Seeing the six people staring at him, even Katerina, Chen Bin really felt a lot of pressure. If I had known, I would have chased her with my Patronus early in the morning and bit her! "

Next time, I will get an attacking husky with its long tongue, and I will have endless joy just thinking about it!

"She is not necessarily afraid of the Patronus Curse." Grindelwald was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "Although I haven't understood her dark magic yet, I feel that your lighting spell is different."

"Involving the origin level?" Chen Bin asked puzzledly.

"I don't know either." Grindelwald tried his best to explain in words: "Modern magic pays more attention to skills, theory and repeated practice, but the system before the Middle Ages paid more attention to the mind and idealism."

After a pause, he stared at Chen Bin and said slowly: "If your original magic is the lighting spell, it would be better to say that your attainments in this magic have reached the level of ancient wizards. Don't you understand? The ancients simply didn't understand. Without too much theory, we analyze the essence of magic from the heart and create various magics. It was not until the Middle Ages that magic began to be systematically theory-based and auxiliary academic and mathematical models were created."

Chen Bin was confused. He turned to look at Percy and Hermione and found that their confusion was no better than his own.

He turned to look at Kate again, but Maharat suddenly possessed him and said, "Yes, that's the principle."

Percy and Hermione were surprised, obviously not expecting Kate to be able to strike up a conversation, and the two kings and one queen seemed to attach great importance to her response.

"Ms. Ravenclaw's era happened to be the transition period between ancient magic and the medieval system." Maharat said with a serious face: "The theoretical system at that time was far less complex and huge than it is now, and some special magic still required The teacher imparts insights step by step, giving some vague guidance, and then the teacher corrects it. I believe that this teaching method is to understand magic from its essence. Although its difficulties are obvious, its advantage is that you can fully understand everything about this magic. "

After a pause, she turned to look at Percy and Hermione, and sighed: "However, this kind of teaching is only suitable for a small number of geniuses, and they can only learn a very small amount of magic in the early stages. Therefore, various magic schools gradually tend to teach students who are easier to learn. The standard magic has contributed to a large number of combat forces against the Knights. You are considered top students now, but in that era you were just top-notch cannon fodder who had learned mass magic. The real elite must accept the ancient master-disciple inheritance and stay in a safe place. A place to train a new generation and research more standard spells.”

Percy and Hermione looked at each other, then turned to look at Dumbledore.

However, Dumbledore shook his head and did not answer.

Does this shake of the head mean denial? have no idea? Don't ask? No one could get an explanation.

"Times have changed, and we don't have to worry about the definition of excellence." Maharat saw the confusion of the two and explained: "Horcruxes belong to ancient magic, and you must have the corresponding understanding, otherwise it will be dismantled into tens of thousands. You can’t even hope to understand the theory even if you don’t follow the steps.”

Chen Bin didn't understand, but nodded his head.

"Naama's blood spell, Lilith's black magic, Ishes' crafting technique, and Sibyl's prophecy technique are all abstract understandings passed down through the blood. I guess that Voldemort understood it through the blood." The Horcrux making method may also include lich transformation techniques, mummification techniques and methods of sealing souls in corpses. As long as it is related to black magic, she can also learn by analogy and instantly learn and improve it."

Chen Bin continued to nod, but still didn't understand.

Maharat rolled his eyes at this funny comment and continued: "Therefore, I think the reason why she is not dead after being chopped into dozens of parts is that she is no longer a living person, but a living dead corpse. Mu Naiyi The body is immortal, the zombies are possessed by spirits, and the lich transformation technique maintains the connection between the soul and the vessel. The three together are the Voldemort we face.

Unless her soul is expelled from the body, she can still be put back together even if she is chopped into pieces. "

Chen Bin's thoughts were wandering, and "oriental magic" suddenly flashed in his mind. Its characteristics seemed to be quite similar to the ancient magic mentioned by Maharat - it also had thoughts ranging from fantasy to nuclear explosion, without the sophistication of mathematics and physics. Analysis, majoring in idealistic ideas (cultivating the mind and character), and also the master's words and deeds.

"… Therefore, her evil power was eroded by the righteous power in the white light, and the appearance was that her flesh and blood fell off."

Chen Bin just took a break for a while, but Maharat seemed to have reached another incredible level, which made Chen Bin unable to help but stop her theory of ten thousand words on the water.

"Wait a minute, what kind of justice corrodes evil? Didn't you get some magical biography by mistake?"

"You've been distracted for a while and you can't understand what I'm saying?" Maharat's face was full of pride, and he looked like he was about to praise me.

When Chen Bin was about to sarcastically, Dumbledore suddenly agreed: "No wonder Lily's ancient love spell was able to destroy Voldemort's body sixteen years ago."


Chen Bin was confused again, and Percy and Hermione were in a similar state to him.

