"We have a good chance of winning, why?"

Aris's words successfully diverted the attention of Harry and Ron.

Even Seamus and the Weasley twins who were watching the show looked at Aris curiously at this time.

"Very simple! Yaris shrugged. Originally, he wanted to say that it was because Harry was the protagonist.

But if he said this before the end of the game, no one would believe it.

Therefore, he could only analyze it as reasonably as possible:"Before that, Si Leitlin has won several championships in a row. Even according to probability, there should be other colleges that can defeat them and defend the title!"

"However, doesn’t winning consecutive championships mean that they are very strong? Harry frowned and retorted.

"Have you ever seen a team that consistently wins the championship?"Aris raised his eyebrows

"No......"Harry had to admit that even the strongest football team in the Muggle world could not always win the championship.

What's more, in a game like Quidditch where there are more unexpected situations, the chances of winning consecutive championships will only be smaller.

Gryffindor's captain Wood had previously told Harry that the reason why they lost in previous years was not because of their inferior skills, but because they lacked a good seeker.

In this broom sport, the role of the seeker is really important.

Not only do they know how to end games, they also know how to score the most points.

As long as you find the Golden Snitch, you can immediately win 150 points for your team and end the game.

To put it bluntly, in this sport, a good seeker can even control the game.

This is also the reason why those Quidditch stars are often seekers.

For example, the young seeker of the Bulgarian national Quidditch team who is still studying: Viktor Krum

"No team can win forever!"Aris patted Harry on the shoulder.

"What's more, your team has a reason to win this year, right?"

"well said!"The Weasley twins suddenly blurted out and shouted.

"We have to win this year, even if it’s for Wood!"George clenched his fist and waved it hard

"He will graduate next year. He has been suppressed by Slytherin for several years. Our hearts have long been filled with anger!"Fred put his right hand on George's shoulder and showed the muscles in his hand in an exaggerated way.

George:"Today we will let this anger be completely released!

Fred:"Harry, do you believe in yourself?""

George, Fred:"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, you are the great Potter!"

George:"You can even kill the Dark Lord, let alone a mere Quidditch match?"

Fred:"So, just let yourself burn and go to that battlefield!"

As the Weasley twins sang and sang together, Harry's face began to heat up inexplicably, and he became excited.

Ron also patted his good friend's shoulder hard:"Go, Harry, you Certainly possible!"

"Um!"Harry looked at everyone and nodded heavily.

A smile finally appeared on his face again, just like the very pure and slightly determined smile he had when he rode on the broom for the first time.

"I just said, let Yaris talk to Harry, it will definitely work!"Hermione put her head next to Qiu's ear and murmured happily.

Under the influence of Aris, the lubricant, the relationship between the two has long been different from what it used to be.

It can even be said that when Hermione was around, Qiu My best friend Marietta may have to take a side.

"He always has a magical power that makes people believe naturally and gives them a sense of security!"A smile also appeared on Qiu's face.

Looking at Qiu's smile, Hermione's heart suddenly twitched for some reason.

Even she herself didn't know what the problem was.

The little girl might not realize it. , possessiveness will become more and more obvious with age....

Quidditch pitch.

As time passed, members of the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams had already arrived.

Among them, the figure of Harry Potter riding Nimbus 2000 has become the object of everyone's attention.

The fundamental reason is that the broom is much more gorgeous than the other team members' sweeping series.

It's like a person driving a convertible sports car, roaring among a group of scooters.

And there is an important game between the two next.

Naturally, the eyes of others will only focus on the most popular convertible sports car?

"Game start!!!"

As Mrs. Hooch threw the Quaffle in her hand, the Gryffindor and Slytherin players on the field immediately took action.

Broomsticks whizzed through the air, and the figures of the players shuttled around. It was overwhelming..

Gryffindor seized the first possession of the ball.

The red Quaffle passed among the Gryffindor members several times in a few seconds.......

Thrown through the orb door by Gryffindor suitor Angelina Johnson.

In this game, Gryffindor took the lead and scored ten points.


"Come on, come on Gryffindor!!!"

"Angelina is the best, I love you so much!!"

