Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 52: Engaging in yellow is the primary productive force

Harry really liked this book and read it for half an hour every night before going to bed. He didn't want to hand it in.

However, Snape was very strong. He pinched the corner of the book, and the book fell into his hand.

"You three"

The old bat looked at the three of them, looking for places where they could hide books.

"Professor, I get a headache when I read books. It's impossible for me to carry books with me except during class time." Ron said.

"Professor, the books I borrowed are all in the lounge and dormitory!" Hermione said.

"What about you, Lestrange?"

"Me? Of course I didn't"

Before Luo Bin finished speaking, a navy blue, palm-sized manuscript slipped from his sleeve and fell to the ground. He wanted to bend down to pick it up, but it was too late.

Snape opened the first page of the manuscript and his pupils dilated in surprise.


He closed the manuscript hard and said, "Lestrange, 10 points will be deducted from Gryffindor for your curiosity."

Hermione, Harry, Ron: (⊙o⊙)

After Snape limped away, the three of them dared to ask Robin anxiously what was written in the manuscript.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, speechless. Doesn’t the Western world respect unrestrained freedom? I excerpted some things about men and women, why do you need to be so angry?

"Robin, are you going to tell me? If you don't tell me, I will torture you to extract a confession." Hermione said with a wicked smile.

"You're just a fool and you're tortured to extract a confession?" Luo Bin raised an eyebrow and replied.

"Robin, I gave you a chance."

As she said that, Hermione ran to the side of the road, reached into the snowdrift, silently counted for thirty seconds and pulled it out, then

Luo Bin was not only attacked by Bing's hand on the back, but also 'revealed' the contents of the manuscript. He claimed that he had excerpted some troll knowledge and drew some extremely bloody troll anatomy diagrams.

After passing through the women's room, Hermione didn't take kindly to the troll and stopped asking any more questions. Harry and Ron also accepted this statement calmly.

Evening, Gryffindor Tower, common room!

The four of them sat by the window and wrote their Charms homework quickly. Robin finished it first, followed closely by Hermione. Five minutes later, Harry and Ron copied the homework under the guise of correcting the answers.

Harry copied Oh, no. After checking the answer, he frowned and said, "You said, if I go to Snape to plead for mercy, will he return the book to me?"

"No, if you go to him, he will most likely make up another nonsense rule and deduct another 5 points from you."

"My thoughts are the same as Ron's."

Harry, who was pleased to raise two veto votes, turned to look at Luo Bin expectantly.

Robin put the homework paper in the spell textbook, stood up and said, "If there are other professors around, Professor Snape will no longer be able to make up school rules, and the probability of getting things back will be greatly increased."

Harry stood up suddenly and said with bright eyes: "Yes, that's it, Robin, you"

"I'll go with you. The manuscript will be of great use to me!"

Afterwards, the two went downstairs to the staff lounge. Luo Bin knocked on the door, but no one answered him. He knocked four or five more times, but there was still no movement inside.

"Robin, maybe Snape isn't here, why not try to get a professor to go to the basement with us?"

Harry grasped Robin's sleeve tightly and wanted to drag him downstairs.

Luo Bin took out a crystal ball and recited a spell while touching the ball. After reciting, just like before, his body twitched violently, as if he had seen a bizarre scene.

"I saw Snape, dressed in red, in the staff room. There was a figure next to him. Your book and my manuscript were placed on the four-legged stool."

"All in red?"

Harry had seen how powerful Robin was in divination, but in the more than three months since school started, Snape had never worn anything other than black.

"Whether the prophecy is accurate or not, just open the door and take a look, won't you know?"

Harry silently let go of his hand, agreeing with his friend's plan.

Luo Bin held the door handle and pushed the door open a crack. The two of them raised their heads and looked inside through the crack in the door.

Red, a frightening red.

Snape was sitting on a low chair, his black robes lifted above his knees. The redness predicted by Robin came from one of his legs.

That leg seemed to have been bitten by a beast, the skin and flesh were rolled and bloody.

Filch held an aluminum plate, handed Snape a bottle of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic potion, and then handed him a roll of bandages.

"Brainless idiot." Snape finished angrily and said mockingly: "How could you possibly deal with three heads at the same time?"

"Severus, you are too seriously injured. I suggest you go to Madam Pomfrey to deal with it."

"No, Phil."


Harry was so shocked that he hiccupped. Although he covered his mouth in time, the hiccup still shocked the old bat in the staff room.


Snape put down his black robe to cover his bloody injured leg.

"Professor, Harry and I want to get our things back. If you want to study the knowledge points in the manuscript, I can give it to you."

"Get out, get out!"

Snape was so angry that the corners of his mouth were twitching. He grabbed the manuscript and thick book on the stool next to him and threw them towards the door angrily.

Hey, the provoking method was successful!

Robin pushed Harry's head away and opened the door wide in a hurry.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two objects, one thick and one thin, fell to the corridor outside the door. When Harry bent down to pick them up, he suddenly discovered that the simple drawings on the manuscript were not the anatomy diagram of the troll that his friend had mentioned before.

The content of the painting is that two little people with no clothes and oversized soles are hugging each other tightly. The slightly petite little people have their legs crossed, locking the thighs of the other person, and their bodies are close to each other. Cheek to cheek, they are

Robin closed the door tightly and said this, and then he realized that Harry was staring at the manuscript.

Oops, the innocent man's Taoist heart was about to collapse. Luo Bin rushed forward and snatched the manuscript back.

Before he could figure out how to circle back, Harry suddenly said: "Are the man and woman in the painting doing artificial respiration?"

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙)

"Well, that's right, that's it."

The excuses delivered to your door are useless.

"Luo Bin, no wonder you perform very well every time in class practice. It turns out that you are always learning in private."

Keep studying?

That man must be destroyed!

"Hurry up, be careful of the old bat limping out and chasing us, looking for trouble and deducting college points from both of us."

"Oh yes!"

The two walked and ran all the way back to Gryffindor Tower.

"Are you coming back?" Hermione asked.

Luo Bin waved his hand to show off the manuscript, then remembered what happened at the door of the staff lounge, and hurriedly stuffed the manuscript back into his sleeve.

"Cool! Snape is famous for being cold and hard to talk to. How did you two do it?" Ron asked in surprise.

Luo Bin took a sip of the juice and narrated the incident in general. Of course, the stick figure incident was filtered out by him quietly.

"Snape's leg was injured! No wonder he was limping when he walked in the afternoon. I really hope his injury is seriously infected."

Ron couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Snape limping down the corridors of the classroom.

"He's so injured that he's trying to deduct points from Gryffindor. He"

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