At night, the breeze is a bit cool.

At the entrance of Malfoy Manor, two figures, one large and one small, appeared out of thin air with a crackling sound.

"Master, here we are!"

Aris nodded lightly, let go of Henry's hand, and calmly adjusted his robe.

This time, he was brought here by Henry.

It's not that he can't apparate, but that he doesn't know how to apparate at all in Malfoy's manor. I haven’t been here before, but to apparate, you need to clearly think about where you want to move, otherwise you will be in a disoriented direction and don’t know where to go....

Therefore, even though Yaris spent a day yesterday and learned how to apparate, he still couldn't use it alone to come here.

As for the need to register with the Ministry of Magic to use Apparition, Henry can solve it easily.

Even if the name of an eleven-year-old boy is to be written on the record, it only takes a little extra effort.

However, Yaris didn’t want to register so early.

I always feel that I am not free!

"Master, shall we go in directly?"Henry looked solemnly at the gate of the manor in front of him.

At this time, the gate of Malfoy Manor was closed tightly, and there was no one to greet him at the door.

Obviously, those people inside wanted to give the visitor a showdown.

"Just go in!"

Aris lightly observed the manor in front of him and walked forward directly.

"Master, let me come!"

Henry pulled out his wand and wanted to blast open the manor door in front of him.

He knew without thinking that magic must have been cast on the door, and ordinary unlocking spells would never work.

As for trying a more powerful unlocking spell, in his opinion There's really no need to come.......

Aris and Henry obviously had the same idea.

However, he did not stop, he just said two words lightly:"No need!"

The next second, Yaris waved his hand gently forward, and the terrifying whirlpool instantly appeared in the center of the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door, which had been cast with a strong and protective spell, was rolled into a pile of scrap metal in an instant, and was then blown aside by the wind.

Seeing this scene, Henry swallowed involuntarily and almost couldn't hold back a scream.

"few...Master, is this movement too big?......"

He said with a somewhat uneasy smile.

Although he wanted to blast the door open directly, the damage would definitely not be so complete.

Maybe they can still be used if they are muddy?

But now, this gate must be completely replaced.......

Hearing Henry's words, Yaris sneered softly:"If they want to embarrass us, they must be prepared to pay the price. We are invited to have dinner. Shouldn't they be taught a lesson for their hospitality? ?"

"The young master is right!"Henry was so impressed that he fell to the ground.

At this time, several figures in black robes heard the movement outside and rushed out of the manor.

"Who broke into Malfoy Manor without permission!!!"

A black-robed wizard was about to attack immediately and raised the wand in his hand.

Henry was already prepared and threw a petrification spell directly.


The man was hit by the spell, and his body became stiff instantly, and then he fell It made a muffled sound on the ground

"I simply don’t know how to live or die!!!"The other black-robed wizards immediately started to attack again.

Henry calmly took out the invitation letter from the Malfoy family and said calmly:"Mr. Malfoy invited us to the dinner. Is this how you treat distinguished guests? Or...Are you trespassers too?"

Speaking of this, Henry's eyes became cold and stern.

Yaris explained from the beginning that there is no need to have any scruples when coming here.

Once those people make them look bad, it doesn't matter if they directly attack or kill people, but they can't make it easy for them.!

Who made these people go astray and touch a bottom line that they shouldn’t have touched!


At this time, Lucius Malfoy hurriedly walked from the direction of the hall, with a hint of unprepared panic in his eyes.

He obviously did not expect that Aris would enter the manor in this way.

Several black-robed wizards When he saw the person coming, although his eyes were still cold and stern, he put down his wand.

"Mr. Shafiq, what are you doing~~ ?"

Seeing the scrap metal rolled up into a ball on the side, with no trace of the scrap metal in the shape of a gate, Lucius was confused for a moment. When he looked at the gate, he understood instantly. His whole body trembled slightly, and his heart felt like All bleeding.

He spent a lot of money to buy this gate, and also hired alchemy and black magic defense experts to personally perform defensive methods.

But now, it turned out to be such a pile of scrap metal......

Damn it, who can he ask to reason with?

More importantly, the door of the Malfoy family, one of the twenty-eight sacred families, was turned into a piece of scrap metal.

If these words spread, the impact on the family's reputation will be fatal!

Lucius's face was ashen and his eyes were on fire.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy. This servant destroyed your door because of his ignorance. Don't worry, the most important thing our Shafiq family lacks is money. We can discuss how much compensation you want, but you friends...It doesn't look very friendly!"

Aris glanced lightly at all the black-robed wizards present, and then looked at Lucius Malfoy meaningfully.

"Mr. Shafiq, this is not about money......."Lucius's face was still livid, staring at Aris.

"Ten thousand gold galleons?"Aris opened one of his fingers.

"Are you insulting me?!!"Lucius continued to be furious.

How could his door be worth such a small amount of money? Just hiring an expert in alchemy and defense against black magic would cost more than that!!!

"Then...Twenty thousand?"Aris stretched out another finger.

"Don't bully others too much!!!"Lucius still had fire in his eyes.

The price has exceeded the value of the door itself, but the honor of the Malfoy family cannot be insulted.

"Thirty thousand?"Aris continued to clasp his fingers.

"The pride of the Malfoy family cannot be insulted......"Lucius looked at the man in black robe beside him, his eyes still showing stubbornness.

Well, the money for honor was also taken into account. At this time, Lucius was actually a little moved.

Although his gate is expensive, it is not so expensive.

"forty thousand!"Aris stretched out another finger.

"......"At this time, Lucius fell completely silent.

This is not a small sum of money. It would probably take any wizard family ten or even decades to earn such a large amount of money.

If such a large amount of money can really be obtained, everyone in the Malfoy family will live a very comfortable life for at least five years without buying collections or high-priced luxuries.

