Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 150 Three Witches Competition

Seeing Chen Bin yawning, Dumbledore said helplessly: "I suspect that although the original version of Lich Transformation disappeared with the demise of ancient Greece, this black magic that originated in Africa is likely to spread to Ancient Rome. Then, Rome went through countless wars, which caused the inheritance of this less practical black magic to be discontinued on the European continent. Only the isolated island of Britannia retained the original version."

As soon as he said this, Chen Bin gave him a summary: "Old sir, do you want to say that Voldemort made reference to the original version of the Lich Transformation Technique, and then improved the despicable Haierbo version of the Horcrux production method?"

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded.

Chen Bin complained in his heart that he complicated the matter in one sentence, but asked: "But, what's the use of knowing what documents he referred to? Can't it be enough to destroy all the Horcruxes?"

Dumbledore sighed and said calmly: "To defeat your opponent, you must first understand him. Aaron, can you find for me the original Lich Transformation Technique left in the UK?"

"Ding - trigger a special mission: find the original version of the Lich Transformation Technique." Chen Bin dubbed the scene in his mind, talked secretly with the old man for a while, and quickly agreed to the request.

Then, he walked outside the walls of Hogwarts, picked up his mobile phone and called Holly Taylor.

"I want you to search the British Museum for any Egyptian artifacts with ancient writings that were lost between 1938 and 1981, whether they are originals, copies, or photographic records, and I want any African Lich Transformation Techniques related to the original versions. "

Chen Bin agreed so readily just because he wanted to slap Dumbledore in the face. Since he himself would also question the ancient records in medieval manuscripts, would Socket Nose, who was more cautious than him, leave his life to a manuscript whose authenticity was difficult to distinguish?

If a medieval wizard accidentally copied a spell by mistake, copied out a principle, or even misspelled or mistranslated a meaning, wouldn't Voldemort be afraid to create an improved Horcrux that would take his own life based on the wrong documents?

Therefore, he was more inclined to believe that Voldemort had found the real artifact containing the Lich Transformation Technique.

The entire European wizarding world can no longer preserve this ancient cultural relic, which does not mean that it does not exist in Muggle society. Didn’t the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets plunder ancient civilizations around the world? Voldemort was born in a Muggle orphanage, so how could he not know that the British Museum contains a large number of antiques from various civilizations.

Since Dumbledore couldn't be found in the wizarding world, Chen Bin of course had the Muggle authorities in mind. Regardless of whether the pyramid is a fake or not, the British army may indeed have found real cultural relics among the Egyptian people, which may have included the original version of the "Lich Transformation Technique".

Throughout the afternoon, the students also used magic to clean the castle spotlessly. Many dirty portraits were scrubbed clean, and even the doors and ceilings covered with old stains were brand new.

This made Filch once again worship Chen Bin like a god, because he knew that Lao Deng's decree was inspired by Chen Bin - students are also part of Hogwarts, why should Filch and his family support everything? Elf processing?

Therefore, when the students returned to their dormitories to change, the clean auditorium had been decorated with new decorations, including huge silk banners hanging on the walls, each representing their respective house: a golden lion on a red background (Gryffindor). ), the bronze eagle on a blue background (Ravenclaw), the black badger on a yellow background (Hufflepuff) and the silver python on a green background (Slytherin).

The most dazzling banner behind the staff desk is the Hogwarts coat of arms that combines a lion, an eagle, a badger, a snake and a capital H.

The last class at Hogwarts usually ends at or before five in the afternoon, depending on whether the professor will delay the get out of class. Of course, some classes are also designated to start in the evening, such as "Astronomy."

On this day, the students would rather sit in the classroom and finish the afternoon class than clean up for a long time and then queue up in front of the castle to receive guests from afar.

The students' feet were a little sore from standing, their cheeks hurt from the wind, and their faces became listless. They wished that the representatives from the two schools would arrive early and finish early so that they could finish their dinner quickly and then go to bed.

[Note: Professor Naama has made an unexpected announcement: All club activities will be suspended starting today. 】

"Weasley, put on your hat." The drugged Professor McGonagall began to scold any students who were disheveled, and she was forced to take off any inappropriate accessories.

It was a cold evening, and the trio stood in the fourth row from the front, yawning together with the students.

"It's almost six o'clock," Ron said, looking at his watch. "How do you think they'll come? By train?"

"Why don't Bin and Kate come here to greet them?" Harry asked puzzledly.

"Do you think a terminally ill cancer patient can't think of a reason to convince the principal?" Hermione asked.

