Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 278 Harry and Hermione

"What's the matter? Do you think there's something in my words?" Kate saw her expression turned ugly and immediately guessed what she was worried about.

"I'm not harassing him anymore..." Hermione lowered her head and squeezed the sleeves of her robe with both hands.

"Hermione." Kate called softly, looking at Hermione softly. "You are my only female friend in the magical world. I know what you are thinking, planning to do, and suppressing. Even the best sisters cannot share their husbands, but we don't want to affect our relationship because of him. friendship.”

"What do you want?" Hermione's eyes glowed with hope, as if she was waiting for Kate to talk about China's "traditional virtues".

"Think too much. Husbands can't share." Kate rolled her eyes at her friend, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"I should have guessed it..." Hermione also shook her head and smiled bitterly, and asked helplessly: "So, what did you want to say when you came out to me?"

A gust of breeze blew across their faces, and Kate coughed awkwardly and said calmly: "It's nothing. I heard what you said to persuade Ron, so I planned to tell you your true fate. You should also guess, The ending and part of the content of the prophecy have been modified."

Later, Hermione did not participate in the class that morning and sat quietly on the lawn listening to Kate's story.

After the two separated, Kate's words were still lingering in Hermione's mind. "You and Harry were originally such a pair of star-crossed lovers. Bin and I just didn't want you to fall into sorrow forever, so we changed this ending. But even Bin didn't expect that this change would make you fall in love with him. Love is an illusory thing. If you always close your perception, even if the right one is always around you, you will always only envy the happiness of others. I have given the decision-making power back to you, you can continue as you were. , or let go of your mind and experience life again. Maybe in two years, you will have a new experience."

From beginning to end, Kate did not ask her to follow the prophecy, nor did she ask her to avoid Chen Bin. She believed that Chen Bin would not waver. Chen Bin and Kate only had each other in their hearts and could not tolerate the existence of anyone else.

Hermione understood that Kate was just turning a corner to tell her not to waste her time, and to persuade her not to deliberately change herself for other boys.

"But...I'm not willing to give in..." Hermione hugged her legs and cried, as if all her efforts over the years were in vain.

"Hermione, don't cry, what happened?" A familiar male voice came into her ears. Hermione looked up and saw Harry, who had fully recovered from his injuries, squatting in front of her.

"It's great to have you back!" Hermione swooped down and hugged Harry tightly, and the two of them rolled down the grassy slope. "I'm worried to death!"

Looking from another angle, Harry looked in the direction under the tree and said gratefully: "Thank you, Sister Isha, Kate."

Looking from another angle, Hermione looked towards the sky and smiled bitterly in her heart: "But I really don't have any feelings for this reckless guy!"

Looking from another angle, Isha squatted under a tree and set up a telescope to record, drooling: "The hero and heroine are the perfect match..."

Looking from another angle, Kate stood behind Isha, her face full of worry, and said to herself: "Why do I think Hermione in this time and space will not fall in love with Harry?"


"Eh? Kate, did you set your SMS to Morse mode?" Isha couldn't help but feel strange when he heard this weak vibration.

(ω): "Oh, we usually set the pair of text messages to this mode for fun. Let's translate the love words in our heads. The one that talks about important things will of course have normal ringtones and vibrations."

Isha: "(_)... It smells so good~ Who called me a prodigal bitch before? Binbin must be beaten when he comes back."

This morning, Harry woke up in the staff dormitory of the new teaching building, and his first words were: "Hermione, I like you."

However, there were only Yisha and Chen Weiguo in the dormitory, uh... and the photo stone in her hand that recorded a close-up of Harry's face.

Even the video was taken, and Harry finally couldn't deny it this time and took the initiative to admit that he liked Hermione.

The moment before he was burned to black coals, he only had Hermione's smile left in his mind, and he regretted not confessing to her again before he died.

Then, when he woke up again, there was a scene where he confessed his love to Chen and his wife.

Since this was Harry's wish, Isha went next door to find Kate and let them know the prophecy that Maharat had seen.

Even without the scene of Lavender getting angry, Kate would have told Hermione another version of the prophecy at this time, and then Kate and Isha would have created a place to be alone, allowing the man and woman to meet for the first time after knowing their fate.

"Kai is very scared. Bin won't like other girls." Isha saw the worry on her face and comforted her.

"Why?" Kate hopes that Isha has the ability to predict, but the mother and son are also parallel prophets.

ヾ(^ω^): "Because he is a strict wife-controller~La~La~La~"

Σ(°△°|||): "..."

Kate finally understood why Chen Bin only called her Isabel. He obviously shouldn't have asked her anything...

She will use her rich experience to bring your intelligence to the same level, and then defeat you head-on with dumber theories.

This week, the Daily Prophet dubbed the siege of Gringotts a "sit-down war."

