Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 213 Umbridge vs. Hermione-Round 1

After a few minutes, more and more students noticed Hermione reading different books, causing small eye contact.

At this time, Umbridge also discovered a problem.

"Dear, do you have any questions about the content of this chapter?" She approached Hermione's table, staring at the textbook that shouldn't be here.

Hermione looked up into her eyes and asked in mock surprise, "No, great. No doubt at all."

"Oh, we are reading "Theory of Magical Defense" now." Professor Umbridge showed her small, pointed teeth and said in a little girl's voice: "Please recite the fifth page of "Theory of Magical Defense" to me. text to ensure that you are reading books that are not related to this lesson before fully understanding the text.”

"This is last year's sixth-grade textbook. I'm comparing the differences in concepts between them." Hermione was telling lies with her eyes open.

"Oh~" Umbridge made a long, ecstatic note and said with disdain: "Do you think that a fifth grader can tell the difference between the two?"

"You just have to study it if you don't understand it." Hermione replied not to be outdone: "Just as the great professor of this year completely rejected the author of "Confronting the Faceless Enemy" and chose "Theory of Magical Defense" written by Wilbert Slinka "Volume five to seven are designated textbooks. I think this professor must agree very much with Chapter 34 of this book: Non-retaliatory means and negotiation. I heard that the Ministry of Magic supports this book as a designated textbook, which means that Professor Umbridge also Do you think the Ministry of Magic deserves to negotiate with Voldemort by non-retaliatory means?"

When she said the last name, she deliberately made a long note, and all the teachers and students except Harry shuddered.

Professor Umbridge trembled twice and then raised her eyebrows. "May I have your name?"

"Hermione Granger," Hermione said.

"Well, Miss Granger, I think my rules are very simple, that is, no books for non-undergraduate subjects are allowed in the classroom, and close the book for me immediately." Professor Umbridge said with a firm voice. , said in a coquettish tone.

"Confronting the Faceless Enemy is one of the original textbooks." Hermione said bluntly: "I don't think it is irrelevant to the subject."

There was a brief silence, and many students in the class also stared at the confrontation between the two.

"You are very clever, you want to use this method to anger me." Professor Umbridge chuckled and repeated: "Oh, Miss Granger, I only approve "Magical Defense Theory" to appear in this class now, any other The books are also banned, do you understand?"

"That is to say, do you use your actions to prove that you want to completely deny the book "Confronting the Faceless Enemy"?" Hermione also smiled politely and asked: "If you want to list other books as banned books, please write it on the blackboard Supplementary fourth..."

Professor Umbridge's fake smile disappeared and she reprimanded coldly: "In my class, students who want to speak must raise their hands first. You are——"

Hermione followed her instructions and slowly raised her right hand.

Professor Umbridge smiled even more kindly and turned her back to Hermione.

The students also knew that she was going to be a monster again, but they were helpless against her.

Harry was about to explode, but Hermione stopped him.

After Hermione put down her hand, Professor Umbridge's loose eyes stayed on Harry for a moment, then she turned to Hermione and said: "What, Miss Granger? Isn't there something wrong with you? Why? Want to put down your hands?"

"Yes." Hermione said: "I raised my hand to answer you, I have no problem, but you turned around super fast. Since you have turned around, I shouldn't waste my energy, no ?"

Some students couldn't help laughing. Hermione's words were obviously an irony that she was avoiding the students' questions and only knew how to do small tricks. She didn't look like a professor at all.

"Are you a specially trained education expert from the Ministry of Magic, Miss Granger?" Professor Umbridge asked in her sickly sweet falsetto voice.

"You already have your answer -" Hermione replied.

"You only need to answer yes or no! Miss Granger -" Professor Umbridge interrupted with a livid face: "You are not qualified to judge any subject. I really don't understand who can teach such a bad teacher." Educated people.”

Hermione still responded with a fake smile, showing no anger at her humiliation. Instead, she quietly raised her right hand and waited for Professor Umbridge to call her name.

All this is in line with classroom discipline, and Hermione has previously hinted that Professor Umbridge avoids students' questions.

Therefore, Professor Umbridge did not turn around this time and directly called out: "Miss Granger, what's the problem?"

Hermione said flatly: "You have no right to humiliate my family, so I will remember your offense. Prepare to see you at the Wizengamot."

Professor Umbridge was angry, suppressing her explosive emotions, and said coldly and sarcastically: "I am just stating a fact, you are an uneducated thing."

Hermione raised her hands and said, "The fact that you can say this proves the level of your education."

