Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 395 Internal strife

Grindelwald asked in confusion: "Why can't she defend against your spell? This rubbish spell seems to have targeted damage to her."

"You ask me, who am I asking?" After Chen Bin finished speaking, he took off the cap of the bottle and took a sip of the potion, returning his body to its original state.

Young fellows, there is an antidote to Polyjuice, and this time I asked the old fat man to prepare the top version in advance.

He took out another helmet and put it on, and the moment he put it on, he heard the command channel become noisy!

"What happened?" Chen Bin turned to look at Maharat who had just arrived. The latter said helplessly: "The second wave of He-robed people are all European wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse. Didn't you notice that the whole community just now also Is the Imperius Curse alarm going off?"

"Uh..." Chen Bin really didn't pay attention. His helmet had been knocked off long ago, and he had been concentrating on attacking Voldemort before.

"Those fragments escaped too." Rozier landed on the roof, and Dumbledore arrived with her.

"What pieces?" Chen Bin became even more confused.

"Most of Voldemort was dismembered by me." Maharat said helplessly: "She is not dead at all. When she saw that she couldn't take you down, she merged into half her body, escaped from the range of the magic disorder, and then apparated away. "

Chen Bin felt chills all over after hearing this. His whole body and head were chopped into so many pieces and he could still be put back together. Is this still a human being?

Maharat continued: "When she escaped, the controlled European wizards all unveiled their masks and said their names to the Aurors. Then, there was internal coaxing among the Aurors. You also know The magic circles in various countries are also quite small, and mixed-bloods and pure-bloods are also related..."

"Did they meet relatives and friends who were controlled?" Chen Bin asked feebly.

Grindelwald took off his helmet and nodded: "The Higashino boy asked the members to use non-lethal spells to knock them out, but the wizards who had their souls stolen shouted that whoever cast the spell would commit suicide, and they all pointed their wands at their necks. Side. Look—"

Chen Bin looked in the direction he pointed out. Sure enough, there was a row of men in black nearby with their wands against their necks, confronting dozens of Aurors.

No need to think too much, the same thing was happening in other corners that he couldn't see.

(ll): "Dumbledore, what should I do?"

Chen Bin did not expect that the war would turn into such a suicidal confrontation, so he immediately kicked the ball to the immortal old man.

Dumbledore took off his helmet, thought hard for a while, shook his head and said, "Let them go, civilians are innocent."

Rozier took off his helmet and objected: "No. Let them continue to use the Imperius Curse on other innocent people? They have grown to more than 2,000 people! After they are released, Europe will soon become another Africa!"

"Are you using the early warning system as a decoration?" Maharat also took off his helmet and retorted: "As long as they appear in the community, the Silver Cube will sound an alarm. There is no chance of them using the Soul Imperius Curse on a large scale. If you show up you'll be caught by the Aurors."

Grindelwald shook his head and said: "What if they are collectively in the same magical world?"

Maharat was silent for a moment.

Chen Bin also understood what he meant.

The number of wizards whose souls have been stolen has reached more than 2,000. They are not afraid of the alarm system at all. If they appear openly and openly now, how can the Auror army solve it? How can the orthodox Aurors solve it?

Will the ministries of magic continue to resist?

If you don't retreat, you will commit suicide. If the Aurors don't retreat, the hostages controlled by the Imperius Curse will commit suicide.

Chen Bin has already come up with an even cheaper way of playing it - if they are all in the same magic community and use the Imperius Curse on everyone they see, will the Aurors kill them?

This is like a deadly virus - if the patient's safety is concerned, the virus will break out unchecked; if the patient is killed, the morality of the entire society will collapse.

Voldemort's method of cracking the early warning system is really simple.

Since she can't solve the surveillance all over Europe, she will directly drag the various ministries of magic into moral condemnation.

The Terror Demon King has no scruples at all, but the advocates of order are really timid and can only passively defend themselves.

"Aaron, what do you think?" Dumbledore asked Chen Yuanfang again.

Chen Yuanfang was confused. According to the experience of the past life, the police really can only let people go obediently, and no one dares to take the blame.

Even if the order to attack is correct, it will be light to go to jail after issuing the order. Those who are not subject to the death penalty will definitely go to jail, and those who are subject to the death penalty will just wait to eat peanuts!

"This..." The moment Chen Bin was about to answer, Higashino Heng's order came from the helmet: "Fire!"

At the same time, a thunderbolt explosion spell was heard in the distance, and sparse spell beams and explosions also rose throughout the community.

Chen Bin's face darkened after hearing the news, and he turned back to Dumbledore and said, "Please go to the first explosion point to save Higashino Higashikata."

Everyone understood instantly, and Dumbledore rode his broom to find people in the distance.

