Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 295 Grudge Harry

During the British rule, the local wizarding community still regarded the colonists as second-class people with another skin color. Anyway, it was not something that had not happened in oral history.

As long as the offerings are paid regularly and in full, and the second-class people show the respect they owe to the first-class people, the third brother Chaofan will think that these white guys are pretty good and work very dedicatedly.

see it? During the British rule, the colonists were just horse boys who worked for Chao Sange.

The colonists cooperated with the local second level, and then replaced the second level step by step, and worked harder to squeeze the third to fifth levels. They completely followed the rules originally set by the third brother. They only acted as the local second child, but promoted themselves abroad. He is the emperor of the peninsula.

That's right, even the emperor is second-class in the eyes of the third brother, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Therefore, the magical inhabitants of the subcontinent are content with the status quo, with no rights being violated, no motive to take action, and no obligation to rescue their neighbors.

Yes, before the establishment of the Magical Federation in India, they always believed that the hundreds of communities scattered in various states were also neighboring countries. This was a view left by history.

The magic world doesn't value technology, nor does it pay much attention to wealth such as gold coins. People's inheritance is combat power, and combat power represents power. Any ancient civilization in Asia could have a population as large as that of a European country of the same size, and it could even inherit a titanium alloy dog's eyes that could blind Western wizards.

To put it bluntly, Third Brother's magical world cannot unite because of historical reasons, but he doesn't really like to argue, nor is he really a fool, nor is he a scumbag.

If someone could command their entire magical world to work together, their overall combat power could even overwhelm the entire European magical world. It would be easy for Third Brother to counter-colonize Britain, and it would not be impossible to even counter-colonize all of Europe.

Although modern Sange wizards are a special group, they still belong to the Brahmin class, but they have nothing to do with the secular world. Is this all because they have strictly implemented the "International Statute of Secrecy" after three hundred years?

The Muggle authorities are aware of their existence, but they still think that they are the true Brahmins among Brahmins. The Muggle authorities are just second-class people, and the third brother wizard does not care about them at all.

Therefore, if the Petil twins returned to their homeland, they would still be at the top of the First Class.

However, Chen Bin extremely doubted that they had become British citizens and were even British-born Indians. Otherwise, they are clearly pure-bred Indian descendants, unlike Chen Bin, who is nominally a Chinese-English mixed-race. Hogwarts will not allow foreigners to enroll.

In a word: This third brother is not that third brother, and the magical world does not represent the Muggle world. Don't compare Bora's secular third brother who fights, cheats, and suddenly dances with the real extraordinary third brother.

The day before school started, Isabel forced Chen Bin to accompany her to visit Diagon Alley because Isabel agreed to accompany Harry to buy supplies for the start of school.

What? Didn't Hogwarts purchase all school supplies for free for students last year?

Oh, hehe, the protagonist has privileges, but Dumbledore doesn't like to follow the rules?

Has he opened the back door to Harry too many times?

Okay, Chen Bin doesn’t hate Lao Deng anymore.

Harry is now an Auror in training and does have immunity from Old Dun in terms of regulations.

Now Harry has become Voldemort's target, but he has grown taller again. He hopes to come to Diagon Alley to have his clothes made in person, so he can only recruit Chen Bin as his personal bodyguard. In fact, there are still people on the street during the summer vacation. Voldemort may appear as he lays a heavy ambush, whether explicit or covert.

During this summer vacation, Harry didn't go anywhere. He stayed at No. 4 Privet Drive and cultivated a relationship with the Dursleys.

Their relationship had become extremely harmonious, and Sirius was busy training new Aurors, so Harry had to stay at home and let a large number of Aurors protect his safety in secret.

In the early morning, Yisha pulled Chen Bin into the latest BMW and drove towards No. 4 Privet Drive.

Chen Bin sat in the passenger seat and wiped his sleepy eyes. The battle with Katerina last night was too fierce, and now his waist is a little sore.

"Isha, have you ever thought that if Harry and I appeared at the same time, Voldemort might be fished out like in the Battle of the Valley?"

Isha almost couldn't hold the steering wheel, and quickly parked the car on the side of the road, anxiously saying: "That's right! Why didn't I think of it? Does it mean it's dangerous for us to do this?"

Chen Bin penetrated Yisha thousands of times with his dead fish eyes, and sighed: "Oh, that's why I didn't bring Kate with me."

Isha was petrified, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

(;_;): "Are you not worried about mom anymore?"

(): "Don't worry, I will support you even if I die."

"Is this human talk?" Isha's face was covered with sweat, and he suddenly felt that his son was not cute at all.

Chen Bin rolled his eyes at the idiot again and said affectionately: "Don't worry, we will be together even if we die. Are you touched?"

"..." Isha drove again and decided not to talk to this dead kid again, well, just for half an hour!

Chen Bin just wanted to scare Yisha. He was so angry that this guy didn't do anything without thinking.

He himself participated in the plan to kill Voldemort, so he always wanted Kate to hide well. She must not stand on the front line of the war, nor be exposed to any sneak attack alone.

