Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 287 The semester is over

At this time, the chain of evidence that Umbridge worked for Voldemort was completely established. Who said that the laws of the wizarding world do not look at evidence.

Umbridge was entrusted by her father, who was entrusted by Voldemort, and she was protected by Voldemort's super dark magic and was immune to the effects of Veritaserum, Legilimency and the Imperius Curse, so her testimony was not at all clear. Not credible.

Well, then, her testimony is not credible, and there is no pure-blood noble to vouch for her character, which means that she has committed the crime of assisting murder, leaking secrets, and treason. It is so illogical.

In the wizarding world, there is no such thing as the benefit of the doubt being given to the defendant. Any crime requires the defendant to prove his or her innocence. Just like when Dobby used magic in Harry's house, Harry had to prove that the magic was not cast by him and not by the Ministry of Magic. There is evidence that he cast the magic.

After hearing this verdict, Chen Bin did not think of interceding for her.

Regardless of the storybook or the original destiny of the world, she clearly did not become a Death Eater, but she was reused by the Ministry of Magic controlled by the Death Eaters, and many government orders were very cooperative with Voldemort's actions.

Therefore, Chen Bin was the first to not believe it when he said that she would not join Voldemort's forces.

In terms of school, this year's fifth graders need to take the O.W.L.s exam, and Harry's classmates are also reviewing and training almost desperately, which is much less panic than China's preparations for the college entrance examination.

However, when Vice Principal McGonagall announced that Hermione would take both the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s exams, Chen Bin was slightly surprised because no one had told him that this girl was going to challenge Caitlina's record!

Well, she is no longer a girl, she will be 16 years old in September this year, and she used the time turner intensively in the third grade, so her real age may have been over 18 years old.

Chen Bin once had a secret conversation with Hermione to persuade her not to oppress him like this, but Hermione was angry and said that he had underestimated her.

After Kate's explanation, Chen Bin knew why Hermione was angry.

"In your heart, you are thinking about Hermione, but in her eyes, you are trying to persuade her, a fifth-year student, not to challenge the initiative you have already completed in the first grade. Isn't this a mockery?" Kate said while cooking. answer.

Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛: "She already knew that we were no longer children when we took the N.E.W.T.s. Is this considered a mockery?"

"Then you have to believe that you are not a child!"

Chen Bin didn't have Kate's insight into girls, so naturally he didn't understand why Hermione thought they were not Sirius's generation.

This year, Chen Bin no longer turned on the halo of ridicule on the night of exam week, nor did he harass the students. Instead, he squeezed out time during endless meetings to tutor the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s classes for practical exams before the exams.

In less than a week, Chen Bin basically had nothing to teach, and almost all of them were qualified to pass the practical test. The remaining handful of people would not be able to improve to a qualified level in the remaining time with extra tutoring.

What surprised Chen Bin was that Harry still applied for O.W.L.s even though he had been exempted from the exam.

In his original words, he said: "After nearly a year of special Auror training, the Auror-related O.W.L.s exam is really too easy. You can just fail in other unrelated subjects. I want to give my uncle and A good report card from my aunt.”

This reason is very good and strong, and Chen Bin cannot refute it.

Although Aurors must get E (good) or above in 5 subjects of N.E.W.T.s, they must also get good results in "Defense Against the Dark Arts", "Transfiguration" and "Charms", otherwise the other 9 subjects will all be O (Excellent) It’s no use either.

Harry has been tortured by Sirius, Dumbledore and Isabelle for so long. In terms of theory and practice, Harry also has excellent strength in the three subjects of life preservation, and he has also reached the entry level of Auror in "Potions" and "Herbalism". Require.

Therefore, his achievements in these five subjects cannot be stumped by O.W.L.s questions. The Dursleys in this time and space have changed. Since they want Harry to get good grades, Harry naturally doesn't want to live up to their expectations.

The tense and arduous exams were over, and the school allowed the students to relax in the garbage time of the next week. Only Chen Bin still chaired various meetings for Lao Deng every day.

Finally, on the last day of the semester, students once again had their last breakfast in the auditorium, and Dumbledore finally stood in the center of the faculty bench, announcing his return.

The cheers of the students filled the auditorium, and only Chen Bin kept rolling his eyes.

According to the agreement, regardless of whether Voldemort stormed the Department of Mysteries this year, Chen Bin would only serve as interim director of the Department of Mysteries and chairman of the International Confederation of Wizards until the end of this semester.

Lao Deng's invisibility in the past few months has really been wonderful, and his face has become a lot more rosy after receiving the nourishment of love.

Well, this is Chen Bin's idea. As for whether he and his gay friends really have PY communication, it is unknown.

In other words, Dumbledore's plan to fish out Voldemort failed.

Voldemort was severely injured during the resurrection ceremony and was ambushed in the valley. He no longer trusted anyone except Darren O'Hare, including Snape, who was supposed to be the most trustworthy in his original destiny.

