Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 233: Wanting Vesey To Drop Out Of The Class

the next day.

Vesey also learns that Buckbeak has been sentenced to death.

Hermione held her and cried for a long time.

Hagrid himself looked sad and shed tears from time to time.

"Look at how pitiful that stupid guy looks..."

Malfoy suddenly stood next to Vesey and said.

Vesey seemed to be angry, turned around and punched him hard. She wanted to hit him again, but Malfoy ran away quickly.

He also called her a violent woman.

"It's all because of him. He deliberately let Buckbeak die. I'm going to beat him now. He has the ability to fire me. He only uses his power to bully other people's things!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, point +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


Vesey shouted loudly.

Harry and the others quickly pulled her.

"He's gone, he's gone!

they coaxed.

I knew she was angry.

Buckbeak's life was, after all.

Just because he caught Malfoy, he would die.

"Come on, come on, we have to go to charms class!"

Ronald and the others pulled Vesey forward to prevent her from going back to beat Malfoy.

"Harry, you beat him so hard in the Quidditch match that I can't even see him now!"

Hermione also said angrily.

Harry nodded quickly.

Also grabbed Hermione29.

Prevent these two emotional girls from doing anything surprising again.

But for some reason, when Harry entered the classroom, he found that both Vesey and Hermione were missing.

He and Ronald came to the classroom looking at each other, feeling that Vesey and Hermione had special powers.

"Why on earth did the two of them disappear?"

Harry couldn't help but ask.

Ronald was even more confused than he was.

So who knows?

But it was too late.

Professor Flitwick said condemningly: "Children, you are late, we need to practice the happy spell today!"

Harry and Ronald quickly walked to the last row of tables and opened their school bags.

Vesey and Hermione didn't show up for the entire class.

The two of them were worried at first, but after Professor Flitwick asked them to use the Happy Charm on each other, they had been having fun and no longer had any worries about the disappearance of Vesey and Hermione.

After class, they happily returned to the Gryffindor common room. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Hermione sleeping on Vesey's body.

The dark circles under her eyes became thicker, and Vesey was patting her gently.


Seeing Harry and Ronald appear, Vesey put her finger to her mouth.

Harry and Ronald nodded.

After a while, the effect of their happy spell wore off.

Only then did they remember to worry about Vesey and Hermione.

Fortunately, they are all around now.

"Why didn't you go to Charms class?"

Harry asked quietly.

But these words seemed to have magic power, and Hermione, who had been sleeping soundly just now, immediately sat up.

She looked at Harry in panic and asked:

"What? Didn't I go to Charms class? What was said in class? How could I have slept through it? Oh my God, Vesey, did I miss class too and you didn't go to class?"

Vesey sighed.

"You should really cancel both classes, you're too tired right now."

Hermione rubbed her head.

"I will consider it, but we should go find Professor Flitwick now..."

"No need, you can come to me if you have any questions."

Vesey pointed at himself.

But Hermione didn't want to find her.

Instead, he decided to ask Professor Flitwick for advice.

So she put on her schoolbag and ran away.


They met in the divination classroom.

Hermione looked particularly annoyed.

"I really can't imagine that I actually took Vesey and skipped this class. Professor Flitwick said that this class was about happy spells. He also hinted that I would probably have to take it in the exam..."

Hermione said sadly.

Vesey shook his head helplessly.

"No matter how important the exam is, it is not as important as your body. Look at you, are you the same as when I was doing research before?

You should really ask Madam Pomfrey to give you a lot of medicine and let you sleep for a few days!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +101



Hermione knew she was doing it for her own good, so she just dozed against her body.

"I also know that I am very tired, but I can't possibly say that I don't want to learn anymore after I have learned half of it?"

Vesey thought there was nothing wrong with this, but Hermione thought it was unforgivable.

"Then you should quit the divination class! I see that you are not interested in the divination class at all. Taking this class is a waste of time.

Vesey advised again.

"But if I don't come, you will be alone..."

She said somewhat reluctantly.

Especially when I saw Cassandra sitting not far away, I felt extremely unhappy.

Obviously knowing that if she left, Vesey would definitely be sitting with Cassandra.

I really don’t want to give up my position to my love rival at all.


She really had no interest in the divination class.

I persist until now simply because Vesey is serious about this course.

She said she wanted to help Harry change his destiny.

At this time, Trelawney's voice came from the podium.

"Hello everyone, I have decided to take the crystal ball class earlier than originally planned. Fate has informed me that your exam in June will be related to the sphere!"

Hermione gasped when she saw Vesey next to her being fooled, and immediately said unhappily: "Who doesn't know she is the teacher? Doesn't she know what the test is going to be?"

Vesey seemed stunned.

Then he scratched his hair sheepishly.

Trelawney must have heard it too, because Hermione deliberately didn't lower her voice.

But Trelawney acted as if she didn't hear Hermione and continued talking.

"Looking at the crystal ball is a very delicate art. You must relax your eyes, and then..."

After Trelawney finished speaking, she began to motion for everyone to try it.

So everyone lay quietly and looked at the crystal ball.

Vesey barely squinted when she saw a cup 330 inside the crystal ball.

Does it mean she wants to attract wealth?

This is great.

As for Harry and Ronald next to them, they were about to fall asleep with their eyes squinted.

"What do you see?"

Finally, a sound alarmed everyone.

Harry looked at Ronald curiously.

Ronald said seriously: "I saw burning marks on the table, as if someone dropped a candle on it.

Harry burst out laughing.

Trelawney looked over angrily.

"Seriously, you are disturbing the observation of those who truly have clairvoyance!"

Harry and the others curled their lips in disapproval.

Trelawney was outraged by their attitude.

She came to Harry's crystal ball and said, "Let me see, let me see your crystal ball...what's moving there!"

Trelawney suddenly exclaimed.

Harry could almost bet his Firebolt that Trelawney had something bad to say about him.

And looking at Vesey, her eyes were already starting to turn red. Apparently, she was already panicking before Trelawney said anything.

Harry let out a sullen breath.

I really want Vesey to drop this class.

"My dear...the unknown is striding towards you, it is extremely clear..."

"Professor, can you resolve it? Professor, can you help my brother? Please..."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


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