Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 298 The Sixth Opening Ceremony

Now, Isha's position was occupied by Slughorn. In order to avoid Hermione's revenge, Chen Bin could only sit next to Slughorn with tears in his eyes, while Kate sat next to Hermione.

The students were seated quickly.

After a while, Professor McGonagall once again brought the freshmen to the auditorium, and placed a three-legged stool in front of the stage with a broken hat on it. The broken hat once again sang with its mouth open.

As usual, the lyrics do not have a specific number of words. This year's lyrics praise Hogwarts for maintaining the educational style of the four founders while uniting to deal with the crisis.

Now that the threat has retreated and trembled, we must continue to unite to create a harmonious future.

The sorting ceremony has begun, and the sorting ceremony that has not changed for thousands of years has ended.

Dumbledore introduced Hermione as this year's "Confronting the Dark Arts" professor, and Slughorn became the honorary advisor for extracurricular activities, which was a newly created administrator position specifically for him. This guy came here to take refuge.

Last year's only extracurricular activity administrator - Anastasia, the beauty with both brains and muscles, Kate's eldest sister from the same clan, can do almost nothing but manage order. Now an honorary advisor has arrived hoping to resolve administrative issues.

The students already knew at the end of last semester that Hermione would take over as the professor of "Confronting the Dark Arts", so they just applauded politely. Most of them were curious about who the fat old man was?

"It seems that Hermione's popularity is really not very good and she has lost her beauty effect." Chen Bin said in a low voice.

Kate stared at Chen Bin after hearing this, and also whispered: "Is Hermione beautiful?"

o(^`)o: "Not as good as one finger of my wife."

ヾ(▽)ノ: "Let me tell you a secret, I have lifted the soundproofing magic."

Σ(дllll): "..."

Hermione heard it, but ignored them.

If she took everything seriously with them, she would vomit blood and die within a week.

Chen Bin once asked Lao Deng privately why he chose Hermione as the professor of "Defense Against the Dark Arts" instead of Snape, and why he changed the name of the course so that she would not be affected by the curse?

Lao Deng's answer is also very thoughtful, that is, knowing people and assigning them well.

This is a euphemism. To put it bluntly, Snape's "Defense Against the Dark Arts" is too big to be useful.

In principle, the professor who teaches this subject is the best in the school, but this is just a legend.

The real situation is that "Defense Against the Dark Arts" is an applied subject. Strictly speaking, the academic level is the fifth from the bottom, only higher than "Care of Magical Creatures", "Muggle Studies", "History of Magic" and " "Flying Lesson" is a great experience.

For example, flying a commercial airliner is very prestigious, right? But this is applied technology. No matter how superb the technology is, its academic value is not even higher than that of studying manure composting.

Is it ironic?

After more than a hundred years of hard research, scientists have finally formed a complete scientific system of plant nutrition and fertilizer science, which has played a decisive role in the development of modern agriculture.

To systematically understand the technology of manure composting academically, scholars are supported by a scientific and technological system that has been studied for hundreds of years. That is, scientific composting requires an understanding of plant nutrition, fertilizer science, chemistry, etc., as well as a large number of experiments and theoretical support.

Let’s look at civil aviation pilots again. Is this applied technology considered academic? Maintenance of aircraft is barely academic, but it is just an aircraft maintenance technology in aerodynamics.

If you understand this metaphor, you should understand that although Chen Bin, Kate and Hermione got all-A or almost all-A scores in the N.E.W.T.s exams, they are only newbies in academia and are not qualified to serve as academic experts. Sexual subjects.

What are subjects with high academic content? The subjects controlled by the four deans are super academic subjects. N.E.W.T.s courses only account for a small part of the entire subject. If you want to study further, you can only read journals, write papers, read books, and visit academic leaders from various countries.

The second echelon is "Ancient Rune Research", "Arithmetic Divination", "Astronomy" and "Divination", which are also academics that combine science and engineering with magic.

Yes, "Divination" is also a profound academic field, even more profound and complex than "Defense Against the Dark Arts".

It's just that this course belongs to Dumbledore's special post for Trelawney's retirement, and if students want to really become a prophet, they must have the corresponding bloodline, otherwise Lao Deng would not dare to let Chen Bin be a magician, Kate's He is not qualified enough to be the successor.

Therefore, it does not mean who can fight is the strongest professor. The academic level in academia depends on academic level, but the higher the academic level of a professor, the more powerful his real combat power is.

Snape liked Defense Against the Dark Arts, just like a chemistry teacher who wants to teach karate, purely out of personal preference.

