Luo Bin studied computers, and his understanding of metals was limited to distinguishing iron, copper, aluminum, gold and silver, and he didn't understand anything else.

But there is something that can help identify it!

He picked up a fist-sized piece of black metal and threw it into the center axis of the giant Rubik's Cube.

In an instant, a curtain of light shot out in front of the Rubik's Cube.

[Cultivation value +15, Rubik’s cube level: lv1 (15/1000)]

Luo Bin looked at the 'scrap metal' with golden eyes. He had no intention of becoming an alchemist, so he might as well

Cultivation value +5, Cultivation value +25, Cultivation value +30, Cultivation value +7

When all the scrap metal was thrown into the central axis, the level of the Rubik's Cube on the light screen became lv2 (3/5000).

At the same time, a new function is also unlocked - magic scan (once a day, limited to 10 seconds each time)!

The 'magic scan' function is not so much added to the Rubik's Cube itself as it is added to Luo Bin!

When this function is activated, all items within Luo Bin's visual range will have a cultivation value marked on top, which is similar to the protagonist's clairvoyance in the Betting on Stones article.

However, it has limits on the number of times it can be used and how long it can be used!

10 seconds!

Not too short!

Used rationally, it can definitely produce great results.

Now that the guys in the vault are done exploring, it's time to go out and meet the Weasleys.

Luo Bin silently recited "Storage bit by bit", put the items in the vault into the storage space next to the giant Rubik's Cube, and then walked out of the vault.

When he stepped out of the vault door, the dark barrier once again blocked the inside, and the disappeared door also recovered little by little.

When the door was completely restored to its original state, Luo Bin went to find the fairy Rozte and returned to the hall on the magic trolley.


The gray-haired fairy was hit by a reckless little fairy. It rubbed its painful shoulder and said seriously: "Fuck!"

"Wocao, is this a newly developed magic spell by some great escapist wizard?" the reckless little goblin asked in confusion and eagerness to learn.

"Yes, the 'fuck' curse, popular in Cornwall, it has"

Luo Bin couldn't help but feel a little ashamed when he saw the goblin who had just stood on the high stool, putting on the pretense of being a dean, explaining to the goblin with clear and silly eyes the origin, efficacy, and usage of the 'f*ck' spell.

"This guy Kodak learned a new spell and didn't teach it to his old friend first. No way, I have to settle the score with him. Griphook, send Mr. Lestrange out!"

Griphook was a lower-ranking goblin. He trotted forward, bent down and said respectfully: "Okay, Mr. Rozette! Please follow me, Mr. Lestrange!"

Luo Bin walked out of the hall and when he walked to the silver door, he could still hear the discussion of 'fuck' coming from the hall.

"Robin, how about it? The feeling of riding in the trolley is not very wonderful, right?"

Ms. Molly caught a glimpse of the black-haired and dark-eyed boy coming out, and rushed forward to ask with concern.

Recalling the embarrassment he felt when he first got off the cart, Luo Bin coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Ahem! It's okay. Apart from being a little dizzy, I didn't have any other reaction. Where are Ron and Ginny?"

Ms. Mo Li pointed to the distance not far away and sighed: "No, there they are, lying next to the window like a man possessed!"

Robin walked forward and found Ginny's little face pressed against the window, staring longingly at a bow-shaped hairpin set with pink diamonds. Ron's posture and expression were exactly the same as his sister's, but he was staring at an artillery piece. Team's joint team cannon.

"Want it?"

"Think!" "Think!" the brother and sister replied in unison.

"That's it"

"No, I can't buy it. It's too expensive, 10 Galleons. You know, Ollivander's wand only sells for 7 Galleons a piece. It's too expensive!"

Ron came back to his senses and shook his head quickly.

"Ginny, what about you? The hairpin you're interested in is much cheaper than the 'Cannon Team' cannon!"

"For 1 Galleung, you can buy a third-hand uniform, a rusty crucible, and dozens of old textbooks."

Ginny counted them in detail with her soft and waxy fingers.

"Ginny, stop counting. These are not things you should worry about at your age. There will be cards issued. Let's go buy things for Ron and Robin."

"Okay, Mom!"

When little Ginny was led away by Ms. Molly, she still looked at the pink diamond hairpin reluctantly.

Not long after, the four of them came to Madam Malkin's robe store. Madam Malkin, who was wearing purple clothes and was slightly short and fat, measured Luo Bin's size and then cut out the material for the clothes.

After a while, three sets of black plain work robes, a black plain peaked hat, a pair of dragon leather protective gloves, a black silver-buttoned winter cloak and a helmet with the words 'Robin Lestrange' engraved on it. The sign was handed over to Luo Bin.

He tried it on and found that it fit snugly and the material was very comfortable to the touch. Once he put on the pointed hat and the black witch robe, his magician aura suddenly improved a lot.

However, Ms. Molly, who was so strapped for money that she wanted to break a penny in half to spend it, only spent one knut from Mrs. Malkin. She bought a sign with 'Ron Weasley' engraved on it. .

She planned to repurpose Bill's old robes for Ron to wear. The remaining gloves, hats, and cloaks were all bought in second-hand stores, as were the textbooks, crucibles, telescopes, and scales.

In order not to hurt Ron's self-esteem, Robin also picked out a few things at the second-hand store!

After leaving the second-hand store, the four went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Slug \u0026 Giggs Pharmacy, Eela Owl Store, and finally came to Ollivander's Wand Store.

The relationship between wizards, magic, and wands can be summed up in one sentence: wizards use wands to perform magic.

The magic wand - this is exactly what Robin dreamed of.

Ollivander's Wand Shop is small and shabby. Most of the gold sign on the door has peeled off, and the windows are covered with a layer of dark yellow floating ash. When you open the glass door, you can hear the jingling of bells.

The space in the store is very small, with only one bench for guests to rest. Ms. Molly took Ginny and sat on the bench. Ron was holding the edge of the bar, curiously looking at the tens of thousands of narrow boxes behind the bar.

Long and narrow boxes fell from the floor to the ceiling, and Robin knew that in each box there was a unique wand.

"Good morning, young gentlemen, who wants to come to the store to choose a wand?"

A soft voice sounded from under the bar, click, click. An old man with gray hair and unusually bright eyes stood up from behind the bar holding his waist. Ron was so frightened that he sat back on the bench and clenched his little hands tightly. Wearing Ms. Molly's skirt.

"I, hello, I want to pick a magic wand!" Luo Bin said.

The old man glanced sharply at Robin and took out a tape measure from his pocket, "Which arm are you going to use to wave the wand?"

"Left-handed, I'm left-handed!"

"Come on, raise your arms, okay, that's right, that's it!"

Ollivander measured Robin's shoulder width, and then measured the length from his shoulder to his fingertips, then from his elbow to his wrist, from his shoulder to the floor, from his armpit to his knee, from between his eyebrows to his philtrum, from his left nostril to his right nostril, The last measurement was head circumference

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