Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 181 Honor duels are not uncommon

The most famous one is "Tycho Brahe without a Nose". He was a Danish nobleman and astronomer. His father was an important figure in the Danish royal court. However, this guy had an affair with another nobleman in 1566. Arguing and eventually losing part of the bridge of his nose in a duel.

More recently, Abraham Lincoln, the commander-in-chief of the American Empire, was challenged to a duel by his political enemy Silsty in 1842 and he trained hard on swordsmanship. In the end, he was spared his life because he had shrunk his eggs and did not attend the appointment. He was no longer cautious. Provoking anyone, thus gaining the temper of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and becoming the commander-in-chief.

That is to say, from ancient times to the Middle Ages and until modern times, all conflicts involving family or personal honor in Europe were resolved by duels. Whoever dares not to fight will be despised by the world. Is this quality worthy of arguing with others about reputation?

Therefore, even though the current legal system in the wizarding world is getting closer to modern society, its laws do not prohibit honor-related wizard duels between individuals and families.

Individual duels are simpler, and few people do it anymore, because the residents of the magical world now also have a good sense of law.

However, when it comes to honorary duels between families or groups, there is really nothing you can do about it and no one can stop it. If a weak group relies on the protection of the law to slander a powerful group, and the Ministry of Magic or the Wizengamot dares not to give the powerful group a fair verdict, the only result will be a wizard duel, and it will be a fight to the death.

If even this kind of duel is banned, rebellion and civil war will immediately break out in the magical world! In particular, the combined forces of pure-blood families will definitely rebel, because the Ministry of Magic can no longer protect their interests, especially the glory of their ancestors and the reputation of their families. Even pigs and dogs can jump to the head of their families. Go wild but can't have a fair fight?

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic and newspapers have never dared to name which family or person did something bad without evidence. Of course, if the family or individual is poor and weak, it would be a different idea, or the person has always had a good temper.

However, the good-tempered old Deng wants to challenge organizations such as the publishing house to initiate an ancient wizard's duel on behalf of Hogwarts. Even the Ministry of Magic cannot prohibit it. The premise is that he must first initiate a lawsuit against the Wizengamot and then lose the lawsuit.

Not to mention Lao Deng taking over two publishing houses by himself, it is possible to even take on the Ministry of Magic.

The result was that it took the Aurors a long time to find the witch who sent the dangerous letter, and she was convicted at the speed of light. One was sentenced to 10,000 gold galleons, and the other was ordered to sweep Diagon Alley for two months. Yes, this is already torture in the wizarding world. Should she be locked up in Azkaban for this trivial matter?

As for Rita Skeeter, she was sentenced to fifty thousand galleons as the slanderer. She wanted to appeal to the Wizengamot and plead to the Hogwarts board of directors, but Chen Bin had already revealed that she was an illegal Animagus. Now she is destined to go bankrupt, and there is a high chance that she will be imprisoned in Azkaban, because Chen Bin has connected many bizarre Muggle death cases with beetles.

This shit plate made her a dangerous person and she couldn't go out on bail. These cases must have insufficient evidence in the end, but this period has already made the bastard ecstasy, physically and mentally exhausted, and she had to watch her assets be forcibly auctioned off as Hermione's compensation after losing her job.

Although Hermione and Chen Bin avoided talking about it, such a big move was a good hint, telling Hermione not to worry about the change in this line.

Everything returned to normal, and life continued like this. Chen Bin still does morning exercises every day, breakfast, practicing Lao Deng's transformation experience, lunch, making sandbags, dinner, guiding the club, taking a bath, kissing the well-behaved and sensible little Kate, and so on.

Before you know it, Easter has passed.

During this vacation, Anastasia took a rare long vacation and returned to Crimea, so Chen Bin had to take her place to inspect the activity room.

When she really came back, Chen Bin saw that her face was darker than Mr. Bao's every day, almost like a dynamite keg. She refused to tell the reason, so Chen Bin had to turn to her cousin "Dmitri" for help, and Dmitri wrote to the parents of the clan.

Finally, when the results were delivered to Chen Bin, the guy laughed shamelessly.

I don’t know if this violent woman was seduced by Chen Bin. She followed her family’s arrangement and went on a blind date during the holidays.

This public face is the result - screwed up.

She failed in the blind date because she complained that the family was poor, the family was ugly, and the chauvinism...

Chen Bin said haha!

Her cousin is doing better and better in China, and a large number of European wizards in the company have introduced their daughters to him, and the newly hired graduate girls are also showing off their enthusiasm for him. It's a pity that people like the busyness of this position. They fly around every day to invite squibs to join, buy start-up companies and buy shares. On the surface, they are European golden-collar executives, but secretly they are agents of both China and Naama.

