Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 331 Teaching Draco

After a long time, Chen Bin still saw that he couldn't even think of anything, so he started to prompt: "What kind of gift is appropriate? Is their family rich? If the gift or money is too small, will other nobles laugh at me if I accept it? Mal Is the Fu family short of money? What is the purpose of this retaliation? Is it to establish prestige? Who can show it? After thinking about the purpose, the second thing is how to ensure that he will not offend the majesty of the Malfoy family again? Just talk in vain ? Make a promise as evidence? What if you regret it after making a promise? A scoundrel can regard the oath as a fart..."

"Bin, Ron won't go back on his word!" Hermione defended.

"Hermione, I am explaining how to deal with the offender reasonably within the rules, regardless of whether that person is Ron or not." Chen Bin said, while using his eyes to signal her not to cause damage.

Hermione shut up, and Chen Bin continued: "What can make him really fulfill his promise? Remember, this method cannot be too harsh on the surface. Harshness will make other nobles question whether you are too revengeful. The core of the method It is necessary to ensure the interests of the Malfoy family. It would be best if you can show your kindness in the end, but this is optional. If not, it will not affect the result; if it is, it can show personal character, provided that the purpose must be achieved. "

"This...is a bit weird..." Draco frowned and lowered his head to think seriously. "You now represent the school... I represent the family... You cannot mix personal emotions... family interests... means... threats... demeanor... the purpose comes first..."

Next, Draco thought of many methods, but Chen Bin rejected some, modified some, and gave more hints.

Chen Bin took out the photo stone to record the entire process, and also used the automatic recording quill to copy.

Two hours later, they finally hammered out a final agreement.

Except that the punishment mentioned by Chen Bin remains unchanged, Draco asked the school's legal representative to record the matter, which meant that the Naama family's legal representative (Mr. Nobby Rich) made a temporary guest appearance.

If Ron was the first to offend the Malfoy family again while at school, Draco could pursue Ron in connection with the attack, and the school would have to testify.

In addition, Ron must handwrite a letter of apology, and Draco will keep the letter in the name of the family until graduation.

Finally, the school must post the results of this processing on the bulletin board until the end of the semester as a warning.

"Okay, now you send this recording stone and parchment to your father, and let him check whether there are any problems with this processing method and whether there is anything needed to be added. This is a draft document between you and the school representative. You The head of the family has the right to make changes, that is, continue to negotiate with me. Remember, although this fight is a small matter, how you handle it properly is a big deal, because it is related to the face of the Malfoy family and will also reveal Your way of doing things."

Draco nodded seriously, and Chen Bin took Hermione away.

Walking to the corridor on another floor, Hermione suddenly turned around and asked, "Is this the world of nobles?"

"No, this is the way adults do things." After Chen Bin looked around to make sure there was no one around, he said seriously: "Draco actually has no intention of pursuing the case, but his father will never let it go. I have to let him You need to calm him down before he gets angry. Think about it, as a father, you most want your son to become a talented person. From Lucius's perspective, what is considered a talent and what method suits his temper best? We just need to follow this direction to resolve the problem. . This time, Draco learned the method that Lucius most wanted his son to use to solve this problem, which can definitely compensate for the problems caused by Ron, that is, Lucius will probably not pursue it further."

Hermione thought for a while and continued to ask: "So, if the Naama family encounters the same problem, how will you deal with it?"

ヾ(oω): "What nonsense are you talking about? Can that student beat me?"

(╬ ̄俣): "I said if! If you can fight, can your children also fight?"

(~o ̄3 ̄)~: "Are you kidding me? Kate and I are both martial arts practitioners and wizards. How come we can't fight the children we give birth to?"

彡(-_-;)彡...Hermione has nothing to say, this kind of hypothetical question really won't happen.

"I know what you are thinking." Chen Bin suddenly said seriously: "If you want to avoid being bullied, you must first know how to resist. If you can't resist, you must solve the problem through legal means. If it were me, I would find a lawyer and sue that little bastard. Dan doubts life."

Hermione was really speechless this time. This answer was very Chen Bin-like and had nothing to do with aristocrats.

He is not only rich, but extremely rich. Litigation is as easy as drinking water. Even if he cannot be convicted, he can still use the legal fees to drag down other people's financial resources.

The next morning, Lucius replied, and the owl flew directly to the staff desk. The letter was addressed to Chen Bin.

Hermione peeked at the letter out of concern, and finally let go of the heavy stone in her heart.

The first page is a formal letter, agreeing with the school's handling method, but exempting Ron from the penalty of voluntary labor during the holidays, which shows the magnanimity of the Malfoy family.

The second page is a private letter. Lucius thanked Chen Bin for teaching Draco to learn to use aristocratic methods to solve this kind of problem in advance, which is a kind of aristocratic training method.

Ron was really deducted 200 points and immediately became the public enemy of the entire academy, and even wrote an apology letter to Draco.

