Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 17 Idiot, Crying Nose, Residue, Trouble

"Great, we are assigned to the same college. From now on, we can go to class, eat, and do homework together!"

Ron said excitedly after sitting down.

"Let's do our homework together, are you sure?" Luo Bin asked with raised eyebrows.

Ron is very smart. He can learn many things immediately, but only if he learns them!

"Well, I have to learn from it occasionally. Luo Bin, you know, I get a headache when I think about homework!"

"No, I do not know!"

Ron opened his mouth and wanted to continue to persuade him. Suddenly, the students stopped discussing and the surroundings became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

He looked in the direction of everyone's gaze towards the guest of honor seat, and an old man with a white beard stood up!

That's - Headmaster Albus Dumbledore!

Albus opened his arms and said with a smile: "Welcome, welcome everyone from all over the world to Hogwarts to start the new school year, welcome!"

"Before the opening banquet, I want to say a few words: idiot, cry-noser, residue, and screw! However, I don't want to hear these four words from you in the next year!"

"Okay, I am a bad old man, let's stop talking about this, the banquet has officially begun!"

Dumbledore turned his wrist, and the guest of honor seat and the long dining table were instantly filled with food!

Fried pork chop, fried steak, grilled sausage, fried chicken cutlet, mashed potatoes, French fries, pudding, juice, cake

Even the pickiest of eaters can find food that suits their tastes!

"Robin, do you know what idiot, cry-noser, scum, and screw mean?"

Harry asked in confusion after ducking sideways to avoid the attack of the nearly headless Nick.

"I know, that's a prejudice among colleges!"

"Most students who enter Ravenclaw are very smart. They think those who don't enter Ravenclaw are fools, that is, idiots!"

"Most Gryffindor students are brave. They think people in other houses are timid and have poor physical fitness, that is, crying."

"Most Slytherin students come from pure-blood families and advocate the concept of pure-blood supremacy. They think that students from other colleges are not pure-bloods and are useless leftovers, that is, residue."

"Most Hufflepuff students are honest, hard-working, down-to-earth and hard-working. They hope that students from other houses should adjust themselves, that is, screw them!"


Harry was a little confused. He didn't expect that 'idiot, snob, scum, screw' actually meant this.

"However, these are old calendars. Except for Slytherin, few people will inherit these stereotypes!"

After Robin answered Harry's doubts, he started to stuff his mouth with meat. He had eaten a lot of snacks on the Hogwarts Express, but those things didn't make him hungry!

As he was eating, a painful groan suddenly came from beside him.


"What's wrong?"


Harry frowned while holding his forehead.

Robin followed Harry's gaze and looked towards the guest of honor seat!

The tall, lanky wizard with shiny, greasy hair was staring thoughtfully at the short wizard's purple turban!


It's Snape, Quirrell, and the master of parasitism - Lord Voldemort!

But you have to protect your baby Nagini to prevent it from being abducted by the village bullies.

"Robin, do you know who the wizard is standing face to face with Professor Quirrell?"

Harry had a gut feeling that the wizard hated him so much that he wanted to kick him out of Hogwarts.

"I know, Severus Snape is the Potions teacher. I heard that he is very knowledgeable about dark magic!"

"dark magic?"

Harry gasped and turned silently, his back to the guest of honor.

"Harry, there's nothing to be afraid of. Professor Snape doesn't have any other shortcomings besides being cold-faced, harsh in teaching, protective of others, and fond of punishing others!"

"Robin, Harry, I heard from Fred that Professor Snape loves him very much"

Luo Bin held a big piece of chicken in his mouth and applied to join the discussion camp. As the three of them discussed, the pudding, juice, egg tarts, etc. on the long dining table all disappeared!

This means the opening party is over!

Sure enough, in the next second, Dumbledore, who was sitting at the guest of honor seat, stood up. After talking about four points of attention, he led the teachers and students of the school to sing the Hogwarts school song, and finally announced the end of the opening banquet.

Robin, Harry, and Ron followed the Gryffindor team and walked out of the marble stairs of the auditorium. After passing through corridors one after another, they came to the portrait of a fat woman in pink clothes!


asked the fat woman.

"Dragon scum!"

Prefect Percy replied.

"The password is correct!"

The fat woman yawned and swayed, and the frame swayed forward with her, revealing the circular hole at the back of the frame!

"Don't crowd, come one by one!"

Under Percy's organization, everyone climbed through the hole one by one. It is worth mentioning that Neville, who was slightly bloated and clumsy, needed the help of two people to successfully climb through the hole.

Behind the cave entrance is a large room that can accommodate about a hundred people. It is filled with comfortable and soft armchairs. It is the common room of the Lion Court.

"Girls, go to that door, boys, follow me!" Percy shouted.

Behind the door was a spiral staircase. Apparently, the Gryffindor boys' dormitory was in a tower. Soon, Luo Bin followed the prompts and found the dormitory.

In the dormitory, there are three beds with four pillars. Velvet and dark red curtains are hung on the pillars. Suitcases sent from the train are piled in the corners.

However, Big Fatty (Robin's Snowy Owl) and Hedwig are not here. They were sent to the Owl House, and there will be a dedicated person responsible for taking care of the student Snowy Owl.

There were three beds, two against the window and one against the wall. Ron chose the one against the wall, while Robin and Harry chose the bed against the left window and the one against the right window respectively.

After a busy day, the three of them were very tired. After washing, they went directly to bed.

The next day, the auditorium on the first floor!

While everyone was having breakfast, the deans of the four colleges walked in from the foyer. After they distributed the class schedules to the students, they left from the foyer.

Luo Bin held the class schedule and carefully looked at the course arrangements above.

Monday, morning: two sessions on History of Magic, afternoon: Transfiguration

Tuesday, morning: herbal medicine class, spells class, afternoon: herbal medicine class

Wednesday, morning: Defense Against the Dark Arts, afternoon: Transfiguration, evening: Astronomy and Stargazing

Thursday, morning: Charms, Herbology, afternoon: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Friday, morning: Potions class (two periods)

Overall, the course schedule is not too full!

"Hi, hello, my name is Hermione, Hermione Granger, and I'm a freshman in the same college as you!"

The girl with fluffy hair said holding several thick books in one hand.

"Hello, Harry, Harry Potter, nice to meet you!"

Harry felt that the other party was a bit domineering, because when she spoke, she always held her chin up. If she were taller, she would be looking at people with her nostrils!

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