Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 338 Strengthening the power of love

Chen Bin asked to visit her parents many times, but she refused many times.

It wasn't until two years later that she finally took the initiative to invite Chen Bin over for dinner, and then she realized that her family lived in a mansion in the middle of the mountain!

The most luxurious houses in Xiangjiang are only about 200 square meters. The definition of a luxury house is that it must be in a luxury area, and Mid-Levels is an iconic area. This is also reflected in the price per square foot. Even a floor tile costs more than a toilet in Chen Bin's house.

Their family is not considered rich, but their father runs a small and medium-sized wholesale company, their mother is a lawyer, and her daughter has just become an accountant. I bought this house before the property price doubled several times, and I have lived in it since before He Xiaomin was born.

At that time, Chen Bin finally understood why she had to let him come over for dinner after two years of dating.

She didn't look down on Chen Bin, but she was afraid that Chen Bin would break up with her.

From Chen Bin's words, we know that he has a bit of a macho tendency in his heart, but he is also very affectionate. If the love has not accumulated deep enough, he may not be able to bear the family gap and break up.

Yes, she did spot Chen Bin's character. He was reluctant to break up and could only work harder until Chen Weiguo urged them to get married. Chen Bin spent all his savings to buy a small house in Hong Kong Island for a better school network. , He Xiaomin didn’t complain at all.

What follows is the past that Kate probably knows about, but Chen Bin just skips it.

"If you think about it, there is a sixteen-year age difference between me and her. Their parents were often harassed by white people when they were young, and their family also hated foreigners, especially the British. My innate shortcomings have long been punished by them. death penalty."

Chen Bin's words made Katerina relax, and then she became nervous again. "But when she comes here to study in college, will she..."

"I will notify the anti-witch decision-making team and send someone to protect her that time. I don't want to use the Naama family's personnel to interfere with her. I...I, I..."

Chen Bin hesitated for a while and sighed: "I no longer have the confidence to pursue her again. I can't bear the result of being rejected by her, and she is not the same as before..."

"Don't think too much, let's take a rest." Kate turned off the lights, planning to use her wife's mission to appease Chen Bin's mood.

That night, the two of them tossed around until almost dawn.

Kate decided never to mention this incomparable opponent in her life.

This is a memory, a part of Chen Bin's soul. Why compare it with a memory?

The next day, Chen Bin returned to his funny character and acted mean on the grass.

(): "Caitlina, it's great not to have to take exams! Don't look at those nerds working so hard, their grades are bound to not be much better!"

ヾ(^ω^): "Well, yes, yes. Bin, do you want to sing to them? I'll hand you the microphone."

Their jokes spread throughout the castle through the loud curse, and the students felt that Catalina, the most beautiful and kind-hearted person in the school, had also changed and was led astray by that dead bitch.

This time, Chen Bin also shot a string of oversized letters over the castle to form the sentence "Happy Failing", which played in a loop around the castle like a revolving lantern, raising the hatred level of all students in the school to the full level!

The strongest illuminating spell is not used to provoke, but is it used to kill the enemy?

The only person in the world who is known to be able to project any string of letters in the air is Chen Bin. If you have the guts, use the same method to provoke him back!

Yes, Chen Bin transferred the resentment of turning the illuminating curse into his original curse onto the students again, let's explode all the resentment!

In the following days, Hogwarts entered a stormy preparation period, and exam week would begin in three days.

O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s candidates suffered from widespread epilepsy, either practicing to the point of cramping or having a mental breakdown.

The preparation for the exam this year was very high-pressure, and the professors of all subjects also conducted hellish examinations-except for Caitlina, because it was useless to get an O in her class. This was the consensus of the whole school.

However, Trelawney, who co-taught with her, was infected by the atmosphere and worked hard to train students like other professors.

"I've had enough!" Ron returned to the lounge and sat down on the armchair with a look of despair on his face.

"What happened?" Hermione handed him a bottle of orange juice, which Isha had sent to her goddaughter yesterday.

There were only a few students in the lounge, and most of them were reviewing crazily in the library. The library is now open until 1 a.m., allowing students to make the final push.

"Bin gave me the fifteenth set of past test questions today, and I almost vomited!" Ron complained while twisting the bottle cap.

"So did you get straight A's?" As soon as Hermione said this, Ron almost spit out the juice in his mouth. "That's the N.E.W.T.s test paper! Oh my god! I'm only a sixth grader in modern times, how can I get an excellent grade?"

Hermione shook her head and pointed at herself. Ron understood instantly and was speechless. Why seek abuse in front of a pervert?

However, as if the blow was not harsh enough, Hermione continued to rub salt into Ron's wounds. "Did you know that Dumbledore has applied for five N.E.W.T.s exams for Harry? I heard that he got straight A's in the five sets of past test questions he took recently."