"Ginny, come here." After Chen Bin finished his meal, he took Ginny to the corridor.

"Bin, what's going on?" Ginny was obviously a little worried, and obviously worried that the punishment would fall on her.

"Don't worry, only Ron will be punished this time." Chen Bin rolled his eyes at her, and then his expression became serious. "I guess what you are going to do. Let me give you a piece of advice from friends: The Malfoy family is something that your whole family cannot afford to offend. If you don't really like him, then apologize to him sincerely. If you really It broke his heart and made him unable to recover. His father will really kill you. You also know that Mr. Malfoy only has his son."

Ginny turned pale with fright when she heard this. She didn't know whether it was because of the bad reputation of the Malfoy family or because Chen Bin had told her something.

"I see."

Chen Bin waved to her and returned to the staff table alone.

Whether she listened or not was beyond Chen Bin's control. Anyway, what needed to be said was said, and the outcome was not controlled by him.

The Easter holidays are here.

Under Chen Bin's urging, Higashino finally stopped improving the irreversible paper and divided it into two parts before the Easter holiday and submitted it to two major academic journals.

If Higashino hadn't sent the manuscript yet, Chen Bin's academic achievements beyond the N.E.W.T.s level would have been drained by him.

This kid studies with a crazy energy, but Chen Bin doesn't have his research spirit to break the pot and get to the bottom of it!

This holiday was destined to be Hagrid's saddest holiday, because almost all the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest died, and all the remaining ones were transported away.

The Centaur Firenze took the lawsuit to Dumbledore, warning that if they did not remove the overflowing Acromantulas from the Forbidden Forest, the entire Centaur clan would go to war against the Acromantulas.

It was the first time that Chen Bin saw Dumbledore lose his temper. He, who had always tried his best, really forgot about the Acromantula's trouble this time.

Hagrid's adopted Aragog died early in mid-March, reportedly from injuries sustained after he was hit by a car four years ago.

The source of the rumor was Harry. He said that when he broke into the Forbidden Forest in his second year, the guy wanted to eat him and Ron, and the enchanted car knocked it away.

Chen Bin could only sigh. This time it was not him who caused the butterfly effect, but Lao Deng.

Who told him to prepare a car to take the two of them in after Chen Bin refused to take Harry into the Forbidden Forest?

Thinking more maliciously, the reason why the car in the original Destiny could continue to run for so long was probably because Dumbledore secretly replenished it with magic power. Anyway, Chen Bin had never seen the enchantment effect of a car last that long.

Centaur Firenze didn't become the professor of Divination last year, Hermione didn't take Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort is now hiding in the African savannah, and everyone who has read the prophecy book has also forgotten about the Forbidden Forest. The fragile ecology is suffering from invasive species.

Hagrid sent a mate to Aragog and bred a huge number of Acromantulas. The native species could not defeat them, so the lawsuit finally went to Dumbledore's side.

Chen Bin thought that these giant spiders were originally destined to side with Voldemort, and he had no good impression of them in his heart. Dumbledore hoped that Chen Bin would solve this problem.

"Do you really think of me as Tinker Bell?"

Obviously, the White Devil didn't know what this was, but he knew that Chen Bin didn't want to take in these ghosts. In the end, he just came up with the idea of ​​moving them to an uninhabited desert island and leaving them to fend for themselves.

When Hagrid heard this plan, he was of course opposed to it.

However, Chen Bin took him around the Forbidden Forest, and the guy immediately changed his mind.

Various creatures in the Forbidden Forest are engaged in a desperate battle with the Acromantula. Many unicorns have also been injured, the blast-tailed snails have been eaten to pieces, and centaurs have also suffered casualties.

Almost all the intelligent species in the Forbidden Forest did not welcome Hagrid. The half-giant didn't mind at first, but when Chen Bin threw him into the Acromantula's lair, the guy quickly realized that these descendants of Aragog Not friendly at all.

They originally followed Aragog's will not to attack Hagrid, but Chen Bin created an illusion magic in the cave, causing the Acromantula to regard any humanoid creature that entered as a centaur.

Hagrid was besieged by countless Acromantulas, and his whole body was covered with serious injuries that were visible to the bones. He fought back and killed more than a dozen Acromantulas due to his survival instinct. In the end, it was Chen Bin who dragged him back to the hut. .

When Chen Bin's healing spell cured him, the good guy Dumbledore finally appeared and asked him again if he could persuade the Acromantula to stop attacking native species. The guy shrank his eggs shamelessly.

Finally, Chen Bin came to the outside of the lair to negotiate with the Acromantula, and after failing to reach an agreement, he used the blazing flames to talk to them carefully.

Surrounded by the aroma of meat and the smell of burnt meat, the relocation agreement was finally reached.

Acromantulas are not fools. They were able to walk sideways in the past because there were no wizards to control them. Chen Bin was only a supporting role in front of demon king-level opponents, but he could really walk sideways in front of most magical animals. The numerical advantage was against him. Doesn't work.

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