(⊙⊙)! (⊙⊙)!

Then, Rozier and Grindelwald became more and more energetic in their discussion with Lao Deng and Maharat, and finally made some points that the three of them could understand.

In ancient times without documentary support, wizards may have mastered some secret techniques similar to laws.

Chen Bin had already heard it in the previous school year and could skip the details.

After the secrets disappeared, wizards studied the remaining magic, learning ancient magic through family inheritance or master-disciple relationships.

I heard this paragraph just now, so you can skip the details.

Then, the wizards of Olympus came into the world, intermarried with the secular world, became extravagant and licentious, brought trouble to the government, and the ancient Rome was divided into Eastern and Western Rome. Since then, the wizard's bloodline began to deteriorate rapidly, and his strength became worse and worse.

I have heard this paragraph a few years ago, so I can skip the details.

Finally, at the end of the 10th century AD, the Muggles established a superstitious knight system and launched a protracted war against the degraded wizard group. After the strategy of specifically hunting witches, wizards were forced to intermarry with Muggle women in large numbers in order to continue their descendants, thus once again degrading the bloodline.

This is also the reason why a large number of wizards are born in the purely Muggle world.

Mixed blood has a chance of giving birth to a squib, and the combination of a squib and a Muggle may give birth to a Muggle, but Muggles who are unknown how many generations apart may have a bloodline that returns to their ancestors and give birth to a wizard.

This paragraph can be understood as long as you have basic logic and can be skipped directly.

In the witch-hunting war, Muggles represented the power of ignorance, but they almost exposed the mysterious wizards.

From this point on, Chen Bin, Hermione and Percy couldn't quite understand it, and the four of them needed to explain it carefully.

"The magic of that period tended to be on the mysterious side, that is, idealistic understanding, specious principles, and achievements made out of nothing. This is more like an achievement that cannot be explained, and most of it is a master-disciple inheritance that can only be understood and is difficult to explain. This The efficiency of this inheritance is extremely low, and it cannot fight against knights a hundred times stronger than itself.

At this time, the four founders of Hogwarts pioneered the path of academicization and trained wizards in batches who were good at killing enemies on the battlefield.

This mass-simplified magic was the beginning of the universal standard spell.

After being supplemented by a large amount of knowledge, academic magic gradually loses the additional power of the mystical side and becomes more like a repeatable application technique."

Seeing that Percy didn't understand, Maharat continued: "In the mysterious side of magic, most magic also comes with countless abstract wills such as justice, evil, charity, killing, etc.; today's magic In the universal spell, the magic gradually turns into emotional changes instead of unexplained nihilistic wills, and a large number of theories are attached to fill in the structure of the spell, creating an effect similar to ancient magic."

She took out her wand and cast the Patronus Charm, and an illusory cute baby dragon sat on her desk.

Then, she removed the baby dragon and used real ancient magic to cast the Patronus Charm. The shadow of a arrogant evil dragon immediately filled the office, let out an angry roar and disappeared!

Percy and Hermione were so frightened that they lost their minds and fell to the ground; Chen Bin almost pulled out his wand and fired magic, because the phantom really gave off a great sense of threat, but it was also a parallel import.

The two kings and one queen were obviously frightened, but they were pretending to be calm.

"Did you see it?" Maharat smiled and said: "The improved Patronus Charm in the Middle Ages can only scare away negative magical creatures such as Dementors through happy emotions, but the original Patronus Charm uses the will to kill. Scare off any enemies with ill intentions."

"Another way to understand is to completely dismantle and reconstruct modern magic spells, and add personal insights to restore it to the essence of ancient magic. That is what you call complete deconstruction, or what Dumbledore said about the origin. magic."

Maharat took back his wand and shrugged: "However, this kind of opportunity is rare, and the efficiency is much lower than the ancient master-disciple inheritance. Therefore, if the magic that ancient wizards can do is too If it is too rare, understanding ancient magic through this method will definitely be less than what the ancients mastered."

Percy had already sat back on the chair, but Hermione stood up and said defensively: "Who are you? There is absolutely no way Caitlina knows so much, and her patron saint is a little bear."

ヾ(ゞ): "Just think of her as Kate's ancestor. You also know that Kate has the blood of a fortune teller and can communicate with some special ancient souls. Don't go into the details. In short, it's our camp. people."

Hermione stared at Chen Bin suspiciously for a while, but this guy had such a thick skin that a dead pig wouldn't be afraid of boiling water.

Chen Bin changed the topic and said: "That is to say, the lighting spell I used probably has the characteristics of ancient magic. What kind of righteous power is attached to it?"

Maharat nodded, then shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. The magic of my time has entered the medieval system. Although there were still ancient magics at that time, I only learned a few, and the others were also Medieval theoretical system.”

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