Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 172 The little-known history of magic

The wizarding society of Olympus rebelled and became the leader of the Roman Republic, and ancient Greece fell.

The Roman mythology system does not have legends about the battles between gods like in Greece. Instead, humans play the main role, and the gods only occasionally intervene, all because wizards have become aloof and behind-the-scenes leaders.

Under the leadership of the magical community, Rome is thriving, and its political system, territory, military, economy, agriculture, handicrafts, language, literature, law, philosophy, culture, historiography, natural science, architecture, etc. are all developing steadily.

The public bathhouses, water supply and sewerage systems alone transcended the later Dark Middle Ages.

With so many institutions that benefited all Roman citizens and municipal projects that benefited their descendants, why did the Roman Empire eventually collapse?

According to the history books compiled by Muggles, Rome, which practiced slavery, gradually lost its fighting power, slaves appeared to collude with barbarians, and the Huns came from the east. After several attacks, they were unable to recover.

In addition to secular wars, there were also wars in the magical world at that time. The well-fed wizards engaged in factional warfare and ignored civil wars in the secular world. In just 50 years, 26 people were named emperors by the Senate.

Roman wizards had long been intermarrying with Muggles, and their combat effectiveness had steadily declined, and factional wars had raged for more than a century.

Quality is declining; quantity is disappearing.

After the fierce battle, this group of wizards continued to conflict intermittently for centuries, either burning down the castles of the opposing factions or cutting off the inheritance of others.

Is this cruel?

Even more despicable tricks are poisoning the wizard's partners to render them infertile, and attacking their children so that their magic power gradually escapes.

Eventually, the secular civil war ended with Constantine I, who inherited the status of sole emperor, moved the capital to Byzantium, and named it New Rome.

He resented the wizards for only focusing on factional wars, which caused the world to suffer, and he plotted a "witch hunt plan" from then on.

The new Roman emperors of the past dynasties also invested massive manpower and material resources in researching methods to conquer wizards, and eventually shared the results with the later Holy Roman Empire.

It was this loose Holy Roman Empire that overturned the aloof magical world of Western Europe. In this dirty and dark period, they formed a secular alliance, allowing the knights to launch the first witch hunt in history with their numerical superiority, body and faith power.

This inefficient and backward feudal system is the nemesis of the magic world. Even if the wizards assassinate the emperor, administrative units such as kingdoms, principalities, counties, and cities continue to hunt for witches. Kill all the baron's family members, and if there are any side branches, go to the top. If there are no side branches, just use the original subordinate knights.

There is no supreme leader and no unified command. It is like a group of starfish that can survive even if it is cut off everywhere.

The wizards who have been fighting among themselves for centuries have declined in strength and are far inferior to their ancestors in Olympus.

Hogsmeade was founded around 990, and its builders settled here to escape Muggle persecution.

Hogwarts, which was built at the same time as the village, also set up magic that cannot be mapped to protect teachers, students and the school from external harm.

External harm from continental European wizards? No, they are backward and barbaric Muggles.

The Holy Roman Empire was established in 962, and it took a generation to establish an anti-witch system, unleashing the witch-hunting power of the secular coalition. It takes exactly 35 years from birth to become a qualified knight, which is very close to the founding history of Hogwarts.

Witch hunting spread from the heart of Europe to England.

In secular history, witch-hunting wars began in the 12th century. To be precise, the blockade of information was given up from that time.

The establishment of Beauxbatons at the end of the 13th century marked a time when French wizards turned from offense to defense, because if wizard children were no longer protected, the French wizarding world, which was the hardest hit by witch hunting, would collapse.

Witch-hunt was originally the hunt for witches. In the early days of the war, the proportion of hunts for wizards and witches was the same. It was not until the publication of the witch-hunting manual "The Witch's Hammer" by Heinrich Kramer and Johann Sprenger in 1487 that the entire European society targeted women for witch-hunting.

The book declares that "the devil knew that women loved physical pleasure, so he used the pleasure of The birth of a wizard.

The commonwealth knows that the purer the bloodline, the more powerful the wizard's magic. As long as witches continue to be killed, the bloodline of the magic world will continue to deteriorate and their combat power will continue to decline. This trick did accidentally kill many Muggle women, but it was really effective.

From the moment the International Statute of Secrecy was signed in the 17th century, almost all pure-blood families were more or less mixed with Muggle blood, otherwise they would not be able to pass on the family.

The reason why the British magical community has become the strongest single magical community in Europe is because of its advantageous location.

The Knights focused on purging wizards from the European continent, so they did not invest many troops in Britain. Many desperate wizards also fled to remote areas like the British Isles. The British wizarding world also established the earliest orthodox magic school to protect underage wizards, so that they can protect themselves, learn to hide better, and know stronger means of counterattack.

Therefore, it is not that the proportion of monks born in China is too high, but that the West has attacked purebloods too hard.

Also, the Eastern monk community still maintains the concept of having more children and giving birth to more pure-blood children. Even the blood of mixed-blood monks is stronger than that of ordinary wizards.

Adding these factors together and multiplying them by China's population base will result in China's quantity exceeding the world's and its quality exceeding the rest of the world except East Asia.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, in Sweden, which ended the witch-hunting war earlier, King Gustav II armed his army with spring-loaded firearms and achieved excellent results in the Thirty Years of Muggle War, making the linear The tactics attracted the attention of all Europe.

After the "International Secrecy Act" came into effect, European countries embarked on the road of committing suicide and gradually installed firearms, replacing the traditional knight training and national mobilization system.

Then came the familiar colonial era of strong ships and cannons.

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