"My wand is in Caitlina's hand." Harry suddenly asked Professor McGonagall for help as the two were about to leave.

Fake Moody said before Mag could speak: "Narma, give him the wand back. Don't get angry with the child."

Kate didn't argue and threw the wand directly to Harry.

The two professors took the two warriors away, leaving Kate and Harry looking at each other.

"You can't beat me, and I don't want to give up the trophy, so let's get it together." Kate continued to induce him.

Harry seemed to be engaged in a fierce mental struggle. After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Did Bin ask you to win the championship? Why? To you, this competition is just a child's play, why must you win?" Are you going to fight with me?"

"I will tell you the reason in the future. Now you have only two choices. One is to become a double champion with me, and the other is to lose the chance of the championship. Then you cannot use this trophy to express your love to her."

Catalina did not forget to tease Harry at this moment, keeping his face red.

Eventually, Harry gave in and roamed the maze with Caitlina.

"Wait a minute, let's cast a spell first." Kate didn't tolerate his objection at all. It took nearly a minute to cast a spell, and each of them was cast a super powerful spell.

During the process of blessing the spell, Harry felt a slight needle-pricking sensation on his skin. Can you imagine how much powerful magic this requires?

"What spell did you cast?" Harry was curious about the answer.

(*ω`*): "Waterproof and moisture-proof spell. What I'm most afraid of is sweating and getting stuck on dirty things. This magic can ensure that we won't be afraid of any disgusting things shot by monsters."

"..." Harry was speechless.

The big spider is here, bound to his knees by Kate's full-body binding spell; the squid is hypnotized; the giant scorpion is shot away by the water cannon; the unicorn is hostile to them, so let it fall into the illusion and spin …

In short, Harry had no chance to take action during the whole process, watching the extremely powerful magical animals kneeling under Kate's cherry wood staff one by one.

They often hit dead ends at first, but the further they go, they almost never encounter an alley again.

"How did you do it?" Harry turned his head and asked curiously.

"What?" Kate asked a little disapprovingly.

Harry added: "How did you avoid the alley?"

"The closer you get to the central area, the less space you have to build alleys. It's better to make some small roads that can easily make people fall into an endless loop." Kate paused, seeing Harry's look of disbelief, and then explained: "Also , the more hutongs you encounter, the more you can feel the designer’s thinking, which can be summarized into eighty-seven tips and more than forty precautions. Do you want to listen?”

"Pretending..." Harry muttered something, but rolled his eyes to the sky.

"What are you talking about?" Kate asked with a kind smile, which scared Harry and quickly changed his words: "You have been with Bin for too long, and you are becoming more and more like him..."

"Are you just pretending?" Kate continued with a smile, which made Harry tremble: "No, she is becoming more and more knowledgeable like him."

Kate nodded with satisfaction, and Harry rolled his eyes again wildly as he turned back to the front.

When they were walking on a long and straight path, a giant lion with a woman's face appeared in front of them, which was the Sphinx that required guessing to pass the level.

Without thinking, Harry bravely stepped in front of the sphinx.

"You're very close to your goal. The quickest way is through me."

"Tell me, how can we get through?" Harry asked easily.

"..." The Sphinx froze, as if she didn't expect someone to be so direct in waiting to answer the riddle. "Answer my riddle. Once you guess it right - I will let you pass. If you don't guess right - I will pounce on you. If you don't answer - I will let you go away without hurting you."

"Say it!" Harry said confidently.

The sphinx sat on her hind legs in the middle of the road and said: "I will be short when I am old, but I will be tall when I am young. What am I?"

Harry gaped at the sphinx, as if he didn't believe it was the riddle.

"Candle." Catalina replied.

"Match." Harry answered.

"You answered wrong." The Sphinx glanced at Harry, but did not pounce. "Luckily the lady next to you got it right first."

"How could a match be wrong?" Harry retorted dissatisfiedly, but the Sphinx asked even more dissatisfied than him: "How could a match be short?"

Caitlina couldn't help but laugh when Harry and the Sphinx had different interpretations of polysemy. "This is the magical world, okay? Matches are a modern industrial product. Matches were only invented in Europe in the 19th century, even later than lighters."

This cannot be blamed on anyone. The first "Transfiguration" lesson at Hogwarts was to turn matches into needles. Who would have guessed that the old-fashioned and strict Professor McGonagall was using Muggle products to practice on the new students?

If they were not acquaintances, no one would go out of their way to find out that McGonagall grew up in a Muggle village before entering school, and would not resist using Muggle items at all.

Harry blushed, unable to argue with her words.

