Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 141: Those Who Are Enemies Of The Heir

Hermione laughed awkwardly.

Although I want to say it, Myrtle is really not popular.

But Hermione, who always thinks about others, still didn't say this. She struggled and said: "How could it be? We didn't avoid you, we all like you, really!"

As she spoke, she poked Harry's arm hard, signaling him to say a few words quickly.

Harry could only nod vigorously, indicating that Hermione was right.

But Myrtle still didn't believe it.

She began to sob, tears falling drop by drop.

"Don't lie to me, everyone hates me!"

Then Peeves came.

He laughed hard and said loudly: "How could anyone like you?"

Myrtle cried harder.

She shouted loudly: "Don't think I don't know what you all call me behind my back, calling me Fat Myrtle, Crying Myrtle, Poor Crying Myrtle...

Hermione quickly tried to comfort her, but there was no need.

Because Peeves had screamed loudly.

"You forgot to say a lot of things. You are a Myrtle with acne on your face and you are jealous of students. You are jealous of students and beautiful female students..."

Peeves laughed wildly and took a piece of chalk to rub Myrtle's head.

Myrtle sobbed loudly, and then ran out of the basement sadly, and Peeves ran away with her.

For a while, they could hear Peeves laughing.

"Jealous of students... Is Myrtle still jealous of student 920?"

After Ronald saw Myrtle and the others leaving, he asked with lingering fear.

Hermione nodded and said helplessly:

"Myrtle did not allow the student to go to her bathroom to use the toilet. She was jealous of the student's beauty and hated that many boys regarded the student as their dream lover!"

Harry and Ronald suddenly became curious.

"Who is it? Which beautiful student is it? There are such beautiful girls in our school?"

Hermione looked back at them.

The two of them went from being curious to being stunned, and then they got angry.

"It can't be Vesey's, can it?"

Hermione looked helpless.

"It's Vesey. Myrtle dislikes Vesey the most. She thinks Vesey is too beautiful and always makes her feel inferior standing next to her, so she refuses to let Vesey go to her bathroom to use the toilet.

Although few people go to Myrtle's bathroom to use the toilet, because the bathroom she stays in is always out of order, and she deliberately screams at others when they use the toilet, and splashes water everywhere.

So as long as everyone is in their right mind, they will not go there. Of course, only Vesey is strictly forbidden by her.

Hermione sighed.

Harry and Ronald were furious.

"Then why do you have to comfort her? If you (jaa) had told us earlier, we would have scolded her severely!"

Hermione felt helpless.

She just felt that Myrtle was really pitiful. When she first learned that Vesey had been rejected by Myrtle, she especially felt sorry for Vesey, but Vesey told her that only Myrtle was worthy of her.

She was looked down upon by all the ghosts in the school, and was always bullied by students and Peeves. After Hermione saw her a few times, she could no longer be hostile to Myrtle.

The most you can do is avoid her, but what else can you do? You can't seal Myrtle's toilet, right?

Harry and Ronald were still angry.

They even planned to scold Myrtle every day from now on.

But at this time, Nick came to them.

"Did you have fun?"

Harry and the others looked at each other, could they be happy in a place like this?

But amid Nick's expectations, they still nodded without conscience.

"The number of people is not bad. Everyone who is supposed to come has come. This is face. Thank you for having you this time..."

Nick was talking.

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

A hunting horn sounded.

All the ghosts stopped what they were doing and looked around attentively.

Twelve ghost horses rushed out from the wall, and on top of each horse sat a headless horseman.

When they got closer, Harry realized that these ghosts were not headless, they had heads, but their heads were trapped under their arms.

When they reached their destination, they raised their heads.

Nick made a little jealous sound.

"Nick, are you okay? Is your head still on your neck?"

The leading knight shouted loudly.

Harry and the others thought that if Nick were human now, his whole face might be filled with anger.

"Welcome, Patrick!"

Nick said stiffly.

Then he nudged Harry quietly.

Harry knew that he had performed and quickly came to Nick's side.

When the Headless Horseman saw Harry, he immediately shouted: "Oh my God [it's alive!"

Then in order to insult Nick, he put his head on top of his head and performed a landing with his head.

Everyone thought this was very funny and laughed.

Nick, the only one who didn't completely fall off his head, didn't find this situation very funny.

He almost grimaced.

Then he looked at Harry meaningfully.

Harry quickly said: "Well, I think Nick, Count Nicholas is very, very scary..."

Patrick interrupted Harry.

He laughed.

"Okay, I know this must have been what Nick told you to say. He is still angry because I didn't let him join the Headless Jazz Club. He is just..."

Patrick wasn't done yet.

Nick gave him a hard look.

"Shut up!"

He came to the middle of the death anniversary party and said loudly: "Everyone, I have a heavy heart..."

He began to deliver his opening remarks.

Harry and the others waited for another ten minutes for him to finish all his opening remarks before they couldn't hold on any longer.

They took advantage of the time when Nick was arguing with the headless horsemen and quietly slipped out of the death anniversary party.

"The desserts should not be finished yet. We can still have something to eat when we go up..."

Walking out of the underground classroom, Ronald said happily.

But before he could finish his words, Harry covered his mouth.

"I heard it...I heard it again, it was that voice..."

Harry shouted in horror.

"That voice is shouting to kill, it's time..."

Ronald and Hermione looked at him blankly.

They heard nothing.

Isn't it true that Harry is hearing things?

"Then let's..."

Hermione asked tentatively.

Harry shook his head sharply.

"Let's go, I'm going to stop it, I can't let it kill people..."

Harry shouted loudly, and then he climbed up the marble stairs.

Passing through the bustling foyer, then passing the auditorium, they finally arrived at the second floor.

Hermione and Ronald stumbled behind.


Hermione looked at Harry with some fear, as if she suspected that he was crazy.

Ronald's expression was even more conciliatory.

Both of them now agreed that Harry should go to the school doctor's office.

Harry ignored them, walked around the second floor, and then came to the third floor.

Then when he was almost going around the third floor again, they came to an empty corridor.

It is clearly written on it: Those who are enemies of the heir, beware!

What's even more frightening is that there's something hanging underneath.

When Harry and the others got closer, they discovered that it was a cat hanging upside down.

Mrs. Norris. .

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