Snape was unable to communicate with Voldemort, and Dumbledore and Grindelwald could not make Voldemort appear and cause trouble no matter how invisible they were, so any attempt to ambush Queen Mother in the Department of Mysteries would naturally be aborted.

However, this kind of failure was also expected by Chen Bin, and even made Chen Bin feel that Lao Deng was still a normal person, and there would be times when he couldn't control the devil.

At the graduation party, Dumbledore once again announced that Gryffindor had won the Academy Cup.

Not counting Lao Deng's cheating this time, Gryffindor really won the Academy Cup based on their strength.

This year, Ron borrowed Isha's Firebolt and became Gryffindor's super goalkeeper. He lost a total of three goals throughout the year.

After Harry received Auror training, his motor reflexes and broomstick control improved to a higher level. He also caught the Golden Snitch in every game.

The efforts of the two ignited the fighting spirit of the Gryffindor team, allowing them to defeat their opponents by more than 200 points each time and win this year's Quidditch Champions League.

In order to get more review time in class, Hermione posted a notice in the common room. Whoever answered the most correct answers in class would be given homework guidance on weekends.

She originally wanted to find another classmate to raise her hand in class to avoid the professor's habit of staring at her every time he asked a question.

Unexpectedly, she forgot to specify fifth grade students in the notice. As a result, seven students came to her for homework guidance on the weekend. They were from different grades, and they were all the students who answered the most correct answers in the class.

There were too many people, and Hermione naturally couldn't answer them one by one, so she made a reference answer for each of them in one go, which made students flock to this kind of guidance, because Gryffindor students are all lazy people - if they can plagiarize, they will get away with it. Don't want to use your brain.

Hermione also didn't take this kind of guidance seriously, and just regarded this kind of homework as a test paper for review.

This unintentional move triggered an upsurge in Gryffindor House answering questions, bringing the house more than 300 points.

Therefore, the efforts of Gryffindor students in sports and classes this year truly deserve the House Cup, rather than being forced by Dumbledore to boost Harry's self-confidence.

Gryffindor cheered, and the decorations in the Great Hall changed to Gryffindor red.

However, more exciting news is yet to come.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, I have another announcement to make." Dumbledore put his hands down to stop the students from celebrating. "Our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will be stepping down at the end of this semester due to personal reasons. Please use a warm round of applause to thank Professor Delacour for his outstanding performance over the past year."

The students were surprised, but no one clapped their hands.

The boys were quickly heartbroken, but the girls were relieved.

Ever since Furong took up the position of professor, the senior students have been under the pressure of her - she has the beauty of an angel and the strongest strength among her age group. Many senior girls are not pursued, and the boys Her standards for choosing a mate were raised by her.

No one clapped their hands, and the scene was very embarrassing. Only Chen Bin took the lead in applauding, which reminded the students to give her a final thank you.

Fleur was so happy that she cried, feeling that her hard work this year was not in vain, she threw herself into Isabel's arms and cried.

Chen Bin knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to continue teaching, but that she had a higher goal - to become the trainee deputy commander of the Auror Corps.

Well, it's not that she thinks military affairs are noble, but that her lover is the deputy commander in the legion.

Yes, it was rare for Bill to find a girl who was both beautiful, gentle and not materialistic. He decisively launched a romantic offensive and pursued her before the final exam.

After the congratulations, Dumbledore then announced that next year's "Defense Against the Dark Arts" will be renamed "Resistance to the Dark Art". Therefore, there is no longer a D.A. in this world, and there is no D.A.D.A. (abbreviation for "Defense Against the Dark Arts"), there is only RDA.

"In addition, let me announce in advance here that Miss Granger has passed my assessment and will serve as the professor of "Confronting Dark Arts" in the next school year." Dumbledore's announcement once again made the students quiet, and then everyone His eyes also fell on Hermione.

However, before the students could start a buzzing discussion, Dumbledore announced her results in the public examination - all subjects were A's, whether it was O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s, all O's, tying Chen Bin's score through A record obtained by cheating, and she also got better grades than Caitlina in Muggle Studies.

Chen Bin and Kate looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with shock!

Strictly speaking, Kate also optimized her thinking and memory abilities through Maharat, so she and Chen Bin are also cheaters.

However, Hermione managed to get straight A's in N.E.W.T.s in fifth grade just by relying on her own efforts!

"Don't be so surprised. I've been tutoring Hermione almost every day in the past six months." Isabel moved his upper body closer to the two of them and said in a low voice: "With your original qualifications, if you accept my question-sea tactics , plus one-on-one practical guidance, and if you follow the steps step by step, you can at least get straight A's in seventh grade, Hermione just compressed all her time to the limit."

Chen Bin, Kate: "(°Д°)!"

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