But, what about Isha? He will always do whatever he wants, and he will agree to all requests without any bottom line after being shocked a few times by the two protagonists.

Fortunately, this funny guy still has a reputation for being self-aware. Whenever he is exposed to danger, he will pull Chen Weiguo or Chen Bin to act as his bodyguard.

Just like when I took Harry shopping this time, Isha didn't know that Voldemort's gang was almost completely wiped out in India and was seriously injured, but he still agreed to go shopping with Harry in Diagon Alley.

If they had not folded on the Indian side, Isha and Chen Bin would probably have faced an ambush by Voldemort, O'Hare and more than fifty dark wizards in Diagon Alley!

The car stopped near the Dursley's front door.

After Chen Bin got out of the car, he had been careful to see if Voldemort, who was seriously injured, would continue to cause trouble for Harry. Fortunately, Isha picked him up and put him in the car without any accidents.

The trunk of the car couldn't fit Harry's luggage, so the rest of the things were put into the seamless stretch bag, and Harry and Hedwig sat in the back seat.

As soon as the car started moving, Harry immediately showed a bitter look on his face and complained in the rearview mirror: "Bin! You've made me miserable!"

Chen Bin paused while unscrewing the bottle cap, feeling that he shouldn't drink water immediately.

∠(д)/: "What's the matter? I didn't trick you!"

He glanced at Isha, but she pretended to be concentrating on driving, holding back a smile. It was obvious that she knew the details but refused to tell them.

"Your birthday gift to me!" Harry's face turned blood red, with a little anger in his eyes.

Chen Bin felt relieved after hearing this. He thought it was a big deal. What did it mean to send a few boxes?

Therefore, he continued to unscrew the bottle cap and said calmly: "It's normal! You may need it this year. Who else besides me will prepare it for you?"

Harry suddenly shouted, interrupting Chen Bin. "Ah——stop talking!"

"Are you shy?" Chen Bin glanced at the rearview mirror while drinking water, as if to say with his eyes: Is this interesting, brother? In my previous life, I helped many brothers buy them. I am just thick-skinned.

"Shame on you big-headed idiot!" Harry became even more angry when he heard this and roared: "I didn't know what this was at the time. The packaging and instructions were all in Chinese characters! I couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so I made an appointment to wait. When Hermione came to my house with her parents, I showed her the instructions..."

"Pfft——" Chen Bin squirted! This guy is so funny, he actually studied it in front of his future parents-in-law and girlfriend!

Isn’t this picture too strong?

Chen Bin had already imagined how embarrassing it was at that time. No wonder Harry was so angry!

"Ah! Binbin, don't spray the windshield!" Isha parked the car aside and used magic to eliminate the water stains in the car.

Chen Bin turned to look at the back row and said with disdain: "Won't you call me and ask? Didn't I write in the package that I should keep this thing and don't show it to others? Didn't you remember it? ?"

Harry was stunned by the spray. He couldn't think of anything to retort, so he could only blame himself for committing suicide.

Seeing that he was so frustrated, Isha turned around and rolled her eyes at her son, saying dissatisfiedly: "Actually, there is magic with the same effect in the magic world... Otherwise, I would not only have given birth to a kid like you who is trying to commit suicide."

(⊙ω⊙): "Wait a minute, why haven't I heard of it?" Chen Bin wasn't pretending. He couldn't find such a curse in the Hogwarts textbooks or the Naama collection!

Isha rolled her eyes wildly again and said disdainfully: "Can you read Witch Weekly?"

"Uh..." Chen Bin was speechless, and Harry continued to be confused. Obviously, in his eyes, a kiss was the highest emotional exchange!

The car was parked near the Leaky Cauldron, and the two of them apparated to Diagon Alley with Harry to do some shopping, and everything was fine.

After lunch, they came to the new store diagonally across from Flourish and Blotts Bookstore - Wesley's Joke Shop.

The current magical world has been changed beyond recognition by Lao Deng and Chen Bin. Voldemort has been beaten into a homeless dog, Dumbledore has controlled all the forces of the Ministry of Magic, and the entire European wizarding world has formed a mutual alliance under the leadership of the International Federation of Wizards. The war system of joint defense also brings in endless military expenditures from various Muggle societies.

Due to this chain reaction, there are no vacant shops in Diagon Alley, the British magical community is not shrouded in an atmosphere of terror, and there is no wave of immigration among residents.

The damage caused by the bank war three months ago had been cleared up by the Ministry of Magic in less than a week.

Although most wizards are not very proficient in combat magic, the Ministry of Magic can still easily recruit enough people to rebuild the damaged shop according to the drawings, and then re-reinforce it with various protective magics.

As for the damage caused to Gringotts, only the surface buildings have been rebuilt to this day, and the renovation of the underground fortress is still far away.

Today's Gringotts is still Gringotts run by goblins, but its ownership has been transferred to the Ministry of Magic. Goblins are just ordinary employees, and there are many human wizards in various positions to supervise the performance of goblins, and goblins are strictly prohibited from staying in the bank after get off work.

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