"Lion, lion, go forward bravely, as long as you have the skills to defeat Slytherin!!!"

The cheers roared from the Gryffindor auditorium.

The atmosphere on the entire field began to become heated as the first ball was thrown into the ring.

The emotions of the players on both sides also became higher. On the second ball

, Slytherin grabbed the Quaffle.

At this time, Lee Jordan, who was the commentator for the game, also started to explain very quickly:"Slytherin held the ball and passed the ball several times. In the hands of their captain Marcus Flint, he flew like an eagle and finally reached the goal of the Globe."

"He's going to score!!!"

"Oh Nope! The other figure was even faster. He used the inertia of his broom's flight to flick his tail and knock the Quaffle away!"

"Beautiful defense, Wood's steal of the ball this time was so cool!!!"

"Now the Quaffle is back in the hands of Gryffindor, and another pursuer, Katie Bell, is holding the ball for attack."

"She carried the ball along the way, dodged several angry Slytherin black-handed attacks, and reached the opponent's ring."

"Jordan!"At this time, Professor McGonagall interrupted Li's explanation, seeming to blame him for his unfair explanation.

"Yes, sorry Professor McGonagall!"Lee Jordan quickly admitted his mistake.

Then he continued to explain:"Everyone thought Katie was going to score, but she didn't. With a beautiful pass, the Quaffle came to the hands of Angelina who flew up from behind. Lina attacked decisively and scored again"

"Oh, she's really great and looks very charming......"

"Jordan!!!"Professor McGonagall's voice came to mind again

"Sorry, Professor......"Jordan's tone was stagnant again.

"Wow~!!!"The scene once again recalled the enthusiastic cheers.

Especially on the Gryffindor side, the little lions were going crazy with joy.

Angelina's goal once again won Gryffindor ten points!!!

"Now, Gryffindor is twenty points ahead!"

"So far, no one has seen the Golden Snitch. It seems that the competition will still require fierce competition for a while!"

With the voice of the commentary, the game continued.

In the Ravenclaw stands, Yaris sat leisurely at the back of the team.

In front of him was Qiu.

Because of the tension and excitement of the game, the girl, like everyone else, had already He stood up.

There were endless shouts of excitement, making it impossible for Yaris not to pay attention to the situation on the court, especially Lee Jordan's commentary, which was so magical that it seemed like he was talking about cross talk. There must be one best player in every game, and his commentary is definitely the best in the game!

"Yaris, have you seen the Golden Snitch?"

Qiu suddenly turned around and sat down next to Aris.

A faint fragrance with a hint of a girl's unique frankincense penetrated the tip of Aris' nose.

He looked up at the field and glanced around.

Then, lightly He shook his head slightly:"I didn't see it. It was so far away and the Golden Snitch was so small, it was impossible to see it!"

"But even on the court, the Golden Snitch is extremely difficult to find. This is why some games can even last for several months, but I have to find that little thing on the court. I'm thinking......"

"If I can spot the snitch immediately in the stands, I can catch it faster during the game!"

"Hmm, very good idea! Yaris smiled and nodded,"Then have you seen that golden little guy?""

"No!"Qiu glanced at her mouth with some disappointment.

"Don't worry, maybe you should adjust your mentality and try to calm down! Yaris thought for a while and reminded:"I know that when people are calm, they can often catch some details more easily."......"

"real?"Qiu sat up straight as if she didn't understand.

Then, she tried to calm down in this noisy environment.

Her eyes kept wandering around the court, carefully observing the movements of each player.

As time passed, As the second passed, her eyes became brighter and her expression became more and more serious.

Looking at the little witch in front of her, a smile appeared on the corner of Yaris's mouth.

It is said that serious girls are the cutest, and they are sincere on the Internet. Don’t bully me!

"I saw!"After a moment, Qiu suddenly stood up excitedly.

She grabbed Yaris' arm excitedly, pointed to somewhere on the Quidditch pitch, and shouted:

"There, the Golden Snitch is not far from Harry Potter!"

Aris looked in the direction the girl was pointing.

Sure enough, a golden shadow was right where the girl was pointing, dancing rapidly.

