Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 177 Second Level: Rescue the Baby Underwater

The next morning, Harry went to the Great Hall for breakfast surrounded by people and accepted the admiration of all his subjects. This was the bet that George and his party made with him. Before the game, he would enjoy the cheers of the people like a king, but if he couldn't pass the customs today and go back, he would be everyone's slave.

The results really worked. Now Harry is full of energy, talking and laughing freely, and doesn't feel nervous at all.

Fleur and Krum had been wary of Harry's slut aura throughout breakfast, as if he had suddenly become their strongest rival. As for the warrior who originally sat at the table on the stage, she did not come to the auditorium for breakfast today. Anyway, she and her lover did not come here to eat occasionally.

After everyone had eaten, they walked along the lawn to the sunny venue.

It's cold here, it's even colder underwater, and continuous diving makes it even colder.

However, the four warriors have already overcome this problem.

The auditorium of the Fire Dragon Level has been moved here, and people are gradually filling up all the seats. You can also see the reflections of rows and rows of spectators on the lake.

Krum, Fleur, Catalina and Harry stood at the referee's table, looking at the five referees sitting on golden chairs, waiting for them to announce the start of the game.

Old Crouch still didn't come today, and his place was taken by Percy Weasley, who was looking at Harry with encouraging eyes. On the contrary, Ludo Bagman, who had secretly supported Harry, became lifeless, like a bankrupt businessman.

This guy was forcibly auctioned off tens of thousands of assets by Naama's financial and legal team, and almost went bankrupt. Moreover, if the plot remains unchanged, he should be forced to flee to the end of the world by the remaining gambling debts at the end of the semester.

Now he came among the warriors and made them line up on the shore ten feet apart.

Krum and Harry were also wearing swimming trunks, Fleur was wearing a jumpsuit similar to a wetsuit, and Caitlina was still in her original mature professor attire, even her robe and shoes were not taken off.

Everyone was amazed, and even Ludo Bagman was kind enough to remind the warriors to prepare their equipment for the competition, but Kate just took out the wand like the other three, and held one in each hand.

Everyone was speechless.

Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and said, "Resonant voice!"

His voice was like thunder, reaching across the dark lake to every corner of the stands.

After two opening remarks, he immediately stated the rules for the hour and then counted down: "One...two...three!"

As soon as the piercing whistle sounded, enthusiastic cheers and applause broke out in the stands.

Krum fell into the water first and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fleur created a transparent air bag on her head, and until she jumped into the water, it was revealed that her silver hair was not stained by any water.

Harry looked at Kate next to him and saw that she was still doing warm-up exercises and singing an unintelligible foreign language ballad in a low voice.

"Kate, aren't you going down yet?" Harry asked easily as he had already done enough training.

"Bin told me to warm up well before entering the water, otherwise he would be angry after the game."

Such an innocent explanation left Harry speechless, wondering if she was here for an outing?

After the two waved goodbye, Harry jumped into the water and immediately formed fish gills behind his ears, toe webs between his fingers, long fish tails stretched out from his feet, and a very streamlined fish fin shot out from his back.

This is a partial deformation technique that he can maintain the best performance with his current magic power. After a group of senior students researched the most flexible underwater shape, precise swimming posture, and powerful explosive power, it has completely become the best underwater biological template. .

After successfully transforming, he held the wand in his mouth and disappeared with a swish, much faster than Krum and Fleur.

They disappeared into the water, and a giant translucent light curtain rose on the lake. Each of the four split screens inside showed a warrior. Among them, Caitlina, the only one on the shore, waved towards the light screen, which made people on the stage angry. A crowd of fans were chanting "Katrina I love you!"

Abbot Chen is not on stage, otherwise all the students will suffer again!

After more than five minutes of warm-up, even Lao Deng couldn't stand it any longer and used a subtle cough to remind Kate to get into the water quickly.

He used some unknown technique to make the coughing sound reach Kate's ears.

She turned back to look at Lao Deng. Lao Deng nodded to her, but his eyes seemed to be shouting: Get down quickly!

Kate knew she couldn't delay any longer, so the wand in her left hand suddenly turned into a Transformer, and with a few clicks, it turned into a wooden propeller full of technology.

In front of the ergonomic handle, a three-blade propeller similar to that used in an airplane extends out. To the left and right of the handle are two wings with spoilers and flaps. Above the handle is a vertical stabilizer with a rudder.

This is exactly the shape of a propeller plane. Just add a little magic and the propeller will start turning immediately.

It took Kate a week to learn this extremely complex transformation spell, and another two weeks to master it. If you add a levitation spell to yourself, you can really fly with this thing!

Everyone on the stage and the five judges also exclaimed, can magic still be played like this?