The Fudge faction wrote an article in the newspaper criticizing the "fresh young" Acting Director of Defense who didn't know how to command at all. He made a "stupid plan" to bomb the goblin banks all over Europe. He wasted a huge amount of military expenditure and also caused the six magical worlds to be destroyed. There have been varying degrees of Auror casualties, and so far no wizard bank has been captured.

Apart from Chen Bin deliberately wasting artillery shells, these accusations are of course unfounded, especially since the newspaper suggested that the Department of Defense was covering up the true number of British Auror casualties, and also insinuated that the Aurors who did not fight outside Gringotts were simply sitting in. The stand-ins and real Aurors were all seriously injured and were transferred to the secret hospital of the Defense Department.

It was really tiring for Chen Bin to meet this kind of boss who only wanted to slander and fight for power.

He knew that Fudge would never accept Voldemort's rule, but he was dissatisfied with the many restrictions placed on him by the Department of Defense and the Secretary of Finance, so he committed suicide in the newspaper to challenge Chen Bin's bottom line.

If the Department of Defense really surrenders to Voldemort, the Chihuahua Minister will be the first to flee the UK, and then continue to hide in the safe house and continue to spray the newspapers.

The "Hogwarts Evening News" is not a vegetarian. Although Charlie has not yet become a qualified editor-in-chief, Rita Skeeter is really not afraid of anyone in her verbal spats.

The headlines of the Evening News for a week also quoted Fudge's remarks in an interview with the Daily Prophet from 1992. They were all full of malicious content against goblins, and only went so far as to declare that goblins are evil creatures.

The most deadly thing is that it also reproduced the cover of a certain issue of "The Quibbler" in the summer of 1995 - "The title is How close is Fudge to getting Gringotts?" The illustration is Fudge holding a bag of Gringotts printed on it in his right hand. The money bag, but the back view shows Fudge holding a dead goblin.

There was not a single report in the whole week that criticized Fudge, but every news article also suggested that the goblin rebellion was all forced by Fudge, and now that something happened, Fudge blamed it on the Department of Defense.

The duty of the Department of Defense is to maintain social peace, but this war was a conflict between the Goblin Crusher and the goblins, which ultimately forced the Department of Defense to clean up Gringotts.

Goblin Crusher was the nickname given to Fudge by The Quibbler, and now that it had been publicized in the Evening News for a week, everyone knew it was an allusion to Fudge.

No matter what the Daily Prophet reported, the Evening News had one point: if the goblin destroys the customer's deposits and collections, all the consequences will be borne by the goblin crusher!

As the report continued in this direction, the attention of the magical residents changed from examining the Defense Department's combat capabilities to questioning Fudge's ability.

In order to repay the compensation, Rita Skeeter, the ultimate bastard, tried her best to trick the people into believing that the Aurors would not attack after the war, mainly because they were concerned about the property hidden in the vaults by the residents.

If Fudge can't figure out a way to protect the treasury, Fudge will have to pay for all the property damage caused by the Aurors in this battle!

This is Rita Skeeter's special ability. She breaks down the legal provisions and responsibilities, and finally comes to a conclusion - Aurors only need to fight, or do not let Aurors participate in the battle. The source of the conflict is Fudge Pushing the goblin too hard, the Aurors couldn't pay for Fudge's mistakes.

In fact, major ancient families also have private treasure rooms. Gringotts usually contains large and relatively cheap items, as well as mountains of gold galleons. Unless the heir is in jail, underage, or missing, no large family would put a large portion of their fortune in the bank.

The most injured people now are the ordinary magic residents. There is no treasure room at home, the deposits cannot be withdrawn, and they may be destroyed in the subsequent battle.

Soon, the minister's office was flooded with howling letters, and wizards blocked outside the Ministry of Magic every day demanding compensation from Fudge.

After a week of public opinion battle, the Fudge faction was once again completely defeated.

Fudge once hinted in the Daily Prophet that he was considering applying to the Financial Secretary for funding.

However, the headline interview in the "Hogwarts Evening News" that night was: Director Malfoy welcomes the establishment of a compensation fund, but only if an independent judicial committee is established.

This committee wants to try the culprit who caused the goblin rebellion. It will first search his family assets, and then peel off layer by layer whether his subordinates have any evidence of abuse of power.

When the principal is imprisoned and his assets are unable to compensate the public, the Financial Secretary will subsidize the entire amount.

Director Malfoy made it clear that the Ministry of Magic was established by taxpayers, so the mistakes of the perpetrators cannot be paid for without trial.

This nonsense is just to fool ordinary residents. Chen Bin had heard another version of Lucius Malfoy in the meeting of the Defense Department.

No pure-blood family is causing trouble now, all because Malfoy made a promise to them privately - after the bank war, the Financial Secretary will compensate for all losses on the treasury list; The list does not match the number, and they all use 30% of the value of the family's treasure trove as the value of the property stored in Gringotts.

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