"Qiu, you did it, you actually found it even though you were so far away! Yaris exclaimed in surprise.

He had to admire that Qiu really impressed him this time.

She actually found such a small golden snitch at such a long distance!

It was simply unbelievable!

At this time, ha Lippert seemed to have seen the Golden Snitch, and suddenly pulled up the broom and rushed forward quickly.

"Harry Potter also discovered the Golden Snitch!"

Qiu didn't even have time to be happy because of Yaris's compliment. She excitedly pulled the boy's arm, forcing him to stand up as well.

"Now it’s interesting!"

Aris crossed his arms and tapped his chin lightly.

He vaguely remembered that it was at this time that Quirrell started to recite the interference spell, causing Harry's broom to lose control.

Sure enough, just as Harry dodged a Bludger, he thought When he was about to continue chasing the Golden Snitch, his broom suddenly shook violently.

This scene happened to be seen by Yaris who had been paying attention to Harry.


His eyes quickly moved down and looked at the viewing area where the professors were.

The tower was very easy to find. Yaris had already determined the locations of Snape and Quirrell before.

When he took the telescope brought by Terry , when he looked at the stands over there, he saw Snape and Quirrell staring closely at Harry Potter, their lips opening and closing rapidly, and it was obvious that they were chanting a spell. , when reading the original work, Aris was very puzzled.

At this time, there was something obviously wrong with Harry's broom, but no one else noticed it except Hermione and Ron?

Oh, yes, Hagrid also noticed it.

But the stupid guy was waving his hands, although he was worried, but he was doing nothing.

So, the question is, what is Dumbledore, who has always been paying attention to Harry, doing at this time? What about 307?

Not only him, except Snape, McGonagall and other professors didn't seem to have any reaction.

Harry Potter was cursed on the Quidditch field at Hogwarts, causing his broom to be lost. It took at least thirty seconds to a minute.

This was too unreasonable.

Aris turned the telescope to the stand where Dumbledore was, trying to solve the world's great mystery.

When he found the stand, he suddenly found it. Shocking discovery......

The figure in the silver-white robe is no longer in the stands.

"Where has Dumbledore gone?"

Aris frowned slightly.

Dumbledore happened to not be around when Harry had an accident?

What happened ?...It's too much of a coincidence, right?

Aris carefully searched around Dumbledore's stands and found that several members of the Ministry of Magic who came to watch the game seemed to have left the scene.

Could it be...Was Lao Deng called away by those from the Ministry of Magic?

Aris thought about it for a while and immediately figured out the key.

No wonder Dumbledore clearly appeared on the court in the original book, but never took action when Harry got into trouble.

However, even if Dumbledore is not here, Professor McGonagall and the others will not make any moves!

Aris turned the telescope to the stand where McGonagall and other professors were.

Then he discovered...It seems that no one at the scene has a way to deal with this predicament.......

Although Professor McGonagall was waving her wand, she seemed to be trying to make Harry's broom fall down.

But obviously, she didn't do it.

Flitwick was also looking worriedly at the out-of-control broom in the stands. He also tried a lot of spells, but none of them seemed to have any effect.

It seemed that only Snape's counter-curse could slightly maintain the balance of Harry's broom.

Otherwise, it would have been absolutely impossible for Harry to keep his body from falling off the broom under some powerful interference spell.

"So that’s it!"Aris muttered to himself as if he had realized something.

He had read about flying broomsticks from the book before.

This is the most common means of transportation in the wizarding world, and each one has a very strong protective spell cast on it. This is the only way to ensure that the wizard will not be disturbed by external forces during flight, causing the broom to lose control.

The more expensive the broom, the stronger its protective ability.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and the broom's defense cannot be strong enough to ignore all interference. Curse.

Perhaps there is some very powerful black magic that can interfere with a normal moving broom.

In Hogwarts, McGonagall, Flitwick, and most of the professors do not have deep research on black magic. Dumbledore was not here.

Only Snape had studied dark magic and might have known the counter-curse of this spell.

This could explain why Harry hung in the air for so long but no one could save him. Down.

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