Of course Chen Bin came up with this method. It's hard to find a squib specialized in aviation, and there may not even be one in the world. But if the monks administration and the government tell them, there will be dozens of drawings for you to choose from overnight.

This transformation spell does not require much magic power. The main reason is that the attached space of the wand contains enchanted wood of the same material as the wand and 999 hairs of Isabel. It is basically a quasi-alchemical product.

Kate placed an iron armor spell on her hand to prevent her body from extending into the propeller during battle, and then wrapped a layer of oversized air bubbles all over her body, leaving only three-quarters of the magic power to power the propeller.

After nearly two minutes of preparation, she slowly walked into the lake, then lay flat on the water with her left hand holding the propeller straightened.

Everyone finally understood why she didn't even need to take off her robe and shoes, because she was surrounded by a large olive-shaped bubble, with a layer of the same iron armor spell attached to the outside of the bubble.

The moment the propeller turned, she disappeared from everyone's eyes at a speed several times faster than Harry.

In the four storyboards on the light screen, the background around Caitlina was receding very fast, so fast that no one could clearly see the environment behind her. Not only that, there was a large lighting group in front of the propeller, illuminating the water dozens of meters ahead as bright as day.

She quickly circled around the lake, then gradually narrowed the search area and headed in a spiral shape toward the center of the lake.

Everyone soon understood that she had no intention of searching haphazardly by trying to get lucky, but instead quickly conducted a blanket search. With a lighting range of tens of meters wide, this spiral approach towards the center of the lake could only go around a few times, and quickly searched most of the bottom of the lake.

In less than ten minutes, Kate's fighter jet had already passed by the underwater camera tracking the other three warriors. An invisible high-speed bubble flashed past, disappearing so quickly that they couldn't even see what it was. .

The expressions of these three warriors on the split screen amused the audience on the stage. No one expected that Klum's shark would have a human expression of surprise on his head. Fleur, who looked like a goddess, showed a ghostly expression. Her limbs were so scared that she was almost petrified. Harry Flying Fish even stared and made a mouth shape. , prompting the students on stage to dub him: "What?"

Kate transformed into an underwater battle queen, and any aquatic creatures had already stepped aside before they saw her figure. The sound of the propeller, as if the water was being stirred up by a ferocious beast, and even more terrifying than the ferocious beast, frightened fish, shrimps, crabs, giant squids, super giant squids, and even Grindylow and mermaids into trembling, and they all hid. Near the rock wall to avoid being accidentally killed.

[Note: Grindylow - a water monster tamed by mermaids. They have horns, are light green all over, and have very long fingers. Although these fingers are quite powerful when grabbing things, they are easily broken. 】

A few minutes later, Kate discovered a large rock appeared in the turbid lake water in front of her. On it were painted many mermaids holding spears chasing giant squid.

She immediately slowed down after passing by the stone, but there was no mermaid singing as described in the book. She didn't know that all the creatures in the lake also regarded her as a big devil. They all avoided her like a snake and a scorpion, and they had long ignored this bad game!

She cruised slowly at the speed of human swimming, passing over the rough stone dwelling, and floated towards the window curiously. She was so frightened that a pair of iron-gray hands stretched out from the house and closed the stone window tightly, and there was still a rumor inside the house. to the sound of dragging heavy objects.

This little girl guessed that they were blocking the doors and windows, but she didn't understand why they were doing this? When she turned around and looked around, the neighbors immediately stretched out their gray hands to close the windows, and the sound of heavy objects being dragged could be heard from everywhere.

Since the mermaid didn't want to see her, she stopped looking for these creatures.

She walked through the gardens of some shacks and waved to little Grindylow who was chained in front of the door. The little guy rolled his eyes and fainted in fright.

When the audience on the stage saw this scene, they all laughed. No one thought that this beautiful human creature would turn into a world-destroying beast in the eyes of the mermaid.

Kate patted the little guy, made sure it was not in danger, made an apology gesture to it, then turned along the road and finally came to the square of the mermaid village.

The surrounding houses still had their doors and windows blocked, and there wasn't a mermaid anywhere as far as the eye could see, let alone any singing.

Kate cruised to a rough and huge mermaid statue and saw the game's rescue target tied to the tail of the statue.

She was stunned for a moment when she saw these four people, and then burst into laughter. This close-up smile appeared on the light screen and instantly fascinated many boys, causing some of the single boys to bear the wrath of their girlfriends.


"Scumbag!" (Please find an English synonym yourself)

"Just masturbate yourself! Don't look for me again!"


"Don't fight, I was wrong!"

Kate, who was at the bottom of the lake, didn't know that she had unintentionally become the boys' goddess. She was waving to Chen Bin.

Chen Bin and Ron were tied to the left side of the stone statue, and Hermione and Qiu Zhang were tied to the right side. Only Chen Bin was awake.

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