Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 141 Catalina’s “Divination”

Hearing that Snape might not be able to defeat him, Sirius felt mentally balanced. "I didn't expect Aaron's mental age to be twenty years old."

Lupine was speechless. This guy's mental level might really be stuck at twenty years old, and those twelve years in Azkaban were really wasted.

After a day of studying, Harry finally got through those boring classes.

In the herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout introduced that the pus from the papaya tuber can cure acne. Of course the female students were delighted, but Harry didn't even have a pimple.

Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures course is a nightmare.

Outside the cabin, there were many boxes that made strange popping noises, filled with Explosive-Ended Skrewts of unknown purpose. He also heard that Hagrid planned to expand the breeding of these smelly monsters and treat them as a year-round research topic.

Although Harry and Hagrid are good friends, he still agrees with the students' words: "Who wants a pet that can burn, poke, and bite people?"

The two classes in the afternoon were the subjects that Harry enjoyed the most. Last year, the "Divination" classroom with its fiery and weird sweetness became very warm. The curtains are all open, and there is no need to light many lamps wrapped in shawls, making the whole classroom clean and bright, with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Harry and Ron passed through the neatly arranged chairs and futons and sat down at the original small round table. However, he was the only one left at this table, and his original deskmate became everyone's "Divination" teacher—Professor Katerina Naama.

"Hello, I will be your teacher this year." Caitlina smiled shyly and said with a pure girl's voice: "Students who copied my homework last year, please don't fail this year."

As soon as these words came out, almost all the students smiled bitterly. Last year, Chen Bin didn't teach a few classes on this subject. Instead of asking for leave, Dumbledore had to designate Trelawny as the tutor. Therefore, Trelawny's one-on-one guidance to Catalina was almost all arranged during the time after class, and was also scheduled to be staggered with Professor Chen Bin's extracurricular activities.

The result of this arrangement was that it took Caitlin one year to complete the "Divination" course for grades three to seven, and she also learned a lot of Trelawney's unique skills, otherwise she would not let Caitlin Na teaches alone.

(Zha Bin said: I am just a parallel import prophet, so what?)

Therefore, the "Divination" homework for the third grade last year was as simple as the homework for the third grade of elementary school for Katerina. Therefore, almost all students (except Hermione) would plagiarize their homework in the name of the instructor.

At first, Caitlina naively guided them on how to produce textbook results, but over time, she saw through their true nature, so in addition to completing her own paper, she would also write an additional paper for her classmates to copy the core content of the exam. .

"Okay, this year we will study star charts and the trajectories and signs of celestial bodies." Katerina clapped her hands to attract the attention of the students: "The movement of planets and their mysterious signs are two completely different academic disciplines. , both are also very profound. If you miss two classes, you may not be able to catch up. Therefore, before the end of each class, I will distribute the handouts for the next class to everyone to preview the content. When class comes, you can tell everyone what they don’t understand. The main points.”

She paused and saw that her classmates were not deserting, so she continued. "In these two classes, I try to use Muggle textbooks to explain the basic principles of celestial motion. You don't need to pay too much attention to some of the terms. I just want you to have a general understanding. You may not know that although Muggles It is impossible to understand the mysterious signs of the movement of celestial bodies, but their understanding of celestial bodies far exceeds ours..."

As Katerina's soft and clear voice sounded, Harry felt himself falling into the mysterious space. A lot of knowledge about the universe that he had heard in elementary school was brought up again, and many wizards' views were incorporated into it, which made him feel that "Divination" might not be as bad as Chen Bin said, and could be lively and interesting.

When students from pure wizarding families couldn't understand, Caitlina would use magic to enlarge the poster on the table and paste it on the wall to simulate this complicated operation.

Unknowingly, these two lively and interesting sections of "Divination" ended in the blink of an eye.

Before the end of get out of class, Katerina handed out the handouts for the next class and said: "There are no homework in this class, but at the beginning of the next class, you need to memorize the trajectories of the nine planets and some simple celestial images. This Although it is very boring, if you cannot remember these things, you will definitely not be able to catch up. Therefore, students who have no impression of celestial bodies can get a copy of the operation chart after class..."

Harry and Ron merged into the flow of people going downstairs and walked towards the auditorium.

His ears were hearing that Ron was planning to research some money-making stuff this weekend, but in his mind he was thinking about why there was such a big gap between people.

Obviously we are all of the same age, but Katerina and Chen Bin are so mature, no matter in appearance, thought, behavior... Well, in terms of behavior, Kate seems to be more mature than Chen Bin.

We are all fourteen years old, but we are already professors.

Kate's teaching style is like a meticulous nanny, completely solving all students' questions within the limited class time, and preparing knowledge points for the next class in advance for everyone to review in advance.

Although Chen Bin's teaching method is very simple and crude, he does not miss every knowledge point that should be explained, and uses various methods to force students not to forget the key points that must be tested. Basically, except when he is in a bad mood, Xiao can teach everything without the students having to do homework at all.

