Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 223 The disappeared D.A.

"What...what do you want?" Umbridge shouted in a low tone, even putting down her writing board and getting ready to look for a wand.

However, Hagrid still stood there and said happily: "I want you to ask again."

Umbridge was silent for two seconds. When she glanced at the mocking smiles on the students' faces, she asked sternly: "Are you the offspring of a hybrid between a giant and a wizard?"

"Haha!" Hagrid did not punch him, but replied with a louder voice: "My father seems to have said this, but I have never seen my mother, maybe? Dumbledore asked me to recite the following when school started Answer, I will read it to you now."

He simply could not tolerate Umbridge's refusal and shouted sternly: "As long as your heart is bright, there is no distinction of blood in the world! In order to climb up in the Ministry of Magic, some mixed-race wizards lied about being born pure blood and even changed their household registration information! She My mother is a Muggle, and I have a squib brother! Bloodline is not shameful, but fabricating family information is shameful. If the evidence is sent to the Ministry of Magic, this person will definitely pack up and get out!"

His voice made the students' ears ring, and also stunned Umbridge.

"Nonsense!" Umbridge yelled in panic, slamming her quill onto the grass.

"Haha!" Hagrid still had a smile on his face and said cheerfully: "I don't know if this is true, but I just thought of this story when I heard about bloodline theory. If you have anything to ask, just ask me. It’s time to go to class.”

The Gryffindor students all cheered, already displeased with this witch. Although the Slytherin students don't like Hagrid very much, they hate this woman even more, at least before she won over Slytherin.

Umbridge picked up the writing board and quill on the floor, and after making sure that Hagrid would not use force, she asked many harsh questions in succession, but was defeated by the humanoid repeater.

"You once had a hippogriff, and it attacked a student and was sentenced to death, right?"

"Its bloodline is pure and there is no fabricated evidence."

"I asked if this happened!"

"I replied that its bloodline is very pure and I did not fabricate any evidence."

"Understood, I can't understand the human language, next question."

"Have you ever been expelled from Hogwarts for illegally raising dangerous creatures?"

"Its bloodline is pure and there is no fabricated evidence."

"Understood, I can't understand the human language, next question."

There were more than a dozen questions, all with the same answer, and many of them even answered the wrong question.

When Umbridge was contentedly preparing to leave, Hagrid continued to smile and said: "Dumbledore handed me the evidence and reminded me to hand this information to the Wizengamot after I am expelled."

Umbridge was so angry that she dropped her writing board and left in a hurry.

Harry and Ron were stunned the whole time. They didn't expect that there would be such a divine answer in this world. In the end, they even threatened to die together with the witch if she wanted to die. The most important thing is that Hagrid didn't need to use his brain during the whole process, and he directly brought out Dumbledore to suppress her.

Hermione, however, saw deeper than they did.

She noticed that at the moment Umbridge turned to leave, Hagrid's eyes flashed with strong hatred, even uncontrollable madness! Every time he heard the question, Hagrid also suppressed the urge to kill in his eyes, only covering it up with a silly smile.

At this time, Hermione was finally convinced that what Chen Bin said was absolutely correct. It was impossible for descendants of the violent bloodline to suppress their emotions through education alone. The giant is a super powerful and violent creature. How can Hagrid not be affected by emotions?

Hermione was certain that the Hagrid they had known since childhood was just showing a side of him, or that they had never angered Hagrid. If he really wanted to go berserk, even a team of Aurors might not be able to suppress him, and even the death curse shot by the Aurors might not have an effect on the half-giant.

"Hehe, it's time for class, hehehe!"

"Yes...yes, yes, yes..." The students all became good babies. Apparently, Hermione wasn't the only one to notice that Hagrid was suppressing his anger.

This week, the pudgy old witch who cosplays a pink girl and is a lover of Kitty (Kitty) has been acting like a monster in Hogwarts!

Appearing everywhere, no one is pleasing to the eye, wherever the witch goes, she is always accompanied by the sound of "hem-hem".

Regardless of students or professors, almost all of them frowned when they heard her making "hem-hem" sounds while patrolling unscrupulously.

The students were disgusted with the new "Defense Against the Dark Arts". Many students also confronted the female witch in class, and were soon retaliated by her. The small device that draws students' blood to punish them for plagiarism quickly spread throughout the castle.

"Hey, Harry, it's almost time for me to ask you to organize the D.A." Hermione suddenly put down the book and joked: "When I think about it, it seems that this is the time for me to persuade you, and then make an appointment when we visit Hogsmeade. I asked more friendly classmates to come out."

"Shh!" Harry looked around and saw that no classmates in the common room had noticed the three of them.

He cast an anti-disturbance spell around the three of them, and then continued: "Isn't this a bit bad?"

"How could you kiss Qiu Zhang without D.A.?" Ron said nervously.

