It has just entered early winter, and there are still some fallen leaves flying in the Forbidden Forest.

Aris stepped on the soft leaves that had not yet completely rotted, admiring the desolate beauty of the towering trees after they had fallen.

It has a unique flavor.

In a while, it is estimated that the first snow will arrive.

To be honest, he had not seen such purely ecological beauty for a long time.

In my previous life, I was a social worker. Apart from going to work every day, I would stay in my little nest to catch up on my sleep.

Not to mention going out to see the scenery, even if I wanted to stop and appreciate the greenery on both sides of the road on the way to work, I would not have time, because as long as I was delayed for more than Ten minutes doesn't mean you won't be able to catch the subway, and the result will be a deduction for being late.

How can I still have time to think about the future, or even just relax like now?

"Hagrid, have you seen Elise in the past two days?"

Hagrid followed behind and remained silent, perhaps still feeling guilty for accidentally revealing the secret just now.

After hearing Yaris's words, he raised his head and looked around, and then said:"No!"

"You know, the little guy doesn't seem to like me very much......."

Yaris could tell that the big guy was still a little worried about this matter.

"So what has she been doing these past two days?......"

Looking into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, the boy couldn't help but feel helpless. He just hoped that the little red dragon would not get into trouble again.

Behind them, behind a big tree less than fifty meters away from the two of them, Hermione and the other three were carefully observing their surroundings.

It can be seen that they are all a little scared at this time, perhaps because of the unique cool air in the Forbidden Forest, which makes people feel a bit eerie.

Fortunately, this is just the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, and the few of them have not encountered any creatures hostile to humans along the way.

Otherwise, the three of them might not dare to move forward.

"Doesn't it seem as scary as we thought?"Harry muttered quietly.

"Yes, I thought that as soon as we entered the Forbidden Forest, werewolves would come and take us away......."

Ron's eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and while secretly cheering himself up, he pretended to be nonchalant and said.

"This is just the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, so of course there is no danger! Hermione explained:"Hagrid's duty is to ensure that creatures deep in the Forbidden Forest do not escape into the castle, so he needs to patrol the perimeter every day to ensure safety!""

"If we go further, we should reach the depths of the Forbidden Forest. Should we continue to follow? Not as good as...Just go out and go with Aris and the others.......Even if you are laughed at, it is better than being in danger......"

After hearing 073 Hermione's words, Ron began to feel uneasy again and couldn't help but say

"Actually, I also agree with Ron’s suggestion!"Harry also agreed.

Both of them are not timid, otherwise they would not accompany Hermione into the Forbidden Forest.

But at this time, as they went deeper and deeper into the forest, the surrounding environment made them feel more and more afraid. Climbing up.

Involuntarily giving birth to a shrinking mentality.

"Do you think it's as simple as being laughed at if you take the initiative to go out?"Hermione was a little helpless.

"We have violated school rules since we stepped here. Don't forget, Hagrid is also the school administrator....He also has the right to punish us!"

"Otherwise, let's go out......"Ron swallowed.

Just now, he watched helplessly as a slippery long snake slithered past from a short distance away, and he was so frightened that he almost screamed.

This was already the case on the outside. He didn't dare to think about what else was waiting for them deep in the Forbidden Forest....

At this time, a loud whistling sound suddenly came from the front

"What is that sound?"

The three of them were startled, and Ron's face turned even paler.

Then they looked forward in unison.

At this moment, they all instinctively felt that something was not good.

Only Hermione showed doubts, and her eyes were somewhat Hesitant

"That seems...Is it the roar of a dragon?"

"dragon!!!"Harry and Ron's eyes widened.

"But why is there a dragon here?!!"

The two looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"I mean, if there really was a dragon in the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore would definitely send it away, right? Ron's voice became trembling,"Even if Hagrid wanted to raise a dragon, he had to do it secretly, didn't he?""

"Could that be Hagrid's dragon?"

Harry looked forward hard, as if he wanted to see what the dragon looked like.

To him, although that magical creature represented danger, he had to admit that it was also very curious and desirable.

After all, , That's a dragon!