That's it, Chen Bin is outside Soul Flying and Dumbledore is giving a brief speech.

Next, Dumbledore happily announced that registration for the international exchange student program will begin on October 1. Interested seventh-grade students should pay attention to the details on the bulletin board.

Last year's defense students have all returned. They have long learned the professional tactics of using the new Auror equipment, and the European joint defense system has been established, as well as the international Auror organization.

Therefore, since there are still a large number of empty rooms in the headquarters next to the new teaching building, Dumbledore suggested that seventh-grade students from various countries can also freely sign up as exchange students, and the dormitory will be the dormitory of the headquarters.

Other Ministry of Magic also thought this was a good communication method and notified local magic schools to cooperate.

After going back and forth like this, in the end, the wizarding world around the world also joined the exchange student program, including melon-eating parties in Asia and South America. On the contrary, Hogwarts, which initiated student exchanges, has not yet selected a list of exchange students.

Dumbledore didn't have the habit of lengthy speeches. He followed the routine and told Filch that he had introduced a list of prohibited items, then mentioned the selection time for Quidditch players, and then started the opening dinner directly.

"Oh, Hermione also became a professor." Ron forked a piece of sausage and put it into his mouth, a look of relief on his face.

Harry saw that his friend was serious and said in confusion: "I don't see how much you miss Hermione on weekdays."

"I was lamenting the homework this year." Ron swallowed the food in his mouth and sighed: "Last year we were able to refer to her answers, and our grades improved significantly. But, that's not possible now."

Harry then remembered that after joining the Auror training, he did not need to continue to do the boring homework. Sirius, Dumbledore and Sister Isha taught him step by step, explaining the principles of magic and practical skills in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

However, the reason why Ron made such rapid progress last year was because he understood the answers to Hermione's homework.

"That's right, you haven't told me your O.W.L.s results yet." Harry asked curiously.

"Uh, haha." Ron said a little awkwardly: "O for "Charms", "E" for "Transfiguration", "Potions" and "Defense Against the Dark Arts", "A" for "Herbology", and all others are P. "

"No way? The Care of Magical Creatures course is also unsatisfactory?" Harry said in surprise: "Won't Hagrid be angry?"

"He doesn't know yet." Ron chuckled twice and quickly changed the subject.

The dinner ended in a relaxed atmosphere.

Just as Ron was about to lead the first-year students away, Professor McGonagall stopped him, and Harry had to follow the rest of the students back to the Gryffindor lounge.

On the other hand, Chen Bin came to the principal's office, and after dictating the Indian intelligence from the Monk Management Bureau, he decisively left before Dumbledore finished reading it. Otherwise, he would have been forced to chat with the old man until dawn that night. .

Harry sat in the armchair and waited for a while, finally seeing Ron return.

"Looking at your blushing face, something good must have happened to you, right?" Harry handed Ron a bottle of juice. There were snacks and drinks that Isha had prepared for him in the suitcase.

"Harry, I don't know how to tell you, this..." Ron sat on the armchair next to him, his expression becoming nervous.

"What are you talking about? Which one of us is following which one?"

Ron saw that Harry's expression didn't seem to be fake, and said with an anxious voice: "I stole your captaincy."

"Bang bang—" Harry clenched his fists tightly, and his knuckles made a heart-stopping sound.

"I'm sorry, I know you should be the captain this year." Ron held his head in a defensive posture and said timidly: "But Professor McGonagall told me that I performed very well as a goalkeeper last year, and this Players in this position can see the whole situation. Angelina recommended me to Professor McGonagall before graduation, saying that I was very similar to Wood."

"Oh, Ron, why do you think I would be angry with you?" Harry spread his hands and said helplessly: "You did really well last year, and you attended more trainings than me. Sister Isha You have told me a long time ago that every gain must come with a loss. This year I become Head Boy and I have to go through special Auror training every day. How can I have time to manage the team?"

"Are you really not jealous?" Ron asked nervously.

"Not really." Harry smiled.

"So, if you have time, can you give me some advice on training the team?" Ron asked weakly.

(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻: "Get as far as you can! Come on! Come out with my forty-meter sword. I'm going to chop this shameless bitch!"

The two laughed and joked for a while, and soon went upstairs to sleep.

However, Ron could sleep like a dead pig, while Harry stared out the window. Without jealousy, it is impossible to live without jealousy in this life.

He knew that regardless of the prophecy book or the dark version of the prophecy spoken by Kate, he would become the captain of the Gryffindor team in the sixth grade, so now he really felt that his friend had taken away the honor that originally belonged to him.

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