There is still one month until school starts on September 1st.

Originally, Aris was planning to go back to Luna's house after getting the wand from Ollivander, but then he changed his mind.

In the next month, he planned to read all the books collected by Henry and absorb all kinds of magical knowledge.

Especially potions, alchemy, and those magical magic circles mentioned in Merlin's Manual.

There are three major miraculous talents that are rewarded by the system: photographic memory, super thinking, and super speed reading. Even if Yaris learns the contents of those books by himself, there will be no problem. It is just that some things that require practical operation will be insufficient.

So, he has other plans

"Brother, this place is about to be transformed into a laboratory by you!"

Since Yaris is still staying in the bar, Luna naturally doesn't want to go home.

Xenophilius is too busy.

If she goes home, there is a high probability that she will need to be alone for a long time. So

, the girl decisively chose to stay in the bar with Yaris.

"Not bad, if you want to verify the authenticity of some knowledge, you must do some verification!"

Aris carefully dropped a piece of absinthe infusion into the potion crucible, and the potion in the pot immediately emitted clear and transparent bubbles.

This means that the water of life and death he prepared has been successfully completed.

From the convenience The Leaky Cauldron is indeed a good place, because any magic materials and props that Yaris wants to buy can be found in Diagon Alley. Even if some of the more sensitive black magic materials cannot be found, he can still go there. Try your luck.

At this time, as Luna said, the entire living room is almost completely transformed into Aris's laboratory.

You can see these things in his place. Some of them were newly added, but Yaris felt that he should be able to use them in the next month.

In the center of the living room, he deliberately moved the original sofa to the corner and arranged a small empty platform instead.

On that small platform, a magic circle has been drawn that looks very gorgeous, but if you look closely, it is mysterious and unpredictable. This is the magic circle that Yaris saw in Merlin's manual about the storage of magic spells.

It is just the prototype of a magic circle, and it will not produce any effect if it is directly carved on an item.

The actual magic circle engraving requires the use of magic power, but the specific method is not mentioned in detail in Merlin's manual.

This was also the reason why Yaris needed to spend time researching.

He had a hunch that if this magic circle was thoroughly studied and a material that could carry the magic circle was added, it might be possible to create a wand that could cast spells automatically!

"Brother, I found the answer to your question!"Just as Aris was putting the water of life and death in the crucible into the bottle, Luna, who was reading a book on the side, suddenly said:

"The head of the thunderbird is similar to that of a hippogriff. It has multiple powerful wings. The flapping of its wings can cause thunder and lightning and heavy rain. The thunderbird also has the ability to predict danger in advance. They originate from the arid zone of Arizona!"

【Congratulations to the host, you successfully completed the daily task and obtained 300 academic points. 】

Listening to the system prompts ringing in his ears, Aris pretended to suddenly realize:"So that's it!"

"It seems that our Luna’s knowledge is really becoming more and more profound!"

With two rewards, Yaris, who had collected 500 points from this task, was in a good mood.

He opened the system panel and took a look.

In the past three days alone, he had accumulated nearly 2,000 points.

In addition to Apart from Ollivander's previous contributions, everything else was obtained from Luna, and of course the accumulation of reading every day.

In Yaris's eyes, Luna is simply a little angel!

A month passed gradually as the two studied and experimented day after day.

During this period, Yaris would occasionally visit Ollivander's wand. shop, and discuss some ideas about automatic magic wands with him. In addition, various magic material stores are the places where he pays the most attention.

The bag may be used during Hogwarts.

In her spare time, Luna would occasionally tell Aris about the situation in the wizarding world, focusing on the situation in the Ministry of Magic.

"Brother, the current Minister of Magic is actually very timid. He wants to do something big to establish his prestige, but he is always timid. Otherwise, he wouldn't be mentioned and ridiculed often in"The Quibbler"."

Because her father is the editor-in-chief of"The Quibbler," Luna has read a lot of magazines and heard a lot of gossip within the Ministry of Magic.

With her smart mind, she sometimes looks at issues from a perspective that is even better than that of Chenofi. Liu Si is even more profound.

Therefore, in this short period of time, Aris has gained a deeper understanding of the wizarding world....

Finally, a month later.

The day Aris had been waiting for had arrived.

September 1st.

King's Cross Station.

Henry has packed up all of Aris' gifts.

Including the various experimental supplies and devices in the hotel.

After Yaris prepares to go to Hogwarts, he will rebuild a laboratory with more complete facilities in the Room of Requirement.

"Luna, be happy. I'm going to school, not Azkaban......."

Looking at Luna who was obviously a little sullen, Yaris felt helpless.

Since three days ago, the smile on the little girl's face has obviously diminished.

Of course he knew why.

But there is no way, Luna is not old enough to go to school yet.

There was no way he could take the girl to school without permission!

"In just one year, we can go to Hogwarts together next year!"Aris once again assured

"I will definitely write to you often and ask Elise to deliver it to you. You can play with it for a while, okay?"

Hearing this, Luna's face bloomed with a smile again.

"Mom said, we all need to be honest people!"

She spoke quietly, her expression returned to that wandering look.

"certainly!"Aris stroked the little girl's hair dotingly.

On the side, Henry saw that Aris was about to pass through the wall between the ninth platform and the tenth platform. He hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and asked:

"Master, can you tell me now, when are you going to return to your old home?"

"Many people are waiting for you! Yaris paused, turned around and looked at Henry.

After thinking for a moment, he smiled and said,"Let's wait until Christmas!""

"Then, give them a surprise!"

When he heard this, Henry's eyes lit up slightly.

Then, his eyes turned red instantly.

He nodded with relief, and said with tears and runny nose:"Okay, then it's Christmas!"

"When the time comes, I will definitely prepare a grand return ceremony for the young master!"

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