"You can pass." The Sphinx smiled kindly at Kate. She stood up, straightened her front legs and moved them to the side.

"Thank you!" Kate walked to the other end of the passage and stood behind the Sphinx, waiting for Harry to continue solving the puzzle.

Fortunately, the second question was just as simple: "What has eyes but can't see?"

But Harry thought for nearly a minute before he came up with the correct answer: "Needle."

The two of them also passed, but Harry whispered: "It's not that it took me so long to figure out the answer. I was thinking about whether there is something older than sewing needles... I don't know that the magic world uses No need for sewing needles…”

Harry's mood was a little low, but Kate's words of comfort had no effect, and then the two stopped talking.

After walking for two or three minutes, a spider that was even bigger than before jumped out and sprayed silk at the two of them.

"Fire is blazing." Kate's wand sprayed out a large ball of flames and burned away the spider's silk. The big spider was so frightened that it quickly hid aside and was then tied up with a full body binding spell.

Harry walked up to the trophy without defeating a single monster in the entire process.

"Let's take it together!" Although Kate's tone was calm, she still took two deep breaths.

Harry looked at the trophy nervously, then looked at Kate and said, "I'll take it alone, you and Ben don't have to face them."

Kate looked around for a moment, and after confirming that there was no invisible person nearby, she walked up to Harry and asked in a low voice: "Hermione told you the prophecy in the room, right?"

She looked at Harry's nervous expression, smiled slightly and said: "But this is our fate, we can't escape it."

"You and Bin didn't appear in the prophecy at all." Harry lowered his head and muttered: "This is not a fate you need to bear."

"I chose, that is my destiny." Kate pulled him to the trophy and said firmly: "Ready, three, two..."

Harry reached for the trophy at the same speed as her.


Kate and Harry each grabbed a handle, and they suddenly felt their navels being pulled. However, they still held the handle of the trophy and made a spatial leap with the whistling wind and rotating colors.

When their feet touched the ground again, the two of them had arrived in a strange cemetery.

Kate shook the trophy and motioned for Harry to put it down as well.

"Is this the place?" Harry asked in a low voice in Kate's ear after putting down the trophy.

Instead of the castle and the hill, it was surrounded by an overgrown cemetery, with the black outline of a small church on the right and a hill on the left. There is also an old abandoned house on the mountain.

Kate nodded and didn't say much.

Obviously, the two of them knew that the trophy was a door key, and that the next step was Voldemort's resurrection ceremony.

Kate took out her wand and waved it. Harry immediately raised his wand knowingly and scanned the surroundings with her.

Soon, someone came from the darkness.

The figure was approaching them step by step among the graves.

It was already night, and the two of them couldn't see clearly the appearance of the person opposite, but the person was obviously walking with something in his arms.

His legs were weak and he walked with a limp. He wore a hooded cloak that covered his face.

The distance between them continued to shrink, and Kate and Harry could clearly see that the man was holding an extremely ugly baby.

At this time, Harry looked at Kate, but she was nervous and on guard, not even looking at him.

The man stopped in front of the tombstone, just six feet away from them, looking into Harry and Kate's eyes.

Suddenly, Harry was holding the scar on his forehead, a look of pain on his face, and didn't even pick up his wand when it fell to the ground. He covered his face with his hands, bent his legs and fell to the ground, and did not continue to look at the figure in front of him.

A cold voice said: "I want that woman."

A burst of invisible magic invaded...

"Petrificus Totalus!"

There was no light or abnormal sound, and Katerina fell to the ground, her whole body stiff.

Petrifying everything is a simple curse, but if this magic is cast by a powerful wizard, it is not something that ordinary students can instantly remove with a spell.

Harry stared blankly at Catalina's face and her blue eyes. He moved slightly, but his whole body could not move. He still maintained the movement of raising the staff and lay on his side.

The cripple in a cloak had already put down his baggage, lit his wand, and was dragging Harry, who had lost his wand, towards the marble tombstone.

Before he was pushed around and his back hit the tombstone, the name on the tombstone was "Tom Riddle."

The lame man used magic to conjure a rope and tied Harry's whole body to the tombstone, with only his head exposed. He struggled hard and the man hit him - the hand that hit him still has intricate scars.

Harry knew who was inside the hood, it was Fake Moody, Crouch Jr.

"It's you!" he exclaimed.

But the fake Moody didn't answer and was busy testing the firmness of the rope. When he was sure that Harry could not struggle, he walked away excitedly.

Harry said nothing the whole time, and couldn't see where the fake Moody had gone. The range of his turning head was also limited, and he could only look straight ahead. Caitlina was still lying on her side twenty feet away, her face facing Harry.

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