The two of them thought about it for a while, and felt like "what you said makes sense, but I am speechless."

When everyone was wondering how the friendly forces would enter, a huge thing appeared in the sky above the Forbidden Forest and flew towards the castle.

"It's a dragon!" the junior student dreamed.

"It's a plane!" the Muggle-born student shouted.

"It's a UFO!" Harry said in a cold joke.

All the students also cast contemptuous looks at him.

Finally, a giant pink-blue carriage landed in front of them. It was as big as a house, but twelve giant silver-maned Pegasus horses pulled it down from the sky.

After an earth-shattering noise, the students still managed to escape the carriage's attack.

The wizard in light blue robes jumped out of the car first and opened a golden spiral staircase from the floor. A tall woman who was a little taller than Hagrid walked out of the carriage first. She was greeted by applause from her classmates, with Dumbledore leading the applause.

The tall old Deng would never be able to kiss her cheek even if he stood on tiptoes, so he just kissed the back of the giantess' hand.

When Chen Bin saw this through the mirror, he was no longer interested in reading any more. "Kate, wake me up if you see them approaching the auditorium."

"Okay, dear." Kate kissed him on the cheek, took the mirror to see when Durmstrang's wooden boat would emerge from the lake.

When Chen Bin was awakened, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's group were about to arrive at the auditorium. He and Kate immediately pretended to be diligent, moved four chairs to the teacher's desk, and told everyone with their actions: "I am not lazy."

Of course, the principals and students of the two schools would not understand why the students here looked at the male professor on the stage with contempt.

Chen Bin thought to himself, it's hard to change a person's personality, so just don't change it. It's quite fun to be a lazy person.

As Durmstrang's students entered the warm auditorium, they all took off their heavy fur cloaks. Chen Bin noticed that the short-haired student among this group of people was extremely popular, and he should be Krum, the ball catcher of the Bulgarian national team.

After all the students were seated, Chen Bin and Kate once again blended into the faculty and staff, walked to the guest of honor seat and sat down.

"Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, ghosts, and - especially - distinguished guests." Dumbledore said while looking at the foreign students with a smile. "It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that you will find yourself comfortable and happy here."

A Beauxbatons girl still wrapped her scarf tightly around her head and let out a sarcastic sneer.

"Is she Fleur?" Katerina was too far away from the girl to see her clearly.

"Probably so." Chen Bin wasn't too sure. "Her character was really arrogant at the beginning."

"Character?" Kate tilted her head, confused.

"Well, don't pay attention to such strange words." Chen Bin smiled and said nothing, facing the dinner with silence. God knows if he played too much and changed the plot, so that Lao Deng would have the intention to kill him.

The auditorium was a little more crowded than usual, and the school uniforms of different colors could be seen on the stage in sharp contrast with the black robes of Hogwarts.

Durmstrang's uniform is red inside, while Beauxbatons' uniform is pink and blue. It's okay for girls to wear pink and blue, but it's a bit eye-catching for boys to wear this color.

Ignoring some minor incidents and strange dishes at the banquet, Filch finally handed Dumbledore a box studded with jewels at the end of the banquet.

"This year, Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman have reviewed the details of the competition," Dumbledore said, placing the box on the table. "They also made many necessary arrangements..."

The more interesting he was, the more interested the students in the audience became.

Finally, he took out the wooden goblet in the box, which was filled with blue and white flames. Then, his words finally aroused the students' expectations.

"...Throw the parchment into the goblet..."

“…You can sign up within twenty-four hours.”

"...Tomorrow on Halloween night, the Goblet will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet will be placed in the hall..."

"...Draw an age line. No one under the age of seventeen can cross this line..."

"...Once a warrior is chosen by the Goblet of Fire...a magical contract that must be observed..."

Chen Bin caught Lao Deng saying these key points while half asleep, and then sat directly until the end of the dinner, and then was awakened by Katerina.

"I see that Dumbledore wanted to scold you a few times." Kate and Chen Bin walked side by side to the dormitory.

"Who told him to talk to me for five or six hours last night? Just because the old man is not sleepy does not mean that my child is not sleepy."

"Now you're a child again?" Kate has become accustomed to Chen Bin's super shamelessness.

The next morning, the auditorium was decorated with Halloween decorations, including magical bats that had remained unchanged for thousands of years flying around on the ceiling and hundreds of little pumpkins leering at everyone.

The twin brothers were still full of beards and were sent to the infirmary. But the students in the audience were still discussing how to bypass the seventeen-year-old restriction in the Triwizard Tournament.

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