Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 158 First Level: Fire Dragon’s Eggs

This was a joke Chen Bin made casually while watching a movie last year, but Hermione never thought that this scene would happen to her.

"You are a good person, and you will always be my good friend." After Hermione handed out a good person card, she immediately broke away from Harry's arms and rushed back to the girls' dormitory with a blushing face.

However, as a straight man, Harry did not know the meaning of the good guy card and continued to mutter to himself: "Bin said that girls are thin-skinned, and you will soon be like Kate and get used to falling in love in front of everyone... "

Before dawn the next day, Chen Bin was woken up by Lao Deng. He came to Chen Bin's living room with a plate and showed him the conversation between Harry and Hermione last night.

"Aaron, you are more experienced in this area. How can we change their relationship back to its original state?" Lao Deng was really anxious. If the two become lovers or turn against each other, then all prophecies will be invalid.

"You're not messing with me..." Halfway through Chen Bin's words, he felt Lao Deng's cannibal eyes staring at him, as if to say: You kid has seduced Hermione's heart and you have this series of changes. Could it be that you Don't you have any idea in mind?

(▔ω▔): Since I am the original one, then should I go back to China?

Chen Bin responded to Lao Deng's eyes with his appearance.

"Tell me, have you figured out how to solve it?" Lao Deng said dissatisfied.

(灬ω灬): "Children, whoever you love one day will like someone that day, and they will soon become friends again."

Seeing that this dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Lao Deng had no choice but to go back angrily.

"Bin, is he gone?" Kate poked her head out of Chen Bin's bedroom, her face flushed.

"Well, continue to sleep." Chen Bin walked back to the bedroom and closed the door heavily.

In the next two days, Sirius took the initiative to discuss with Harry that Karkaroff was once a Death Eater, but he managed to escape by betraying his accomplices after the fall of Voldemort. However, in order to repay Hermione, Harry was also thinking about how to break through, so he was not interested in this information at all.

He even ignored Sirius's hints that the match might be a conspiracy.

Chen Bin and Kate also took him aside and planned to teach Harry how to overcome this problem, but Harry, who was in the advanced stage of the disease, refused. "I can't accept your help. I want to win for Hermione, but I know she doesn't want me to win with Kate's help."

"Then, if Kate doesn't teach, let me teach you." Chen Bin continued to suggest.

"No," Harry said decisively.

"Why?" Chen Bin asked puzzled.

"Nothing." Harry didn't let them continue and ran away quickly. He had the nerve to say in front of Chen Bin that Hermione had scolded him for obeying Chen Bin's opinion in everything and having no independent opinions?

"What should we do now?" Kate turned her head slightly, as if everything was starting to get out of control.

Chen Bin shrugged and said, "Then let Fake Moody teach you!"

In the past few days, Chen Bin paid special attention to Harry and Hermione and discovered a strange phenomenon. Harry began to be courteous to Hermione, but Hermione did not dare to accept him, but she would not alienate him.

"She's not going to withdraw her troops, is she?"

"Withdraw your troops?" Kate mistakenly thought that her Chinese proficiency was not good enough, and shook her head to express that she did not understand.

"Well, this is a Cantonese word. It means that some girls know that some boys like her, but they don't fall in love with him or keep a distance from him, and let these boys surround her and show their attentiveness. This picture is like in our country Like a goddess called Guanyin, there are many soldiers surrounding her, but she can only be accepted by the goddess as a soldier."

Kate thought for a moment, then burst into laughter. "You think too much. Hermione has no friends at all except Harry and Ron. If she doesn't stay with Ron, she can only stay with Harry. She sat next to the girls that day just to talk to you about their Question, haven’t you seen that she doesn’t get along with those girls at all?”

Chen Bin is sweating at the waterfall! Kate just glanced at them, and she still firmly remembers the atmosphere and everyone's expressions that day.

Chen Bin instantly put on a sincere expression and said kindly: "Why doesn't this girl sit next to Ron?"

Kate saw Chen Bin's weird expression and rolled her eyes at him angrily. "She wants the two of them to return to their original friendly relationship, but she doesn't know how to do it. If she avoids Harry now, she's afraid that Harry will have random thoughts and even think that the two of them will boycott him."

(ω): “Girls’ ideas are too strange and I can’t understand them.”

(_): “Would you like me to buy you some reference books?”

(д.): "There is a trap in your words. I just need to understand what you think. Why do I need to understand what other girls think?"

(`)**: "You answered correctly and I will reward you tonight. Sailor suit, right?"

(): "Blonde sailor suit high!"

Finally, on the morning of the competition, Harry, with the help of Hermione, skillfully used the flying spell that the fake Moody had prompted him to learn, and he could also summon his professional competition-grade Firebolt broom.

Katerina also taught a lesson on "Divination" in the morning, and after lunch she became one of the warriors of Hogwarts.