The most important thing is that the knowledge of the two has also reached a terrifying level. There is almost nothing that they cannot do, except for what Chen Bin said that he cannot get pregnant on behalf of a woman.

After thinking about it, they arrived at the auditorium.

Ron showed off to Hermione today's wonderful "Divination" and how there was no need to do homework. "So, it's a pity that you gave up this subject. Whether it's interesting or not depends on the professor's teaching method, not the content of the subject."

"Professors who don't have self-confidence dare not assign homework. She is afraid of correcting papers that are too good." Hermione gritted her teeth again.

Not wanting to irritate her, Harry quickly changed the subject and said, "Do you have a lot of homework for Arithmancy?"

Hermione replied cheerfully: "Professor Victor didn't leave any homework!"

Harry: "..."

Ron: "..."

"This guy doesn't treat people well at all." Ron indicated with his eyes.

Harry's eyes answered: "I can't agree with you anymore. (I can't agree with you anymore.)"

While waiting in line to eat, there was an episode. Goyle came with the "Daily Prophet" and teased Ron's father for getting into trouble.

The chaos caused by special correspondent Rita Skeeter's coverage of the Quidditch World Cup in the newspaper has not been settled to this day, and even Mr. Weasley's name was misspelled when criticizing his bizarre behavior.

Ron trembled when he heard this, and almost hit the bastard, but Harry dodged the trick taught by Chen Bin.

He patted Ron on the shoulder hard and said loudly: "What? Are other people's children envious of your dad being in the newspaper? Oh my god! This is obviously causing trouble for Mr. Director. What is there to be envious of?"

"Who said I was envious?" Goyle asked angrily, while Crabbe behind him was squeezing his fingers to make a threat.

"If you're not envious, why would you come here with a newspaper to ask for credit?" Harry said lightly.

"We are here to laugh..." Gore was about to roar, but was interrupted by a louder noise.

"Sons of former Death Eaters!" Harry shouted loudly: "Have you finally openly admitted that you are reading the Ministry of Magic's joke? Are you so impatient to follow the same path as your fathers?"

As soon as these words came out, all the students in the auditorium turned to look over. Hermione and Ron didn't expect Harry to suddenly turn on the troublemaking mode, so they could only stare at him blankly and fight against two.

"You...what are you talking about?" Goyle was not used to being stared at by so many pairs of unkind eyes. There were too many people whose parents and relatives had been tortured or even killed by Death Eaters.

"Look at the records of the Wizengamot!" Harry's shout spread throughout the auditorium, and if that wasn't enough, he even planned to use the Loud Curse. "Your father begged the Ministry of Magic thirteen years ago to let them go and not put them in Azkaban because they were under the Imperius Curse to do such stupid things. So he begged the Ministry of Magic to treat them like shit." Just let it go! What? The evidence is solid! Your father also wants to beg the Ministry of Magic. Will his son challenge the authority of the Ministry of Magic today?"

"You, you, you..." Not only was Goyle speechless, but the big man behind him, Crabbe, also felt a little weak in his legs.

"Get out!" Harry shouted, and the two of them immediately rushed out of the auditorium in a pissed off manner.

"They're going to starve tonight," Hermione gloated.

"Thank you, Harry." Ron said touchedly.

Harry waved his hand. "Sit down quickly, or the professors on the stage will go crazy."

After dinner, Ron came to the activity room of the "Martial Arts Society" and talked about the conflict vividly.

After hearing what happened, Chen Bin said in broken French: "It's such a pity that there is no part about Draco being turned into a ferret by Moody."

"It seems that Malfoy's fate has really changed a lot." Caitlina answered in fluent French.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked warily.

"It's nothing, work hard, I will add 10 points to Gryffindor." Chen Bin said this, but in his heart he thought: "I just want to guard against you."

Chen Bin had noticed that there were some phonetic symbols in the girl's textbook. Although he didn't understand much of it himself, these were probably Cantonese or Hakka phonetic symbols. Obviously, she did not give up after being tortured by Katerina's language, and really planned to learn the Chinese dialect.

Therefore, Kate studied French with Chen Bin, who was learning Ukrainian and Russian with her. Haha, as a result, Kate got the hang of it quickly, and Chen Bin still can't speak the numbers fluently in French.

Don’t think that just because he understands French, he will be able to speak French numbers well. This is only because the way of expressing French numbers is so weird! Take 97 as an example. In Chinese it is pronounced ninety seven, in English it is ninety seven, but what about French? The answer is - 4X20+10+7, which is pronounced as quatre-vingt-dix-sept, which is "4 20, 10, 7"!

Although Chen Bin can't speak, he can remember most of the common expressions and grammar with the help of the Philosopher's Stone, but he stutters a lot when speaking.

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