In the Muggle world, you can only see such creatures in legends! Just as the three young wizards were observing carefully,

Aris' eyes lit up slightly. With special perception, he noticed a familiar scent not far ahead, approaching quickly.


Before he got close, the voice of the little red dragon came from the front.

Immediately afterwards, a small dark red figure was like a cannonball, whipping up a gust of wind and diving straight towards Aris.

"Elise, wait!"

Aris's face changed. If the little red dragon hit him in his arms, several of his ribs would be broken!

Fortunately, the moment the little red dragon approached, he waved his little wings fiercely and stopped abruptly. Due to the inertia of the dive, the boy's robe was blown by the strong wind.

Then, Elise gently got into the boy's arms, but looking at her expression, she seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the boy.

"Master, I haven't seen you for two days, Elise misses you so much~"

The little red dragon's tone always gives people a naive feeling, especially if it is a bit coquettish at this time, it sounds even cuter.

"I wonder why I don’t go back to the castle......"Aris breathed a sigh of relief and stroked the little red dragon's head amusingly.

Fortunately, the little guy has grown up and knows some sense of propriety.

Perhaps he was taught a lesson by Yaris. Thinking of the first time he was hit by the little red dragon on the bed, he still felt a little scared.

If I had hit the floor that time, my little arms and legs would have been in pain for several days even if they were not injured.

"hello! Elise......"

While one person and one dragon were laughing and playing, Hagrid showed his big head from behind and greeted the little red dragon.

There is still a trace of careful attentiveness on his face

"Hello, big Hagrid!"

The little red dragon raised her little head proudly and nodded towards Hagrid.

Then, she looked behind Yaris

"Master, are those three little wizards your friends? Why so far away? Did you follow me secretly?"

Elise looked curiously at a big tree not far away, where Hermione and the three were hiding.

The dark red dragon's perception is much stronger than that of humans, not to mention that Yaris does not have the blessing of perception now. Human magic.

Hermione and the other three were able to escape his and Hagrid's detection, but they couldn't escape Elise's perception.

"Um?"The boy frowned slightly and looked back.

Hagrid looked even more solemn.

He also knew Elise's ability, so naturally he would not doubt it, so he directly shouted:"Who is there, come out quickly!"

Back there, Hermione knew she couldn't hide.

In fact, she didn't plan to hide anymore, because Elise's appearance really shocked her.

At this moment, she just wanted to know what happened to the dragon..Why are you so close to Aris?...That's not Hagrid's dragon, but Yaris's? ? ?

"It's us......"

Although they were extremely surprised and curious, the embarrassment of being caught following them still made the three of them feel a little embarrassed.

They walked out from behind the big tree with their heads lowered.

"I knew it......"Aris was speechless and held his forehead.

He should have thought just now that with the strong curiosity of the trio, how could they watch them enter the Forbidden Forest and not follow them to take a look!

Not to mention school rules, it seems that Harry and Ron have been repeatedly jumping on the edge of violating school rules throughout the semester!

Even Miss Know-it-all, who seems to be a very well-behaved academic, is far less well-behaved than when she first started school.

"You three are so audacious!"

When he saw the trio coming out from behind the big tree, Hagrid's expression changed.

He knew best how dangerous it was in the Forbidden Forest.

How dare three first-year wizards come out without anyone accompanying them? , stepping into the Forbidden Forest!

Don’t they realize that they are committing suicide?

"Hagrid, we were wrong!"Hermione admitted her mistake decisively.

"We were wrong!"Harry and Ron also lowered their heads.

"You still know you are wrong!"Hagrid, an honest man, was so angry that his big beard was trembling with anger.

However, out of curiosity about Elise, Hermione ignored Hagrid's next words.

She had already When she came to the boy's side, she looked at the little red dragon in the boy's arms with surprise in her eyes.

"This is really a dragon! Aris, this is...your pet? ? ?"

Until now, the little witch still can't believe what she saw!

But she took a closer look and found that although the little red dragon's body is not big and cannot be compared with a normal dragon, its size...���It looks very much like the legendary dragon, but it feels smaller and cuter. If you look closely, it even looks a little cute.

