Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 216 Crazy Girl Luna

Umbridge pretended to eat breakfast indifferently until it was almost time before returning to her office.

Two classes on Charms were followed by two classes on Transfiguration. Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall both spent fifteen minutes stressing the importance of the O.W.L.s exam to the entire class, and the training in the class became extremely intensive, and a large number of spells were assigned as homework.

Only Hermione did not have to do her Transfiguration homework, as she was the only student to successfully make a snail disappear.

During the afternoon "Care of Magical Creatures" class, the sky was overcast with a cold wind, and everyone walked outside Hagrid's hut, feeling the raindrops on their faces.

Goyle, his girlfriend Pansy Parkinson and Crabbe had been following Harry near him. A small piece of his wand was exposed from the sleeve of his robe, which clearly meant something nefarious.

All this was seen by Hermione, so after alerting Harry and Ron, she also told all the Gryffindor students about the three people's intentions.

Finally, when Hagrid arrives, the class accuses the three of holding wands with nefarious intentions.

Hagrid separated the three people far apart, and threatened that if they strayed and caused any casualties, they would be expelled and sent to Azkaban. Taking away the prestige of Azkaban, the three of them were obviously wilted, and they could only kill Harry thousands of times with their eyes.

The study for this lesson is about a magical animal called the Bowtruckle. They were like little elves made of wood, each with brown, knobbly legs and arms, two branch-like fingers on each hand, and a flat, bark-like funny face. Both have two round little brown eyes shining brightly.

This animal has low attack power. As long as you don't bring it close to your face, you won't be afraid of its claws blinding your classmates. However, Hagrid also asked students in advance to wear goggles and gloves for simulated combat, otherwise they were prohibited from touching the creature.

When the three of them were handed a Bowtruckle to draw a sketch, Harry whispered: "This lesson is not like Hagrid's style at all. This creature is not threatening, and our protective equipment is too good." ?”

"Don't let it struggle, I can't label every part of its body," Ron complained.

"Sorry." Harry pressed it with both hands to stop it from twisting.

Hermione sat aside and looked at the book disguised as a magical beasts textbook, and whispered to herself: "Wonderful... It turns out that this spell can be used in this way, and it is faster and saves magic power... How can Isha's mother do it at ten?" I figured it out when I was seven years old..."

[Chen Bin’s note: Seventeen years old? Haha, I’m thinking too much! 】

"Hermione, hey, Hermione!"

"Ah, what's the matter?" Hermione noticed Harry calling her at this moment.

After Harry repeated the question, Hermione replied: "Dumbledore knew that Umbridge was coming to stir up trouble, so he must arrange security measures for the Magical Creatures class, unless he wanted Hagrid to be kicked away."

This statement is not very convincing, but it is the most likely answer.

This class was completed easily, safely, and without any obstacles.

The door to the greenhouse closest to them opened, and some fourth graders had just finished their lessons, and among them happened to be Ginny.

"Hey," she greeted cheerfully as she walked by, but her eyes were clearly on Harry.

Then, Luna came out behind her classmates, with a piece of mud on her nose and a knot on the top of her head.

When she saw Harry, she was obviously much more enthusiastic than Ginny and rushed over happily. Harry's classmates also looked at them curiously, but Luna only had eyes for Harry and said directly without saying hello: "My dad said you will definitely defeat the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, regardless of the Daily Prophet." Discredit.”

"Um, ah...thank you." Harry said awkwardly. He really didn't care about the newspaper's slander, but Voldemort could really stab him to death with one finger.

While the two were chatting, Parvati and Lavender pointed at the carrot earrings Luna was wearing and laughed in a low voice.

"You guys laugh!" Luna raised her voice and said, not afraid of their ridicule at all. "However, many people used to think that there were no such things as Bubble Snot Monsters and Crescent-Horned Snorlax in the world!"

Hermione stopped looking at her, this was all a farce.

Parvati and Lavender were found by people at the time to say bad things about her, so they were naturally embarrassed to refute.

No one responded, and the atmosphere became even more awkward.

"You don't believe it, but Draco believes me. He has promised to go with me this Christmas to find the Bubble-Snot Monster and the Crescent-Horned Snorlax!" Luna glared at the two girls aggressively, turned around and walked away. .

"Malfoy?" Parvati said in disbelief.

"Dating with her outside of school?" Lavender questioned.

Then they giggled again, obviously not believing that the ancient pureblood head and the heir to the Malfoy family would really fall in love with this little girl.

However, after Harry and Ron looked at each other, they believed it instantly!

"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked doubtfully, unable to fully understand the instant understanding between male best friends.