"Nothing happened to Cedric, and he's not her boyfriend. How can I find an excuse to comfort her after the D.A. event?" Harry whispered.

"Superficial," Hermione said scornfully.

"Have you never fantasized about kissing Bin?" Ron said scornfully.

Hermione blushed.

"Qiu Zhang is already interested in you, just find any excuse to keep her," Ron encouraged.

The two boys discussed it for a while, and finally Harry agreed.

Unfortunately, the next morning, D.A. disappeared in this time and space.

No, it should be said that there has never been a D.A. in this time and space, and there will never be a D.A.

During breakfast, Lupine and Sirius also came back. They were dressed in Auror black armor and wore black-faced and red-bottomed cloaks, and they were sitting at the staff table having breakfast with great dignity.

Hermione knew that this equipment was not something that ordinary Aurors could carry with them. Only Aurors on duty could use it during group operations. No need to think too much, this is to reduce the chance of Voldemort and Death Eaters sneaking up on them to seize this super level protective gear.

Umbridge announced a series of disgusting educational orders as usual, but Dumbledore did not agree with a smile, but stood up and announced: "Gentlemen, ladies, ghosts. Tonight, there will be Representatives of the "International Federation of Wizards" are stationed at the military command headquarters. Moreover, they will send defense students to attend the unified military training class at Hogwarts..."

"Hem-Hem..." Umbridge stood up and was about to retort when Dumbledore glanced at her with a frown and said calmly: "Senior Investigator, cover your mouth with a handkerchief when you cough. It's that simple. Do you think your parents or the minister have always tolerated this etiquette?"

As soon as these words came out, the students in the audience burst into applause, and the Weasley brothers even whistled. "This is the harbinger of a power war!"

Umbridge's toad face turned red, but she quickly calmed down and said, holding back her temper: "Principal Dumbledore, you haven't asked for my permission and have no right to arrange for personnel from foreign organizations to be stationed in the school. What kind of militarized courses are being held..."

"This is the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. Have you decided to rebel against the Ministry of Magic with arms?" Dumbledore did not follow her at all, and gestured for her to sit down.

If you don't sit down, the subtext is armed rebellion.

Of course, Umbridge couldn't stand such a big hat.

Her face turned purple, she sat down holding her breath, and the anger in her eyes was about to burst out.

Dumbledore didn't look at her twice and continued to announce the latest arrangements for Hogwarts.

Starting today, students will be recruited into the Civil Security Corps as defense trainees for community early warning, while professors will also serve as instructors of the Civil Security Corps. In the morning, there are still courses from the education department, in the afternoon they are changed to practical classes under the Defense Department, and in the evening club activities and simulated battles are resumed.

However, since the national defense students need training venues, the new teaching building and the newly built command center will become their temporary activity locations, and all club activities will also be moved to the classrooms in the castle.

After one round of explanation, the students understood everything.

The morning was under Umbridge's charge, so it didn't matter if they only taught theory, but the afternoon class was the Defense Department's military training time. The same professors will become the instructors of the Civil Security Corps under the Defense Department. What they teach is not under the jurisdiction of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Umbridge cannot even make irresponsible remarks.

The new Civil Security Captain is Aaron Naama, and the vice-captains are Catalina Naama, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Now the two captains of Nama are also on vacation, so the command temporarily falls into the hands of deputy captains Lupine and Black.

As for the responsibilities of the Civil Security Team, all the students laughed - study hard and make progress every day. What is English? It’s the famous saying “Good good study, day day up!” Rumor has it that Professor Naama drafted it himself, with over twelve inches of annotations proving that its grammar is in line with Old English usage.

In addition to this responsibility, the Civil Security Team must also protect the community during the holidays. Their method is also very characteristic of the Civil Security Team: when encountering a suspicious person, they need to lead a wizard, including themselves, to evacuate the dangerous area and during the holidays. On the first day after the incident, the incident will be reported to the Civil Security Corps so that the Defense Department can obtain the most accurate and rapid intelligence.

To put it simply, it has a complete military establishment and military discipline that is almost exactly the same as the school rules, which is completely different from the education department system. Who can find out that it is not a military organization?

Umbridge held a meeting of the Hogwarts School Board during these three days, asking them to prohibit the Defense Department from using the castle area to establish any civilian troops and military headquarters. As a result, the thirteen school directors happily took out the lease contract issued by the Financial Secretary and paid a total of thirty million gold galleons in rent based on the proportion of each school director's previous capital contribution.

If Umbridge wanted to terminate the rental contract, she would only have to pay fifty times the penalty.

1.5 billion gold galleons, even if the Ministry of Magic is auctioned, it would not be worth this price, and the budgets of each department must be approved by the Financial Secretary.

What made Umbridge hate her most was that the Financial Secretary was one of the school directors, Lucius Malfoy, who was on Dumbledore's side.

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