Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 46 Changes in Magic Power

After waiting for the laughter to subside, Flitwick gave each student a white feather and asked them to practice the Levitation Charm in pairs.

Harry was with Seamus, Neville was with Ron, and Robin was with Hermione.

Luo Bin saw that his partner was not turning over the textbook or taking out his wand, so he just stared at him.

Something's wrong. Little Pepper's consistent style is to be the first bravely and win the academy points reward, isn't it?

"Aren't you going to practice?"

"You come first!" Hermione said energetically.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, oh, it turned out that the plan was to make someone else embarrass her and make her successful, to highlight her extraordinary talent.

Isn't it just a floating spell? First come first come!

Luo Bin clenched his wand, pointed it at the white feather, waved it, and said firmly with his eyes: "Wingardim Leviosa"

As soon as he finished speaking, the feather slowly floated upward, and when it reached a height of 2 meters, it was suspended in mid-air.

Everyone else in the classroom stared at this scene blankly, including Professor Flitwick.

However, what they looked at was not just the white feathers, but also the desks, textbooks, notebooks, quills and ink bottles suspended in mid-air.

The first person to come to his senses was Professor Flitwick. He adjusted his glasses frame and rushed to Robin's desk. No, Robin's desk is still floating in the air!

"How did you do that?" Flitwick asked excitedly.

Luo Bin waved his magic wand, and the white feathers of the desk, textbooks, and notebooks all slowly fell back to their original positions.

Seeing that the other party could also control the falling speed of objects, Flitwick became even more excited. He asked Robin again how he did it.

After his body was hollowed out that night during the battle with the Whomping Willow, Luo Bin found that the magic power that had been filled back was purer and full of energy.

Just now, only the magic power as thick as a headphone cord was input to achieve this effect. If the magic power as thick as chopsticks was input, the entire class's desks and chairs would be suspended in the air!

However, these inner doorways must not be exposed to the outside at will.

"Professor, I just do what you teach me. I have to be firm in my thoughts, wave and shake my gestures, and pronounce clearly: Wingardium Leviosa!" Luo Bin replied in a calm tone.

"Come on, classmate Lestrange, cast the levitating spell again."

"Okay, Professor!"

Luo Bin clenched the wand, pointed it at the desk, waved it, and recited the spell with firm eyes: Yuga--Dimlevi-Ossa!

The next second, the desk held white feathers, textbooks, ink bottles and other items, slowly floating upward. When it floated more than one meter high, Luo Bin waved his wand downwards, and they all fell down again.

"Oh, what a great job! I've never seen anyone cast a levitating spell with such an effect."

Flitwick sighed as he held his glasses frame.

"Lestrange, you have set a good example to the other students in the classroom. For this, I award Gryffindor 5 house points."

"Thanks, Professor!"

After Luo Bin thanked him, he sat down and read the notes on the floating spell in the book.

In contrast to Luo Bin's calmness, the other students seemed much more excited when they heard the extra points.

They also wanted to get awards and honors from the academy. For a while, the sound of waving magic wands and chanting spells filled every corner of the classroom.

Luo Bin caught a glimpse of Little Pepper still not waving the magic wand, and her expression was wilted, and asked: "Aren't you going to practice?"


She sighed, took out the wand from her witch robe, moved her wrist slightly, and pronounced the spell clearly.

The white feathers floated upward slowly, indicating that the floating spell was successfully cast, but she still didn't smile and looked vaguely sulky.

Reminiscent of the little abacus that Hermione had asked people to practice first, it suddenly became clear that she was feeling sullen about not being number one.

Luo Bin lightly bumped her shoulder, and after she looked over, he said, "It's already good to be able to successfully cast the floating spell on the first try. Don't place too high demands on yourself."

"Ha, that's easy to say! People will only remember who came first, but never who was second, third, or fourth!" Hermione said quietly, pouting her lips.

"Not always!"

Seeing that the other party didn't believe her, she directly asked the question: "What is the highest peak in the world?"


"Hmph! What are the second and third peaks? Hey, you don't know."

Before Hermione could finish speaking, Robin interrupted: "The second is K2, and the third is Kanchenjunga!"


If the other party doesn't follow the routine, she won't be able to deal with it.

Luo Bin: →_→, demo, I did not travel through the sea of ​​suffering for 16 years in vain.

"Do you need me to name the ones at the bottom?"

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Luo Bin said directly: "The fourth is Lhotse, the fifth is Makalu, the sixth is Annapurna, the tenth is Annapurna, and the eleventh is"

"Stop it, you win, I can't defeat you!" Hermione said helplessly.

Luo Bin: Well, it’s so dangerous! I only memorized the top ten peaks, and almost missed the point. The leakage is small, but the loss of face is a big deal.

After this small episode, Hermione regained her confidence. Since the first place had been taken away, she would fight for other seats.

For example: The best!

One wave and one shake!

She practiced the levitation spell tirelessly.

Every time she practiced, she would record the strength of the magic flow, the time of waving gestures, the intonation of the spell, and the speed of feathers flying/falling in her notebook, trying to find the correlation between them.

Harry and Seamus also tried waving and shaking, but they chanted the spell no less than fifty times, but the white feathers on the desk did not move at all.

"Well, it's not a huge boulder weighing a thousand pounds, so why can't it fly?"

Seamus lost his patience and jabbed his wand at the white feather.


Several sparks shot out from the tip of the wand, and the feathers were instantly ignited.

Harry picked up the textbook and banged it three or four times before putting out the fire. Looking at the blackened ashes, he raised his arm and asked for instructions: "Professor, we need a new feather here."

Neville and Ron in front of them didn't seem to have much better luck.

When Neville cast the spell, something went wrong. The feather on the desk turned into a sharp knife, jumping up and down in the air. Just when the knife was about to poke Lavender's eye, Robin cast a floating spell. Curse, the knife returned to Neville's hand.

Professor Flitwick confiscated the knife and refused to be issued a new feather.

As for Ron, just like Harry, no matter how many times he waved his hand or chanted the spell, the feather just lay motionless on the desk.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

After Ron shouted loudly, he put down his wand and turned his hands like fans, trying to fan the feathers.


Hermione put down her quill, her brows furrowing. She had been holding back the noise for a long time.


A high-decibel sound sounded behind her again. Hermione couldn't bear it anymore. She turned around and said rudely: "You recited the spell incorrectly. Even if you practice it a hundred times, the feathers still won't float!"

"Nonsense, I read it according to what the professor taught me."

Ron waved his wand and wanted to continue reciting the spell, but Hermione stopped him again: "Wrong, you broke the wording wrongly. The spell is Yuga - Dimlvi-o-Sa, the ending sound of 'plus', It needs to be drawn very long, and the pronunciation of the word 'Sa' needs to be lowered."

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