"You didn't go to the ball last year and didn't see Malfoy and Lovegood become partners," Harry explained.

"Moreover, they danced from beginning to end and kept talking and laughing. They were very compatible." Ron added.

"Σ(Д)⊙⊙!?" Hermione couldn't believe that these two people would really become a couple, and it was weird to think of Draco talking about Bubble Snot in a serious manner, right?

In the next "Herbology" class, Professor Sprout once again emphasized the importance of O.W.L.s.

Except for Hagrid, the stupid guy, every professor also repeatedly mentioned how the O.W.L.s are so-and-so, and what they will do if they fail to pass, and then they have to desperately memorize knowledge and practice repeatedly, and give terrible homework at the end.

After an hour and a half, the students were all exhausted.

Hermione used a descaling spell to eliminate the smell of dragon dung fertilizer from her body, and then arranged her equipment. After lunch, she specially changed into the shoulder schoolbag that Isha sent her. There was a semicircle decoration on the surface of the schoolbag, and she even decorated it with some petals around the hemisphere, forming a beautiful sunflower.

At the same time, Harry and Ron stopped the more familiar students in the Gryffindor lounge and asked them to find friends they could chat with in the club and come to the fourth floor, which is Umbridge's The office floor.

Before the clock hit five o'clock, the corridor on the fourth floor was already crowded. Harry and Ron immediately secretly opened two classrooms to let some students in first.

Soon, Hermione, accompanied by the trembling old man, walked slowly towards the office. When all the students saw them coming, they all wisely made way for them to pass.

The students saw that the two of them were holding the same shoulder bag, but they didn't look like a grandson or a father and a daughter, so they didn't know what their relationship was.

Hermione came to the door of the office. The old man beside her stepped back to the door and gestured to the students to move back and not get too close to the door.

After the old man was sure, Hermione knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in." The witch's sweet voice could be heard through the door.

All the students nearby were vomiting, but no one left. Even the students staying in the classroom squeezed out, because they also knew that a good show was about to take place.

Hermione opened the door, then took three steps back, just over five meters away from Umbridge in the room.

This house is very eye-catching, everything is covered with lace covercloths and tablecloths, and there are several vases filled with dried flowers in girlish styles. There are a large number of plates hanging on one wall, also with brightly colored cats painted on them, with different bows around their necks.

Umbridge was sitting at her desk writing something, but she didn't hear the sound of anyone coming in, so she looked up.

This glance seemed like time had frozen for a few seconds.

"Good evening, Miss Granger." When she saw the girl who came alone outside the office door, she immediately put on a disgusting smile and said in a girl's high-pitched voice: "My dear, what are you doing here? "

Hermione rolled a trumpet with parchment paper, put it to her mouth and said, "Yesterday in class, you ordered me to double my confinement, and notified the Vice Principal of Hogwarts and Head of Gryffindor in writing. Professor McGonagall, from today until the end of next week, I need to arrive at your office at 5 p.m. to implement confinement..."

"That's enough, Granger!"

Before Hermione could finish speaking, the old witch's face turned black with anger, and then she replied softly: "My dear, come in."

"Sorry, the law prohibits this behavior." Hermione continued to play the speaker and smiled: "You are familiar with the Protection of Minor Wizards Act and the protection order of the Wizengamot Supreme Court..."

Umbridge smiled and whispered: "Shut up now..."

"Sorry, please speak louder, Professor Umbridge, I can't hear you."

"One hundred points will be deducted from Gryffindor." Umbridge returned to her original volume this time and smiled: "I have ordered you to shut up immediately, but you have defied the professor's instructions during your spare time."

Hermione fell silent and stood smiling at Umbridge.

The two stared at each other for nearly a minute, and the students hiding outside the gate continued to wait quietly for something to happen.

Even though Gryffindor was deducted a hundred points, the students in this house remained silent and did not say a word. Just this morning, Gryffindor's score has been deducted to negative points. Who is the student in this house who is arguing the most energetically?

"Why don't you speak?" Umbridge smiled.

Hermione made a motion to close the zipper on her mouth.

"What a good student." Umbridge's smile became even more cheerful. "Are you a prefect?"

Hermione put her palms behind her ears and made an inaudible motion.

Umbridge was not irritated by her little move, and raised her voice and repeated: "Are you a prefect?"

Hermione did not nod, but spread out the parchment, wrote a small "Yes" on it with a pencil, and then showed it to Umbridge, who was five meters away.

Not many people understood the little actions of the two, but they just felt that neither party wanted to do as the other instructed, otherwise Hermione would have simply nodded.

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