Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 91 Stranger Imagination

"Oh, the exam is over. Don't worry about which question you did wrong or which knowledge point you memorized that you failed to pass. When the exam results are announced in a week, it won't be too late no matter how sad or anxious you are. Hurry up and catch up. Troops, go to the lake and play in the water."

Ron looked out the window and said eagerly.

"Um, I remember I said a week ago that after the exam, I wanted you to accompany me to find Hagrid."

"It's okay to play today and look for it tomorrow."

Apparently, the nerves that had lasted for a week had almost exhausted Ron.

Luo Bin: →_→, wait until tomorrow, the day lilies are all cold.

"Robin, during lunch, Lee Jordan told me that Fred and George got a big squid. They planned to put the squid into the Black Lake in the afternoon. I have never seen a release ceremony." Ha. Lee said.

"After being bored in the castle for a week, it's really time to go out and get some fresh air."

Currently, the score between going to the lake and going to the hunting ground is 3:1. Luo Bin sighed and pulled the three of them to an empty classroom.

"Don't you think there are too many coincidences related to Nobel?" Luo Bin asked after closing the door.

"I don't think so! Malfoy overheard our conversation, followed us to the hunting lodge, and saw Norbert break out of his shell with his own eyes. Later, when he went to the school hospital to mock me, he took away the "Collection of Interesting Facts about Idiot Wizards", which was included in the book. Roland Grant's reply. Then, he took the letter to complain, but Professor McGonagall didn't believe him and deducted points from him and sent him to solitary confinement. The whole line is smooth." Ron retorted, spreading his hands.

"That's not what I meant."

"Think about it, if you have always wanted to get something rare, expensive, and something that violates wizarding laws. When you are dining in a place where you usually go, a stranger comes over to share the table with you and talk. While talking, you You find that the other party is actually carrying that thing you have always dreamed of getting."

"And the price for you to get it is just to eat a few more bowls of rice and win a few more games of wizard chess. Is this because you got lucky, or is the stranger plotting something else against you?"

After hearing these words, the three people all looked frightened.

"Robin, your idea is too scary. It won't work. We have to go to the hunting lodge quickly and ask Hagrid to find out."

Hermione said in shock.

"Going right now."

Harry said anxiously.

"Uh, okay! Although I really want to go to the lake to play, but Robin's worries are not unreasonable. Hagrid, his ears are too soft."

After the four of them looked at each other, they opened the wooden door of the empty classroom and quickly went downstairs.

Hunting ground, yard in front of the cabin!

Hagrid sat on the apple crate, his sleeves rolled up, facing an aluminum basin, busy peeling large and plump pea pods.

He caught a glimpse of the four people running into the yard out of breath, and said with a smile: "Hey, the exam is over. The vegetable garden has a bumper harvest of peas. Let's stay for dinner tonight."

"No, thank you! Hagrid, we are here to ask you something urgent. Do you remember what the stranger who lost Nobel to you looks like?"

Harry asked straight to the point.

While shelling pea pods, Hagrid replied nonchalantly: "I don't know. He was wearing a cloak, a hood, and a mask with a big slit in the middle. When he was drinking and playing cards, he kept his head down the whole time. Brain.”

"Hagrid, don't you think it's strange that he dresses up like this?" Luo Bin asked.

"What's so surprising about this? The Pig's Head Bar likes to entertain guys with weird tempers and weird costumes. I even drank with people wearing dog hoods, tutu skirts, and clown makeup. Besides, people It also explains that the reason why he covers his face so tightly is because he has a chronic rash."

Luo Bin: Well, I got a rash, I covered it up, and I drank wine, 666!


(Harry fell down beside the aluminum basin in shock)

"Harry, don't worry. When I finish peeling this basket, I will chop wood and cook beans to eat." Apparently, Hagrid misunderstood the reason for Harry's fall.

"What did you two talk about then? Did you mention anything about gamekeepers?"

Luo Bin asked inductively.

"Yes! It happened so long ago that I can't remember it clearly."

"Hagrid, please carefully recall what you and that stranger talked about that day. Don't miss out on any details. This is very important for our subsequent judgment." Hermione pleaded.

"All right!"

Hagrid put down the pea pods in his hands, frowning and recalling the situation that day, "Well, he bought me a drink and asked me what I did. I said I was a gamekeeper and keykeeper, and he bought me another drink. After a few glasses of wine, he asked me which animals I was taking care of. I said fangs, horses, roosters, rabbits, owls, etc. He also bought me a few glasses of mead and asked me what animal I wanted to raise the most. I said It was the fire dragon and I can’t remember clearly after that. He kept calling the bartender to refill my drink. Well, honey wine is really the most delicious wine in the world.”

"Hagrid, be serious," Harry reminded.

"Give me some time, let me think about it again, oh, by the way, later he patted the big cloth bag tied around his waist and said that there was a fire dragon egg in it. If I wanted, I could play cards with him. If he wins, the dragon egg will be mine. If he loses, I'll treat him to a glass of brandy. I was so excited, but he said that before the bet started, he had to find out whether I had the ability to deal with a fire dragon. He said he didn't want to see that. Hogwarts was disturbed by a fire dragon. I wanted that egg so much. In order to convince him that I had that ability, I patted my chest and gave Lu Wei as an example. Hehe, a vicious dog with three heads was killed. I'm in charge of everything, so what else does it matter?"

Hagrid became more and more excited as he spoke, as if taking Lu Wei as an example was very witty.

"Then is he very interested in Lu Wei, who has three heads?" Luo Bin asked speechlessly.

Hagrid nodded proudly, "Yes, that's right. A big guy with three heads would be very strange no matter where you put it. However, he seemed to be frightened by the menacing appearance of Lu Wei that I described. He couldn't hold the glass steady, and his voice They were all trembling. I comforted him kindly, saying that the three-headed dog is easy to deal with. As long as you play some beautiful music for it, it will immediately close its six big eyes and snore."

Hager stood up suddenly, with a look of horror on his face, "I can't say this. Just forget everything you just heard. The little wizard shouldn't know the No. 1 secret. Hey, where are you running?"

The four of them ignored Hagrid, didn't talk to each other, and ran back to the castle in one breath.

Castle, foyer!

"When Quirrell gets excited, his body will tremble and his voice will tremble. It must be Quirrell who persuaded Hagrid to drink wine. The matter is far more serious than imagined. We must go to the principal and ask him to stop it. If, he If you don’t believe us, then”

Before Harry could finish his words, a stern voice suddenly came to mind from the other end of the hall.

"What are you four hiding here muttering about?"

The speaker was Professor McGonagall, who was wearing a tall hat and holding a stack of books in her arms.

"Professor, can you take us to see Principal Dumbledore? We have important things to report to him."

Hermione pleaded.

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