"Potter, now the warriors are going to the field below... You must be ready to complete the first project."

Professor McGonagall walked to the staff table and said a little embarrassedly: "Professor Naama, you are almost ready to go down below."

Chen Bin told Kate with his eyes: Could this guy be embarrassed?

"Professor Naama, are your eyes sick?" Mag glared at Chen Bin, then put a smile on Kate's face and said, "Professor Naama, I'm not talking about you."

Katerina pressed Chen Bin's hand that secretly took out the image stone, and whispered: "Don't make trouble, come with me quickly."

Abbot Chen was dragged away by Kate. It was true that one thing could cure another.

McGonagall comforted Harry along the way, but everyone saw that she was just as nervous as Harry.

The group of people walked around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the location of the fire dragon. A tent blocked the fire dragons, and the entrance of the tent was facing them.

Professor McGonagall gave Harry a few words of advice and then led him and Kate to the entrance of the tent. As her boyfriend, Chen Bin couldn't go in, so he had to go back to the staff channel in front of the stands to wait for the game to start.

After a while, the first warrior to come out of the tent was indeed Katerina, and what she had to deal with was still the silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus.

At this time, Chen Bin also became suspicious. Logically speaking, the drawing of lots was random. Even if Caitlina replaces Diggory, there is a high chance that the random draw will be disrupted. For example, the order of speed can affect the result.

However, he didn't delve into it. Maybe Kate deliberately imitated the original plot.

When Katerina walked out of the tent, Chen Bin obviously saw her looking around nervously. It wasn't until he saw Chen Bin waving his arms in the staff passage that the girl calmed down and walked briskly past the trees and through the trees. A gap in the field fence.

A huge viewing platform was temporarily built here, like an enlarged version of a bullfighting venue, rising upwards in steps. In the center of the field is a huge Swedish Brachysaurus. Its roar gives the audience a powerful conflict, coupled with the ferocious expression on its face, slender and violent eyes, sharp teeth and sharp dragon claws Wait, it completely surpasses the ferocity of all beasts.

To put it bluntly, if he was hit by his tail, an adult wizard would immediately return to Merlin's arms.

Knowing it was so dangerous, why did Chen Bin let Kate participate? Is behind all this the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature?

It was Caitlin who could easily defeat it.

The fire dragons in this world are not some mythical beasts that fly to heaven and earth every second, but are large reptiles with extremely high magic resistance, some of which can fly or breathe fire. However, no matter how high the magic resistance is, it is useless if it cannot hit Caitlina.

Kate has been practicing Chen's boxing for more than two years. Although she has not mastered the true energy and has almost no martial arts talent, her basic moves are also very solid, not much worse than Chen Bin's previous life.

Therefore, in the past month, Chen Bin had stopped infusing magic power and switched to infusing blood spells, cheating to inflate her energy to the level of an adult martial artist, which was the level Chen Bin had last summer.

Even if she hasn't developed any dangerous intuition, the melee-type fire dragon is a torment to an adult martial artist.

Katerina carefully walked to a stop twenty meters in front of the silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus.

The Brachysaurus roared menacingly at her, causing screams in the stands.

"Look!" Bagman shouted loudly, "Our first warrior is about the same age as Harry Potter..."

Chen Bin thought the commentator's voice was too loud, so he used magic to block the sounds around him. He had to watch Kate's game intently. If anything went wrong, he would be able to kill the fire dragon first through the white smoke and light skills in time, instead of putting all his hopes on Lao Deng's apparation.

If a Death Eater takes this opportunity to attack her, Chen Bin and Lao Deng will kill him in advance. This is the reason why Chen Bin promised Lao Deng to let Kate compete - to ensure that she is 10,000% safe!

Kate stood twenty meters away and bowed to the fire dragon. Then under everyone's doubtful eyes, she pulled out a wand in each hand.

The fire dragon once again let out a shocking roar in the air, but Chen Bin had blocked it, so he couldn't hear it.

Kate used the wand in her right hand to shoot the petrifying spell at the fire dragon, but it could only slow down its movements slightly. However, this was enough. She then raised the wand in her left hand and aimed it for a moment, then shot out a very small beam of white light with all her strength, directly penetrating the fire dragon's eyes.

There was no more, the Brachyrhinosaurus was hit by a shot of infuriating energy and lay down directly, its brain was roasted by the beam of rays, and it could not die any more.

Chen Bin knew that the overall situation had been decided, so he removed the whispering spell around him, but the surroundings were still silent.

It wasn't until Catalina slowly stepped forward to take out the golden egg that Bagman, who acted as the temporary commentator, remembered to continue commenting. Only then did the audience on the stage recover from the shock and let out loud cheers.

In history, there is really no record of an underage wizard slaying a dragon alone, but Caitlina did it. Well, the two of them in Chen Bin's mind are already adults, so no one has broken this record yet.

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