Elise now looks about the same size as a large owl, but it is not because she is not big, but because she is used to using magic to transform herself into this shape, otherwise she will not be able to act like a baby in her master's arms..

But once she enters combat mode, she can instantly transform into a true dragon form.

Although due to his young age, there is a high probability that the size will not reach the ten meters tall he was when he was an adult, but two or three meters is definitely no problem.

"Her name is Elise and she is my partner! Yaris introduced Hermione.

Then, he touched the little red dragon's head and said,"This is Hermione. You should recognize her, right?""

"certainly!"The little red dragon flapped its wings and looked at the little witch curiously:"When I returned to the castle, I often saw her with her master. Although I was invisible at that time and did not say hello formally, my The memory is very good!"

"you...Hello!"Although Hermione still found it incredible, she couldn't help but tentatively greeted the little red dragon.

She didn't know what the dragons in the wizarding world looked like specifically, but she guessed from the relevant descriptions she read in the book....Those dragons must not be able to speak, but Elise in front of her...Not only can she talk, but her voice is so nice, it makes people feel so cute!

Seeing the little red dragon being intimate with the boy, she had to admit this fact.

There really is a dragon in Aris!!!

"Sister Hermione, don’t be nervous, you are the master’s friend, and naturally you are also Elise’s friend!"The little red dragon patted his chest proudly, looking familiar.

Seeing this scene, Hagrid suddenly felt bad.

Fortunately, he had been cautiously trying to have sex with the little red dragon. They have a good relationship, but they are not as familiar with Hermione as they were when they met for the first time. Could it be that dragons treat each other differently and are naturally close to cute little witches?

This is too discriminatory against giants!

"Aris, how you did it is incredible!!"

Harry couldn't help but came closer and looked at Elise in surprise, as if he had seen something incredible.

There is a dragon in Aris! This feels like a dream!

And it looks like this dragon The intelligence is not inferior to humans at all!

Is there really such a creature in this world?

"This is no ordinary dragon!"Besides, Ron couldn't help but swallowed.

He looked at Elise, as if he saw something incomprehensible.

"My brother Charlie is studying dragons in Romania. I can guarantee that this little red dragon is definitely a species he has never seen before, otherwise he would have shown it off to us long ago......."

"As far as I know, few dragons in this world have the same high intelligence as humans!"

"A baby dragon that can talk like this is simply unimaginable!"

"If Charlie saw it, he would definitely faint with excitement!!"

"The world must be crazy!!!"

Ron's shock at this moment was even stronger than that of Harry and Hermione.��

Because he is the one who knows dragons best among the few people. After all, he has an older brother who is studying dragons.......

"I hope you can keep this matter secret!"Yaris sighed.

Originally, he didn't want to expose Elise to too many people.

But now, things seem to be a little out of control.

It's not that he doesn't believe the three little wizards in front of him, it's just that children always have a certain In his inexplicably childish mind, he couldn't guarantee that Ron wouldn't mention this when he was bragging to others.

Of course, even if the outside world knew about it, it wouldn't really matter because Dumbledore was already the strongest in Aris! Big backing. The Forbidden Forest is the back garden of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore still has the right to keep a dragon here as long as he can guarantee that the dragon will not enter the castle.

Unparalleled influence, I believe someone will believe in him

"Aris, don’t worry!"Harry nodded solemnly.

Ron also nodded in understanding and said,"I promise, I won't even mention a word about Elise's existence!"

Hermione naturally didn't need to say much. She kept things in the laboratory very confidential.

The little witch didn't like to show off everywhere or have a big mouth!

However, at this time she was still a little confused:"So, Dumbledore should have already Do you know about this?"

"Just like that, he agreed to you raising dragons in the Forbidden Forest?"

"There are still many things you don’t know!"Thinking of the changes in the centaur tribe, Hagrid couldn't help but murmured.

Then, he added proudly

"Don't be too envious, because I am about to have a dragon!"

Thinking of the dragon eggs he exchanged with strangers in the bar, he couldn't help but grin.

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