Professor Umbridge showed a vicious expression and said coldly: "Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor, Miss Granger."

There was silence and silence in the classroom.

Everyone was either staring at Umbridge or Hermione.

"I'm just stating a fact." Hermione continued to raise her hands and said calmly.

"Confinement, Miss Granger!" Professor Umbridge said triumphantly: "Tomorrow evening, at five o'clock, in my office. You deliberately broke the classroom discipline and must be punished as you deserve. Okay, please Everyone, continue reading to page five, 'Getting Started Fundamentals.'"

Hermione raised her hands and said calmly: "You will be punished for abusing your power and maliciously insulting students' parents."

"Double the confinement." Professor Umbridge took a seat behind her podium.

Harry tried to stand up, but was pushed back by Hermione and Ron. The classmates looked at them blankly, and Seamus looked half scared and half curious.

"Harry, no!" Hermione warned in a low voice, tugging on his sleeve. "She belongs to Fudge, don't touch her head-on."

Harry remembered Dumbledore's reminder and finally stopped resisting.

Professor Umbridge's face was expressionless.

She said in that very artificial, gentle, coquettish voice: "Come here, Miss Granger, darling."

Hermione walked past Ron and Harry and towards the podium. The class watched with bated breath as Umbridge pulled a roll of pink parchment from her handbag, spread it out on the lectern, dipped her quill in the inkwell, I started writing in a hurry.

After a minute or so, she rolled up the parchment and tapped it with her wand. The parchment automatically sealed tightly, making it impossible for Hermione to open it.

"Dear, take this to Professor McGonagall." Professor Umbridge handed the parchment to Hermione.

She took the parchment, left the classroom, walked down the corridor to Professor McGonagall's office, knocked on the door and waited.

Professor McGonagall opened the door and saw that her face was stern and slightly tired.

"Why are you here at this time, Granger?" she asked sharply.

"Professor Umbridge thinks that I disrupt the order of the class, so she wants to double my detention, and also asked me to hand this note to you."

Hermione handed the note to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall frowned and opened the seal with her wand, then unfolded it and read.

She read the text, and the further down she looked, the tighter her eyes narrowed.

"Come in, Granger."

Hermione followed her into the office, and the door closed automatically.

"What's going on?" Professor McGonagall suddenly said sharply: "Is this true?"

"Please tell me the content of the letter, otherwise I will not be able to judge the accuracy of its description." Hermione said calmly.

Except for the troll incident in her first year, she had never been severely questioned by Professor McGonagall. However, when she encountered this situation, it was easier than expected - ever since she faced Voldemort.

"Did you really yell at Professor Umbridge?"

"No, this is definitely slander. Please keep this note as evidence in court." Hermione replied calmly.

"You said she was uneducated?"

"No, she told me that she really didn't understand how anyone could raise such an uncultured person. I told her that she had no right to humiliate my family, so I would remember her offense and prepare to meet at the Wizengamot . She said that she was just stating a fact, that I am an uneducated person. Then, I answered that the fact that she could say this proved her level of education. From the beginning to the end, I raised my hand first and then spoke, and I didn’t She said what level of upbringing she had, but instead she slandered my family first."

Seeing that Hermione was speaking calmly all the time, Professor McGonagall also calmed down. "Are you really going to sue her?"

"Yes, the family name cannot be tarnished." Hermione replied calmly.

Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk and looked at Hermione with a frown.

Then she said: "Have a cookie, Granger."

"I'm not hungry, thank you."

Mag didn't dwell on the issue, pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down."

After Hermione took her seat, Professor McGonagall put down the note and looked at Hermione very seriously. "Granger, I don't mean to offend, but you may know that it is difficult for a wizard from a pure Muggle family to successfully sue a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic in the Wizengamot. Also, in school, you have to be careful of her revenge. .So, I suggest you give up this idea."

Her tone was no longer quick, crisp, and stern, but low, worried, and seemed more human than usual.

Hermione didn't answer, as if determined.

"The price you pay for not being disciplined in Dolores Umbridge's class may be far more serious than points deducted from the Academy and detention."

"This is a false accusation. I was not undisciplined." Hermione said calmly.

"Granger, use your common sense." Professor McGonagall snapped, then suddenly returned to her normal tone and said, "You know where she comes from, and you must know who she will report to. "

The bell rang. Above and around them there was also the din of hundreds of students moving around at once.

"It says here that she will punish you with solitary confinement every night this week, starting tomorrow." Professor McGonagall looked down at the note again.

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