In his heart, he was thinking about temporarily putting aside the honor of the Malfoy family for such a large sum of money....It doesn't seem to matter, right?

Seeing that Lucius didn't speak, Aris slowly opened one of his fingers:"Fifty thousand?"

"make a deal!"This time, Lucius had almost no hesitation.

There was no way. Although the honor of the Malfoy family is priceless, this gate is indeed very expensive.

But...This little Shafiq has given so much!

Fifty thousand gold galleons, such a large amount of money, he simply did not have the courage to refuse.

"No, we have to share this money too!"

At this time, the black-robed wizards around him stopped working.

When Aris spread the money with his fingers, these people's breathing became heavier.

If they had so much money, why would they need to do this? Fifty thousand gold galleons!

If it was ten years ago, when the conditions of these pure-blood families were better, they might have so many gold galleons in them.

They have never seen so many gold coins in recent years!

"Let’s talk about this later!"

Lucius's face darkened, and he cursed an idiot secretly.

Then he cursed a bastard again!

Why, these 50,000 gold galleons were clearly Shafik's money to compensate for the gate of his manor!

Why do these bastards covet it!!! Lucius thought very clearly that if these people really wanted to cause trouble later, he would not mind teaching them a lesson. He would also let them know that the noble Malfoy family is not easy to mess with!

The robed wizard temporarily calmed down, and then they remembered that there was still business to do.

"Mr. Shafiq, please come inside, the dinner is about to start!"

At this time, Lucius already had a smile on his face, and he bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation to Aris.

Well, it's quite gentlemanly.


Henry suppressed his laughter and led the way for Aris with a respectful expression.

"Let's go!"

Aris still looked indifferent, as if the 50,000 gold galleons he just threw out were not his at all.

Of course, if Lucius had a chance to take the money, he would really be a little bit interested.��� but...Does he have that chance?

The group of people walked towards the main living room of the manor, where a long table had been prepared and a variety of delicacies were placed on it.

As soon as he walked into the living room, Yaris keenly felt several eyes on him.

"It seems that tonight is very lively!"

He smiled and looked at those eyes one by one.

Those people were sitting or standing on both sides of the dining table, holding wine glasses in their hands, and most of them had inexplicable smiles on their faces.

"Of course, this is a gathering between pure-blood wizard families, and both the drinks and food are of the highest standard!"Lucius introduced at the side. He seemed a little proud. After all

, he arranged this dinner. Although most of the drinks were prepared by the house elves, he just gave an order.

"¨「 Little Mr. Shafiq, stay well!"

At this time, a voice sounded from the front of Aris.

The man had a scar on his face. Although it was not very obvious, it made the face look somewhat ferocious.

"This is Little Avery, one of the twenty-eight holy families. The family once had a glorious history, but......"

"It just declined, right?"

Aris smiled and said what Lucius was embarrassed to say, and he immediately understood it and said it.

"Little Mr. Shafiq has a very bad temper!"

Little Avery's face instantly darkened, and his already ugly face became even more ugly."I hope you can still laugh after a while!"

"Yaris Shafiq!"At this time, another voice sounded from the left side of the boy.

"this is flint......"Lucius introduced again:"Perhaps, you will know his son Marcus. Marcus is now a student of Slytherin at Hogwarts. Of course, he is older than you......."

"Hmm, it seems to be Slytherin's Chaser, right?"Yaris is indeed a little impressed.

That guy plays very rudely and wants to break all the opponents' hands and feet, as if no one can stop their team from scoring.

I have to say that he is a young man with great ideas!

If given the chance , he can compete on the Quidditch field in the future.

Well, how about letting him experience the feeling of being sent out of the field? That's it!

Aris secretly wrote down the name Marcus Flint in his notebook. superior

"I heard that little Mr. Shafiq is now in his first year at Hogwarts? How about it? There's not a lot of academic pressure, right? those spells...Can you learn it?"

Flint was still talking, and his tone gradually took on a hint of ridicule.

It seemed that this could hit Aris.

Perhaps, they all felt how difficult an eleven-year-old boy could be.

It wasn't just casual.

At this time, most of the pure-blood family members present probably had this idea in mind.

"I heard that you are the same age as the savior Haribo (De Zhao Zhao). It is really sad. With people like that, even the heirs of the Shafiq family will have their limelight robbed, right?"

"If little Mr. Shafiq feels unhappy, I think you can give that pot some color. After all, you are Shafiq!"

"In fact, there are only so many things you can learn at Hogwarts. If little Mr. Shafiq is interested, I can teach you some black magic, such as the killing curse. These powerful magics are better than the levitating spell. Much more fun!"

"Yes, our pure-blood wizard family should look a bit like pure blood!"

Voices continued to sound on both sides of the long table.

They were all ridiculing and attacking Aris, and some even made a gesture of wiping their necks directly towards the boy.

It seemed as if they were as arrogant as they wanted.

The purpose of today's dinner is, There was no one here who didn't know. Instead of putting on a show, these people wanted to get straight to the point.

The dinner had just begun and they wanted to give Aris a show of strength. Unfortunately

, their plan was destined to fail.

At that time, Yaris still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't take those words to heart at all. In fact

, he just felt that these people were jumping around in front of him like clowns....So annoying!

"Shut up!"Henry on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

His face became extremely gloomy, and he stared at the pure-blood family members present.

"I will never allow anyone to speak rudely to my young master!"

Henry took out his wand, and pointed the tip of the wand faintly at everyone present.

"What are you?"At this time, little Avery sneered:"A dog from the Shafiq family is also qualified to bark here?"

"If you don't have anywhere to stand, why not lie down under your master and lick the shoes obediently!".

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