Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 94: One minute and eighteen seconds

"I'll be the first."

After Harry finished speaking, he put his palms on the floor and slid backwards into the hole.

When he slid down to his armpits and was completely submerged in the darkness, he confessed to Ron: "We don't know what's going on down there. If I don't send you a safety signal after I jump, don't jump with me. When we get down, go directly to Hedwig and ask her to fly to London to deliver a letter to the principal."

"Harry, don't say such depressing things."

"Ron, I'm not kidding."

Seeing Harry's extremely serious expression, Ron pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I promise you."

After Harry took a deep breath, he raised his arms straight up, and whoosh, in less than a second, his figure completely fell into the darkness.

Ron and Hermione were lying at the entrance of the cave, looking down anxiously and worriedly.

After a while, there was a thumping sound in the cave, followed closely by Harry's excited shout, "It's safe, there is a woven net underneath, it's a soft landing."

The two of them suddenly turned from worry to joy.

"I'll jump second."

After Ron finished speaking, he quickly jumped down.

"No problem, you two should come down quickly."

Ron's shout floated up from the bottom of the cave, and Hermione was eager to jump down third.

"Luo Bin, come here a little bit. After you put down the harp, jump down immediately. Don't give Lu Wei a chance to go crazy and bite."


After Hermione disappeared, Robin deliberately waited for more than ten seconds before walking to the living plank. He threw away the harp and jumped into the dark hole.


He felt the cold, damp, musty air blowing up the tip of his nose.


He landed on a soft, elastic net, and the cold touch coming from underneath him made him couldn't help but turn his wrist and touch the living devil's net.

The surface of the devil's net is smooth, cold to the touch, hard in texture, and makes a ding-dong sound when knocked, and the vines vary in thickness, the thickest is comparable to a bucket, and the thinnest is comparable to cotton thread.

After touching it, Luo Bin climbed up on the spot and moved towards the wall step by step. Suddenly, a bunch of tendrils as thick as a cauliflower snake wrapped around his ankle and pulled him back hard, trying to knock him down and drag him away.

The tendril pulled once, but the prey didn't move at all. After pulling twice, the prey still didn't move. When the tendril was pulled a third time, boom, it was burned to black ashes by the fire.

Age: one minute and eighteen seconds.

Luo Bin dusted off the ashes on his body: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, I don’t understand the truth again and again, I deserve to be burned to ashes.

"Robin, why did you suddenly cast flames? Snake, there is a snake wrapped around my neck. Robin, Harry, Hermione, try to save me quickly, my God, my ankles and wrists are also entangled, we Could it be that you fell into a snake's den?"

"Idiot, what's wrapped around you is a vine, not a snake. The more you move, the tighter it wraps around you. What's its name? I remember Professor Sprout talking about this plant in her herbal medicine class."

Hermione's back was pressed against the wall, her face was pale, and there were some circle-shaped strangulation marks on her ankles. It was obvious that she had been attacked by tendrils.

"What's it called? I clearly remembered it clearly at the time, but now, why can't I remember it at all?"

"It's called the devil's net. It likes darkness and moisture, and it also likes to disguise itself as other plants, such as crab claw. Its weakness is that it is afraid of light and fire."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he waved his wand again, shooting out umbrella-shaped, dandelion-like flames.

The moment the flames fell to Harry and Ron, the vines and tendrils strangling them twisted and twitched backwards.

"Phew, it was so dangerous, I almost got strangled."

Ron lay on the devil's net, breathing heavily.

"Ron, get up quickly. We have to move to the wall quickly, otherwise the damn vines will wrap around us again."


The two of them supported each other and retreated to the wall.

"What's next?" Ron asked.

Luo Bin waved his wrist and cast a fluorescent flashing spell. Then, he held up the luminous wand and observed the surrounding environment.

In front is the boxy devil's vine area;

Behind it is a solid stone wall;

To the left, there is no way to go at first sight;

On the right, there is a stone corridor that slopes downwards with an unknown end;

"There is no other choice but to go to the right."

Then, the four of them pressed against the wall and moved to the right.

There seemed to be a water source above the corridor. Some water dripped along the wall and onto the stones.

Luo Bin took a few glances, and saw that the stones against the wall were covered with depressions of varying depths, and some of the stones were even penetrated by dripping. It could be seen that the space under the living planks was not temporarily constructed to protect the magic stone. of.

After the four of them walked down the slope for seven or eight minutes, a faint rustling sound and a crisp tinkling sound suddenly came from the front.

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked, tilting his ears.

"Could it be a poltergeist like Peeves?" Hermione hypothesized.

"It's not very clear. It sounds like a dragonfly flapping its wings, and a bit like iron pieces colliding with each other."

"Could it be a bunch of magic armors holding swords high, waiting for us to fall into the trap?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"Stop guessing. Just walk over and take a look at what's ahead, and you'll know."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he pushed a few people forward. As they walked, a bright light appeared in front of them. Two minutes later, they entered a brightly lit room.

This room is about three meters wide, about ten meters long, and about fifteen meters high. The space from floor to ceiling is filled with countless unique, light-reflecting, flapping birds.

At the other end of the room, there is a heavy wooden door. If you want to continue walking, you must open it.

"It's not too far from here to the other side, but when we pass through the room, will those birds attack people? One bird can't cause much damage, but if hundreds or thousands of them attack together, It will be pecked until nothing is left but a skeleton." Hermione worriedly looked at the high vaulted ceiling.

"Try it with a living creature."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he waved his wand and cast a transformation spell on a small stone on the ground.


The stone turned into a little squirrel, squeaking and scurrying around the room, but the birds did not fly over to peck at it or scratch it.

After seeing that there was no danger, the four of them walked through the room together and came to the heavy wooden door.

“Alaho Cave opens~Alaho Cave opens~Alaho Cave opens”

Hermione cast the lock-picking spell three times in a row, but the wooden door lock showed no response. When she wanted to cast the lock-picking spell for the fourth time, Harry and Ron worked together to squeeze out the lock-picking camp.

Harry pulled hard to no avail, and Ron pushed hard to no avail. The two of them used their elbows to hit hard, but the wooden door still didn't budge.

The two panting people were resting with their backs against the wooden door, when they suddenly discovered that the two friends were standing with their backs to the wooden door, their heads raised high to look at the birds in the sky.

"What's wrong with those birds?" Harry asked.

"They can't just be used to decorate this room. They are too small and fly fast. I can't see what they look like." Hermione thought deeply.

"Perhaps, we can look at it through other objects."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he took out a monocular telescope, and through the layers of lenses, he was able to see the scene in the sky clearly.

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