Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 86 If you are sick, get treatment quickly!

"I don't want to enter the Forbidden Forest."

Malfoy looked at the dark and gloomy forest in the distance in horror and said.

“It’s not necessary to enter the Forbidden Forest~”

After Hagrid yawned, he continued: "You go to Snape and Professor McGonagall, express your own thoughts, and then, hey, pack your personal belongings and get out of Hogwarts."

Malfoy's smile froze. After he realized that Hagrid was playing tricks, he shouted angrily: "It's a school employee's job to be a clerk in the Forbidden Forest. I thought I could write a few pages of reflection reports and clean a few classrooms at most." Something like that, if my dad knew you were letting students do this, he would "

Hagrid hated the practice of "power oppressing people". He scolded you rudely: "I tell you, in Hogwarts, if you do something wrong, you must accept punishment. Writing examinations and cleaning, can these make you repent? ? The name Lucius doesn’t work for me. You can either follow me into the woods now, or go back to the castle, pack your things and get out.”

Malfoy didn't reply. He glared at Hagrid fiercely, but then looked down at the weeds on the ground.

Hagrid was not Filch, and he would not argue with a child. He raised the oil lamp high and said: "The Forbidden Forest is not very safe recently. There is something hiding in the darkness, waiting for an ambush or something. But, As long as you do as I say, you will appear in the auditorium tomorrow morning and enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner. Well, follow me."

Afterwards, Hagrid led a few people to the entrance of a path near the Forbidden Forest.

Luo Bin stared at the path that snaked deep into the dark forest. He saw some patchy, silver-white, glittering blood stains on the ground a hundred meters away from him.

"Is that unicorn blood?"

"Robin, it seems that you have learned a lot during your year at Hogwarts."

Hagrid led a few people to the silver-white blood stain and continued: "When I inspected the Forbidden Forest last Wednesday, I found a tragically dead unicorn lying by the stream. I knew that something dangerous had sneaked in. There has been an attack in the woods this week. We need to find the unicorn as soon as possible, otherwise"

"Otherwise we will die, right? Hagrid, what if the guy who attacked the unicorn finds us first?" Hermione frowned and asked worriedly.

"As long as you don't leave the path and stay with me or Yaya, you will be safe. Okay, let's follow the blood trail in."

A large dark cloud covered the moon, making the forest even more eerie.

Robin saw that Pepper was scared, so he reached out and held her hand. After Hermione felt the warmth and security, she smiled warmly at her.

About five minutes later, several people came to a fork in the road.

"Hagrid, which way?"

There was blood on the left path, and there was blood on the right path, Harry said confused.

"There were silvery white blood stains everywhere. It had a strong will to survive. Even if it was seriously injured, it kept running to avoid the guys who ambushed it."

"But, it bled too much. We have to find it as soon as possible. Now we have to work in groups. If any group finds the unicorn, they will shoot green fireworks into the night sky. If they encounter trouble or danger, Just shoot red fireworks.”

"I think the professors should have taught you how to shoot fireworks with a wand, so how should you group them?"

"I want teeth!"

Malfoy shouted, staring at Fang.

"Okay, but I have to remind you that Yaya is not very courageous."

Hagrid glanced at the clasped hands and continued: "Then Harry, Hermione, and I will take the right path, and Malfoy, Robin, and Fang will take the left path."

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), I’m so excited. Are you going to do this for me?

"Follow Hagrid, he will protect you."

Luo Bin comforted Little Pepper.

"You too, keep up with Fang. Also, be careful with Malfoy, he might do something bad."

About fifteen minutes later, Hermione's speculation became reality.

Malfoy quietly hid behind him and then rushed forward, scratching Robin's back with his nails and making a howling sound from his mouth.

Luo Bin: →_→, if you are sick, go get treatment quickly and don’t come out to irritate people’s eyes.

"Ah ha, Lestrange, you must be so scared! From now on, I won't call you a liar, I will call you "

Before Malfoy could think of a new nickname, the treetops of the trees on both sides of the path suddenly began to rustle and tremble, and the fallen leaves on the ground also flew out.

It seemed like there was something dangerous, powerful, and invisible falling from the sky.

Five seconds later, a terrifying, frightening water piano sound sounded all around. Malfoy was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost knelt on the ground.

"You're as brave as sesame seeds and mung beans, and you dare to pretend to be a werewolf to scare me?"

Luo Bin snapped his fingers in the sky.

Suddenly, the treetops stopped trembling, the water piano stopped playing, and the dead leaves fluttered and fell to the ground again.

"It was all your fault just now?"

"if not?"

Not to mention, the "Dancing among the Trees" skill of the Beating Willow Xiaolu can indeed create a sense of horror. The moment the water piano sounded, my heartbeat skipped half a beat.


At this moment, Malfoy was in a mixed mood. He was thankful that no monster was coming to kill him, but he was also angry that he had lost another battle.

"Coward, if you fall behind and something happens, don't rely on others."

Luo Bin walked eight or nine meters forward. Seeing that Brother La did not follow him, he raised his eyebrows and teased.

"Who are you calling a coward? I was just acting, huh."

Malfoy said hard, but he took three steps and two steps at a time and trotted to Fang's side.

After experiencing the "scare" episode, Malfoy stopped acting like a monster. The two of them stepped on the grass and followed the blood trail and continued walking deeper into the forest.

About twenty minutes later, the two of them walked to an open space. Luo Bin, who had a sharp ear, heard a rustling sound in the bushes at the edge of the open space. He clenched his wand and shouted: "Who is there?"

Malfoy hid behind Fang like a frightened bird. After hiding for two minutes, the bushes still made no sound. He said angrily: "Lestrange, I want to tell dad that you always scare me and let him kill you." "

Luo Bin was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. After condensing a bright red flame on the top of the wand, he shouted towards the bushes: "Come out quickly, or I will set fire to it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a guy with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse jumped over the bushes and landed in front of the two people and the dog.

It has enviable eight-pack abs and bright, brown-red hair. Its horse body is very strong and its hooves are neatly trimmed. However, its face brings the melancholy prince to the top.

Centaur, red hair, melancholic temperament, it’s Ronan who didn’t run away!

Robin put away his wand, stepped forward and said hello: "Hello, Ronan, Hagrid told me about you, I am Robin, this is Fang, and the idiot with a dislocated jaw is Malfoy."

"Hello, you just wanted to burn me with fire?"

It lowered its eyes and said sadly.

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