Xie Nuo's calm and serious voice sounded in the room.

As an adult wizard, he is not an ignorant little girl like little Luna.

Magical riots usually occur when wizards are awake and emotionally unstable.

So he was very sure that Yaris was awake at this time.

As for why he didn't open his eyes, this was also the reason why his voice became serious.

He instinctively felt that the little boy in front of him was not that simple.

At this time, Yaris had completely integrated the power of Merlin's talent card, and had already sensed Xeno's arrival. Knowing that it was impossible to continue pretending, he could only slowly open his eyes.

He glanced around the room, then looked at Xie Nuo calmly

"Who are you?"

Xie Nuo's voice was serious, even with a hint of sharpness.

What surprised him was that Yaris remained calm, without a trace of panic, and had a composure that was completely unlike what he should have at his age.

"My name is Yaris, Yaris Shafiq"

"Excuse me, what is this place?"

Facing the calm Yaris, Xeno's expression became more serious.

For some reason, facing the little boy in front of him, he actually felt like he was facing an adult man who had experienced the world, and he didn't look like a child at all. At the same time, he was still hesitant. The name

Shafik reminded him of something.

His expression suddenly changed, with an inexplicable surprise on his face. and doubts

"Don't be nervous, we don't mean any harm......"

Before Xie Nuo could say anything, little Luna couldn't help but jog to Yaris's side. With a cute smile on her face, she stretched out her young hands and said:

"This is my home, my name is Luna Lovegood, and this is my dad, nice to meet you!"The sweet voice has a hint of etherealness and a reassuring kindness.

"Nice to meet you! Yaris showed a smile, stretched out his hand and shook little Luna lightly.

He said this from the bottom of his heart.

Before he came to this world, he liked Luna, an elf-like girl in the magical world. When

Xie Nuo held the girl's hand, he could clearly feel the warmth in his palm. The feeling was very dreamy. with deep confusion

"Shafiq...What is your relationship with the Shafiq family?"

After all, he couldn't hold back and blurted out the doubts in his heart.

Yaris turned to look at Xeno and was about to speak.

At this time, an owl hooted suddenly from outside the window.

Then, an owl flew in from the open window. With an agile figure, an owl circled around the room and accurately threw a letter in front of Aris.

"This is...Hogwarts acceptance letter?"

Xie Nuo was stunned for a moment, and then called out in confusion.

He naturally recognized the familiar logo on the envelope.

And it was obvious that this admission notice was given to Yaris, because little Luna was not yet Over 11 years old.

The most important magical artifacts in Hogwarts, the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance, which are responsible for monitoring young wizards of appropriate age, cannot send out wrong admission notices.

"You actually received your acceptance letter to Hogwarts!"

Little Luna was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered.

A smile appeared on her face again, with a hint of excitement in her expression.

"Take a look, what's written on the letter from Hogwarts!"

Listening to little Luna's voice, Aris was also a little confused, so much so that he forgot to continue to answer Xeno's question.

He had just traveled through time, and the Hogwarts admission notice came? Is it so fast?

After realizing it, I picked up the sheepskin envelope in front of me.

There was a dark red wax seal on the envelope, and underneath the wax seal was a shield-shaped medallion, surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake. a capital letter‘H’The composition is a very familiar pattern.

Turning the envelope over, the address was written in emerald green ink and in very beautiful handwriting:

Ottery St. Catchpole Village, nearby hill, Lovegood House, second floor, left room, Aris ·Shafiq collected.

The magical sheepskin envelope stirred Aris's nerves, and a touch of excitement emerged in his heart unconsciously, as if he saw a fantasy world opening its door to him. As long as he opened the envelope, he could get the admission ticket.

"Open it!"

Little Luna was even more anxious than Aris. Seeing that he was in a daze, she couldn't help but urge.

Aris turned to look at the little girl, nodded gently, then took a deep breath, opened the wax seal, and pulled out He picked up the parchment paper inside and read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, Grand Wizard of the Order of Merlin, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Shafiq:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

We are scheduled to start on September 1st. The owl that has been waiting for you a few days ago brought you your reply.


Minerva McGonagall After reading the letter, Aris looked at the thick parchment in his hand, which should be where he was about to go. The list of books and equipment purchased by Diagonal was quite large since it was his first time enrolling in school.

Then, the content of the letter reminded him of something. He remembered that Harry Potter’s letter should be answered before August 1st.

It says that he should reply before July 31st, which is his birthday!

It seems that the admission notice sent by Hogwarts generally requires a reply before the eleventh birthday to confirm the admission of the little wizard. final list

"You are actually a descendant of the Shafiq family among the twenty-eight holy families. How is this possible!!!"

Xeno looked at the letter in Aris' hand and murmured.

The previous doubts on his face had turned into shock.

In the wizarding world, bloodline has an extraordinary meaning.

The surname Shafik represents the twenty-eight sacred families. One, except for members of this family, it is impossible for anyone to have this surname.

The Hogwarts admission letter has proved that Yaris is indeed a young wizard, so there is a 90% chance of his true identity. He was a member of Shafiq.

He lowered his head and thought, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong, father?"

Little Luna looked over.

Yaris was also a little confused. He didn't know why Xie Nuo suddenly affirmed that he was from the Shafiq family. Although the identity assigned to him by the system did belong to this family.

And it was the last one. The heir.

Xeno looked up at Yaris, his tone obviously filled with surprise.

"Rumor has it since...Well, that mysterious man who no one dares to mention so far has risen. The last two members of the Shafiq family have mysteriously disappeared from the wizarding world, and their whereabouts have never been known......."

"Some people even say that they were all brutally killed because they disobeyed the mysterious man, and therefore disappeared without any information. The other Holy Family also maintained a tacit silence about this result......."

"We all thought that the Shafiq family no longer existed!"

"And as a descendant of the Shafiq family, why are you here? Yaris frowned slightly and thought quickly in his mind.

First of all, the identity of the time traveler must not be exposed.

Now he needs to reveal some information reasonably to confirm his identity as the last heir of the Shafiq family, and he must not arouse Xie Xie Nuo's doubts.

To be specific, you need to pay attention to some skills!

The character of Xie Nuo in the original work is quite good, before getting more familiar with this world....

Staying here seems to be a good choice.

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