At the same time, countless sounds and lights of curses were heard from various streets. As expected, people in black robes could be seen committing mass suicide in the small area as far as the eye could see!



"don't want!!!!!"

Screams came from the neighborhood, and various languages ​​​​resounded through the night sky.

Chen Bin didn't pay close attention to the source of the sound, but he could guess that the person shouting was not the man in black robe, but an international Auror.

After a while, Dumbledore came back with Higashikata.

Not only did this kid lose his helmet, the black armor on his body was also full of cracks, and there were large bruises on his face.

Chen Bin gasped when he saw it. Those international Aurors were too cruel. You must know that the armor on Higashino Heng's body was also an enhanced version.

That is to say, if he had not worn this special set of armor today, he might have been killed by his colleagues just now.

"Don't look at me like that." Dong Yeheng came to the top of the building and sat down weakly. "Someone has to give the cruel and correct order, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens or hundreds of Aurors came running on foot on the street, vowing to demand an explanation from Higashino.

Dumbledore rubbed his temples in pain, Grindelwald and Rozier stood aside to watch the show, while Chen Bin and Maharat guarded the front of Dong Yeheng.

"Hand over the murderer—" a commander with a translucent number above his head shouted from the block below the Ministry of Magic.

"Execute the murderer in public immediately!" another commander roared.

The newly arrived teams of Aurors also surrounded them fiercely, raising their heads and shouting: "Hand the people! Hand the people! Hand the people!"

"Quiet -" Dumbledore stopped him with a loud curse: "Go back and bring the body of the deceased here first, and then wait for everyone to give you an explanation."

The Aurors disobeyed, and some even pointed their rifles at the roof.

"Let me go down." Dong Yeheng patted Chen Bin's shoulder and was about to jump down, but was knocked unconscious by Chen Bin's hand knife.

Not only was he unconscious, but he also had blood bruises on the back of his head. This was all because Chen Bin had never learned how to use a hand that could only cause him to faint without being injured. There was even a question mark as to whether there was such a thing in the world.

After handing Dong Yeheng to Rozier's hands, Chen Bin glanced down a few times. Nearly half of the four to five hundred people were pointing their rifles at the roof of the building. In the distance, another hundred people used the suspension spell to bring the corpse. Directions from the Ministry of Magic.

Chen Bin glanced back and forth like this, but it had no deterrent effect. Who told him to attribute almost all his contributions to Lao Deng and Harry, and often cut himself into a soy sauce character?

Under the turbulent public sentiment, Dumbledore's words became difficult to control.

It is true that all the Aurors present combined could not hurt the five people on the roof, but if a fight started, international cooperation would cease to exist. Now the Auror army was in a state of rage and would not listen to any calculation of gains and losses. Even handing over Higashino Tsune might not be able to suppress their anger.

Will Chen Bin hand him over?

Are you kidding me?

Even if the sentence is imposed, it should be decided by the monk community.

"I'll..." Dumbledore wanted to continue, but Chen Bin suddenly raised his head to stop him, and rushed to say: "You relatives and friends have been planted by Voldemort with a fatal spell from the moment you were captured."

Maharat:! ! ! ∑(Дノ)ノ

Without blinking an eyelid, Chen Bin raised his hand to stop the cheering of the crowd below, and continued: "Don't believe it? Why did Voldemort massacre the wizarding world of Andorra and Belgium? It's the soul of the wizard. You can search for the documents yourself when you go back. Any soul left the body They will also be sucked into another world. However, the African wizards have been dead for so long, and Voldemort can extract their souls to replenish his own losses as long as he uses black magic. What does this mean? "

He wanted to pause for half a second, but someone downstairs started to curse, so he had to continue: "This means that the African wizard has been planted with the black magic of sacrificing the soul, and the soul will be trapped in the body after death. Voldemort can use it at any time. In the same way, the second batch of wizards were controlled by his Imperius Curse. Do you think they were not planted with this kind of dark magic?"

An Auror downstairs shouted: "What does this mean? You just want to replace that Dongfang Ye..."

"Shut up—" Chen Bin blasted him into the ruins opposite with a disarming spell, and also pushed down several Aurors within a straight line.

When everyone was pointing their guns at him angrily, he continued to scold: "Listen! We are Aurors! This is not a vegetable market! You need to explain, I will explain to you, but the premise is to maintain discipline! Now It’s a military meeting! Whoever breaks discipline will be punished. Who wants to take action on behalf of those who break discipline?”

Chen Bin's wand was pointed at the gunpoints downstairs, but the Aurors continued to confront each other without fear.

A few seconds later, a commander raised his hand and said: "The third and fourth regiments listen to the order. Let the deputy commander continue speaking first."

After a few words, the commander turned to look at him and instantly issued the same order.

Gradually, all the rifles were returned to the Aurors' backs.

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