In order to vent the failure of the blind date, the violent cousin took the initiative to take over some practical training tasks, which made all the students cry for father and mother. From then on, the students knew that this beautiful administrator who had been working as a salted fish for more than two years was actually a real combat leader.

Chen Bin didn't know if she was considered a boss, but this big girl joined the local Auror organization after graduation and worked until she joined the Naama family. It was absolutely refreshing to abuse the students.

On the other hand, since Hermione no longer has to worry about the line of Rita Skeeter, she has also devoted herself to the crazy practice of the three life-saving subjects, and she has been showing off in simulated battles every day, even in May. In the last week, he defeated Professor Sprout and shocked the jaws of all the teachers and students in the school.

Pomona Sprout is the professor of Herbology. Even though she seems to have little presence, she is the dean of Hufflepuff College and a serious boss-level fighter.

Chen Bin was also shocked when he played back their battle process.

Hermione, who comes from a pure Muggle family, has actually improved her magic power in the middle of fourth grade in the past six months to a level very close to that of an adult wizard. According to common sense, the descendants of pure Muggles usually have 10-25% weaker magic than pure-blood families. In other words, if there were no accidents, Hermione would have already reached the upper limit of her bloodline and made more than one bloodline breakthrough in the past six months.

Not only her magic power, but also her combat skills have improved dramatically, and she also led a team of more than thirty people to separate and surround two professors. Then, she recited the leg-locking spell in her mouth, shot the spell in her hand and stopped immediately, and at the same time interfered with Professor Sprout's sense of danger. As a result, Professor Sprout blocked the curse and stopped, but was restrained by the leg-locking curse.

Under normal circumstances, ten Hermiones would not be able to hit one of Sprout's hands, so it was just Sprout's carelessness in the vegetable abuse activity. However, she didn't expect that three consecutive intervention spells would be shot from Hermione's hands, leaving her to focus on removing a series of small obstacle spells. She didn't expect that a tabby cat would actually throw away her wand.

This cat is not Crookshanks, but a creature transformed by Hermione using the Transfiguration Spell. The truly magical cat does not know how to bypass the wizard's transparent shield. Most of Hermione's magic power was also used in this tabby cat, so she could only shoot some small intervention magic.

In the end, she took Professor Sprout's pseudo-curse wand and shot a beam of green light to kill her. Yes, this counts as her defeating a dean-level figure with her own hands. Who knows that in the new rules, only the green light emitted by the pseudo-curse wand is considered a killing curse.

Many people were not convinced that Hermione had defeated Dean Sprout by relying on a loophole in the rules, but the Dean also admitted that he had lost. Moreover, in the other two simulated battles, even if Hermione leads even the weakest partners, she can completely destroy the opponents in the cross-level melee. She can also assist the teacher in keeping at least 60% of the students alive in the classroom assault defense battle. Go to a safe spot.

Now, although Hermione was not the strongest fighter among the students, her survival rate and victory rate were the highest in the school. Even George and Fred had to admit defeat.

Some people say that she uses potions several times more than normal students, but even if others use potions several times more than her, they still don't achieve this result. She is not the only student who buys black market potions and herbs from the Weasley brothers. As long as they are the top fifty students in the school, they also buy some. Even some scumbag students can only be killed without using a large amount of potions. share.

Therefore, Hogwarts turns a blind eye to non-lethal potions and non-dark magic potions, mainly because Lao Deng hopes that they can use up all their learned combat power in real battles. Therefore, as long as there are no side effects, the use of drugs is not prohibited.

In late May, at nine o'clock one night, Bagman announced the third project on the Quidditch pitch. The court is no longer flat and smooth, but has been replaced by numerous low walls, forming an intricate maze.

The rules of the third event are very simple. Whoever gets the trophy placed in the center of the maze first will be the champion. The original rule was that getting the trophy was a perfect score, but Lao Deng suggested to the other four referees to change this rule.

Everyone thought there was no difference between the two, so they passed it. Only Chen Bin knew that this change was to facilitate the fake Moody to let Kate and Harry touch the trophy at the same time. Otherwise, even if they both win the trophy at the same time, Catalina will still be in first place, and the fake Moody's argument for being a double champion will not stand.

"There will be many obstacles here." Bagman, who was about to go bankrupt, lost his original cheerfulness and said weakly: "Hagrid provided a lot of animals... and some spells that must be lifted... and things like that, you guys Got it. Also, the Warriors who lead in scoring enter the maze first.”

After a pause, Bagman smiled at Harry and Caterina and said, "So, the order of entry is Miss Naama, Harry, Mr. Krum, and finally Miss Delacour. But you all have to work hard to succeed." , it depends on your ability to overcome obstacles. It should be fun, right?"

After Harry heard this rule, he began to immerse himself in training. Even after the club activities, he even started sparring with Hermione and Ron in the common room.

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