"Another year has passed!"

Dumbledore stood up and looked at the crowd and said.

"I can still imagine what it was like for you to come to this school.

You have come here with a desire and a yearning for magic.

And spent time after day with your classmates here. "

As he spoke, Dumbledore's gaze fell on the Ravenclaw table.

There, sitting, the Beauxbatons students.

After feeling Dumbledore's gaze, the mood here has always seemed very depressed.

Those faces looked particularly pale and sad at the moment.

It also made the faces of the Hogwarts students show sadness.

"This evening, I have great grief.

Declare that we have lost some of our companions in our pursuit of magic.

Maybe they don't belong to the same school as us.

But we are all companions on the road of magic.

Wizards are not afraid of death! We can die for truth, dreams, and everything else that is worthy of our lives.

For us, death is just another way on the road to truth.

We may remember the deceased but not dwell on grief, and this is the sorcerer.


Let's raise a glass to those who are on the path of truth 847!

To those who fall in the path of truth.

They are not alone.

Their names will be remembered by the wizarding world just like those who came before them!"

Everyone stood up, and everyone's eyes were slightly red.

The goblets on the table were lifted in unison.

The bright red wine sparkles in the light, like a sparkling ruby.

Everyone said in unison in a deep voice after marriage:

"To fellow travelers!!"

Everyone looked very solemn, no one whispered, and everyone was extremely serious.

Glancing through the crowd, Braun saw several Beauxbatons students crying in low voices.

Bean-sized tears slid down his cheeks and smashed on the long table, splashing around again like white crystals.

"Many of you don't know exactly what's going on. "

Dumbledore said in a deep voice:

"Both your parents and the Ministry of Magic have done their best to hide the news from you.

But I think.

You have the right to find out what really happened. "

Looking at Dumbledore's serious expression, Braun had some guesses in his mind.

"During the Final Four, something happened that caused a stir in the wizarding world.

That's the evil god!"

Ignore the faint noise.

Dumbledore continued:

"It may sound incredible, but I'm going to tell you that weird and powerful creatures exist!

Evil cultists try to summon gods who hide in dark corners through sacrifices.

Both Durmstrang's students and Beauxbatons' tragic death were victims of the accident. "

Everyone's eyes became horrified, staring at Dumbledore in disbelief.

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to tell you about this, even your parents think so. "

Dumbledore continued.

"But I think in these coming cruel times.

The enemy will not let you go because you are young and you are young.

It is better to tell you the truth and make you realize the cruelty of the world than to create a false dream for you.

In the end, it is better to be killed by the enemy without resistance.

At the same time, he was talking about the cruelty. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When it comes to the race that killed our friends and family, I have to mention another person – Braunfoley!"

Dumbledore turned his gaze to Braun at the Slytherin table.

Not just Dumbledore, but all the young wizards present turned their eyes away.

Braun not only took on his responsibilities as a warrior but also protected the rest of the team in this game.

He also helped the students of Castrobusche and the Fleur de la Curry of Beauxbatons. []

In the end, he risked his life to lead the tide of beasts and help his classmates survive the crisis.

He showed a fearless spirit in every way.

This spirit of fearlessness in the face of danger makes me not only admire.

Let me all pay tribute to him!"

Dumbledore was the first to raise his glass.

Just like I paid tribute to the deceased.

The young wizards followed Dumbledore's example and raised their glasses and drank the red liquor.

Braun himself is no exception.

When everyone was seated again, Dumbledore said again:

"The purpose of the Quadriwizard Tournament is to strengthen the connection and understanding of young wizards in the wizarding world.

Promote unity in the wizarding community.

And now what time is it?

This connection is far more important than ever. "

As he spoke, Dumbledore looked at Lady Maxim.

Fleur De Curry and the two surviving team members, as well as the other Beauxbatons students.

Then came Clara, Serena, and Castrobusche.

"Everyone in this auditorium, whether they are Hogwarts students or guests from afar. "

Dumbledore glanced at the Great Hall:

"We should all come together to face the dangers and setbacks that lie ahead.

Wizards can only become strong if they are united.

Unity of purpose, open-mindedness, unbreakable will, and determination will be our most powerful weapons. "

"When you are confused, when you don't know what to choose.

Please don't forget your fallen companions and don't forget their dedication to the truth......"

It wasn't long after Dumbledore's passionate speech was over.

The feast began in earnest.

It's just compared to the usual noise.

This time the evening feast seemed very quiet.

The entire auditorium was silent except for the clash of knives and forks.

The dance was a little more cheerful.

Perhaps that's the only thing to be thankful for.

"You're so beautiful......"

Braun said as he stroked Hermione's slender waist.

"You're handsome too, Braun ......"

Hermione leaned into Braun's ear.

The hot and humid air made Braun's ears itch a little.

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