Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 21 No matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat

With quick eyes and quick hands, Luo Bin picked out all the dead herbs with magic values ​​on the tops. After thanking the professor a few times, he left with his things in his arms.

Professor Sprout walked to the corner, took a cursory glance at the pile of hay, and sighed to himself that today's students are very sharp-eyed.

On the other side, Luo Bin found a place where no one was around, silently recited ‘collect little by little’, and threw all the dead herbs into the central axis of the Rubik’s Cube.

Cultivation value +1, Cultivation value +2, Cultivation value +8, Cultivation value +2 Cultivation value +10!

In the introduction column of the Magical Animal Cultivation Cube Sheepskin Scroll, the level has changed from lv2 (3/5000) to lv2 (87/5000). A dozen scrapped dead herbs were exchanged for 84 points of cultivation value. Overall, it is still a profit. !

It is known that Hogwarts Castle is surrounded by high walls, a black lake, and a forbidden forest. Every half a month, someone will come in to deliver supplies and take out garbage. In other words, withered herbs worth 83 cultivation values ​​are the first The amount accumulated in a greenhouse for half a month.

For the 5,000 cultivation points required to upgrade to level 3, this amount is simply a drop in the bucket.

However, Luo Bin has no intention of giving up picking up garbage and searching for treasures in the piles of dead herbs. After all, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat!

After making a preliminary plan of 'Taobao', Luo Bin dusted off the dirt on his palms, got up and went back to the castle to attend the magic class.

Perhaps because it was the first class, Professor Flitwick did not explain how to recite a certain spell, but instead talked about theoretical knowledge.

However, he did not have a voice that stuck on an old machine like Professor Binns, nor did he read from the textbook. Instead, he used a high-pitched accent to extend a lot of extracurricular knowledge.

Therefore, almost no one dozed off in the Charms class.

If a questionnaire was sent out about "Which course do you think is the most interesting?" I believe 70% of freshmen would fill in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

Quirrell exudes a nervous aura, his shrinking look, and his inferior and sensitive eyes seem to be saying: I am weak, I am a noob, come and bully me!

Of course, some people did just that, like Seamus Finnigan.

Seamus asked Quirrell directly in class about the origin of the purple turban.

Quirrell claimed that during the summer vacation, he traveled to Africa and cast spells to help a little prince get rid of the entanglement of resurrected zombies. When leaving, the prince gave him a headscarf as a thank you gift.

As for the garlic smell, it's purely because he loves garlic bread spread so much.

But when Seamus asked about the specific details of "casting a spell to drive away resurrected zombies", Quirrell clasped his fingers, his face turned red, and he hesitated to form a complete sentence.

Luo Bin, who was watching the whole show: Seamus, it has to be you, you are brave enough, and you are not afraid that Quirrell will become angry and take off his turban in the middle of the night, shake up the gray fog version of the village bully, and suck your blood away?

Robin knew that the current village bully and Quirrell were symbiotic, so in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he behaved quite well. Unlike Hermione, who waved her arms every ten minutes to signal the professor to let her answer questions, or Like Ron, he lay on the table and slept the entire time, completely disrespecting the teacher.

Currently, there are 7 types of courses arranged for the first grade. If you were to ask Robin which one he likes the most, it would definitely be Snape's potions class!

Looking at the life of Severus Snape, it was quite exciting!

He lived a miserable life when he was young, and later couldn't bear the quarrels between his parents. When he went to the lake to relax, he met Lily, who also had magical powers. The two became friends and went to Hogwarts together.

When he was a teenager, he was addicted to the study of black magic, and often waved his wand and fought with James Potter and others. Because of the word "Mudblood", he ended his friendship with Lily and buried his love.

When he was young, he joined the Death Eaters. He leaked the first half of Trelawney's prophecy to Voldemort, indirectly killing Lily. Later, he became a double agent and became Dumbledore's most trusted partner.

In middle age, he taught at Hogwarts. He was very successful in potions, occlumency, dark magic and defense. He also became the youngest principal in the history of Hogwarts.

When he died tragically at the hands of Voldemort and when he removed the Occlumency, the three little ones in the protagonist group understood the old bat's intentions.

Robin likes taking potions class, not only because Snape himself is quite knowledgeable, but also because sometimes, the power of potions is not inferior to magic at all.

A little wizard who only masters a few simple spells wants to KO the three-headed giant dog, giant octopus, whomping willow, eight-eyed spider, and unicorn?

The difficulty level is close to Mount Everest!

But with high-grade magic potions, there’s no telling who will win and who will lose!

With Luo Bin's expectation, the first potion class quietly arrived.

Friday, the auditorium on the first floor!

Robin stuffed grilled sausages into his mouth while previewing the chapter on the 'boil treatment' potion. Suddenly, his arm was stabbed by Ron.

"The Demon Showman is coming this way with his two followers!" Ron warned in a low voice.

Robin turned to look to the right. Malfoy, with his oily hair and 28 steps, led two cannons (Goyle and Crabbe) over. His expression was extremely unbeatable. It looked like "Splatoon" 'The haze has been forgotten by him.

However, the nickname "Show Off" is quite suitable for him. Just one week after he came to school, he led his little followers around the castle, squeezed in when he met people, and showed off the Malfoy Hereditary Manor. How old are they, how beautiful are the horses in the stable, how obedient are the house elves, how much wealth has the Malfoy family accumulated over generations, and more!

Robin had been expecting Brother La to tell where the Malfoy family's treasure house was, so that he might have the opportunity to loot it in the future and let him play with it again. Unfortunately, Malfoy was not that stupid yet.

"Harry Potter, you have disgraced the pure-blooded wizards. Not only did you go to Gryffindor, but you also hung out with 'poor people' and 'unwanted people'. Ha, you are really not picky at all!" Malfoy said disgustedly at Harry.

"Draco Malfoy, who are you calling 'unwanted'?" Robin sneered.

"Whoever said it is the one who said it!" Malfoy retorted.

"Orphans, no one wants them!" Gower agreed.

"Wouldn't it be worse to stay at the Weasley's than to be poor?" Crabbe also agreed.

Luo Bin never thought that no one wanted him. The dean, staff, volunteers, and orphans older than him treated him as well as his relatives. But he hated the word "no one". From the time he could remember things to the time he died in a car accident , he saw and heard too many people label orphans as "unwanted".

So, Brother Drag really pissed off Luo Bin this time!

He drew out his wand, his pool-like eyes filled with terror, and he approached Malfoy step by step with a gloomy expression.

"Don't come over here. My dad is the school director. If I get hurt, he won't let you go. Gogore, Crab, you two help me stop him!"

Malfoy walked around behind the two followers and saw Robin still staring at him gloomily. He turned around and ran away in fright. Goyle and Crabbe also hurriedly ran out of the auditorium when they saw this.

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