"Come on." Ron slumped in his chair, not wanting to compete with another pervert to see who was more powerful, even if that person was his best friend. "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Who am I..."

"What are you reading?" Hermione couldn't hear him murmuring clearly.

"It's nothing. I often see Bin meditating like this, as if he has some magical power...Who am I? Where do I come from? And..."

Hermione didn't know whether to tell him that Chen Bin's state was usually the sequelae of convulsions, which was what he called a salty fish state, and had nothing to do with improving his strength or learning.

"...Where did I come from? I'm going to..." Ron maintained this Buddhist posture for a while, then suddenly turned his head and asked: "Yes, why hasn't your boyfriend come back yet? Snape's guidance has always been Very punctual, I never saw him extend the time.”

Hermione thought for a moment, spread her hands and said, "I heard from Harry that Dumbledore will have a special instruction class tonight and he won't be back until very late. Do you want to see him for something?"

"It's nothing. I just want to talk to him about the tactical arrangements for next year."

Hermione wanted nothing to do with this damn kid.

Ever since the Gryffindor Quidditch team won the championship, his tail had been raised to the sky.

Hogsmeade, in a hut next to the Hog's Head pub.

"Ah - ah -" Harry was rolling on the bed with a distorted face. Sweat had soaked his clothes all over, and bursts of smoke steamed up from his body.

Rozier couldn't stand it anymore, so he took out his wand and tried to knock him out, but the short-haired old man next to him held down his arm. "You can't knock him unconscious, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted."

"Villain, you said this is a little pain." Rozier used shackles to fix Harry's hands and feet on the bed, turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "Is this like a little pain?"

The short-haired old man shrugged and said, "He just can't bear the pain."

A majestic voice came from the living room: "This kid has broken through 36 times in half a year and has never screamed like this. Are you sure it's not your problem?"

The old villain didn't dare to be so casual after hearing this, but his tone was still not very friendly. "I only care about medicines. You have imprisoned me for almost a year. You will let me out immediately after testing the effects."

Grindelwald tried to stand up, but Dumbledore pushed him back. "Old friend, it's useless for us to be anxious. Believe in him and believe in Harry."

The old villain snorted and walked back to his bedroom leisurely.

"Ah - I can't do it anymore - ah -" Harry continued to scream in the bedroom, and every scream seemed to cut off a piece of Dumbledore's flesh.

Grindelwald saw that his hands were shaking, but he still pretended to be calm.

"As long as he survives tonight, Harry will never have to worry about being hurt by him..." Dumbledore murmured to himself.

The next day, Ron still couldn't see Harry coming back.

He asked Chen Bin and Hermione, but no one told him where Harry was.

"Don't worry, he has a secret mission." Chen Bin made a nonsense statement, and then pulled Kate away.

Another day passed and Harry still didn't come back.

Hermione also became worried, and blocked the door of Professor McGonagall's office with Ron.

"I don't know where he is." Professor McGonagall shook her head and said, "Professor Dumbledore took him away the night before yesterday, but they have not come back until today."

"Does Bin know where they are?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Mag continued to shake his head and said, "I don't know either. You should ask him himself."

It's a pity that they blocked the door of Chen Bin's dormitory, but Kate said that he has been missing since this morning.

They went back disappointed, and Kate closed the dormitory door. "Bin, you are so bad, you actually asked me to lie to them."

(..): "I don't want to either, but I promised Lao Deng not to leak any information about this secret."

"Is Harry okay?" Kate asked worriedly.

"It's really okay, it's just a little weird. It should be better tomorrow." After Chen Bin said this, he said goodbye to Kate and climbed out of the window.

The next morning, Harry arrived at the examination room as scheduled.

Ron and Hermione finally relaxed when they saw him coming back to take the exam.

However, no matter how much they pressed, Harry refused to tell him where he had been in the past two days.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, but that he promised Dumbledore not to say it.

The night before yesterday, Professor Dumbledore told him that from now on, his bloodline potential has reached its maximum, and he can no longer take dragon blood potions for at least five years, and needs to enter the accumulation stage to consolidate his magic power.

Then, he was taken to a hut in Hogsmeade, drank a potion that caused pain all over his body, and was tortured for a whole day. If his limbs had not been chained and his mouth had not been stuffed with cloth, he might have committed suicide long ago.

Dumbledore had warned him that this process would be painful, but when he actually experienced it, he found that the pain was completely beyond his ability to bear, and he even had hallucinations.

In the fantasy, he saw his parents being tortured to death by Voldemort again and again, resurrected again and again, and tortured to death again.

The more he watched, the more he went from madness to numbness, from numbness to despair.

However, seeing his parents standing in front of him again and again, he re-experienced family affection and the feeling of being loved and cared for by others, which made him resist pain that ordinary people could not bear again and again.

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