Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 238 I Want To Let It Go!

Two minutes later, Vesey walked out of the divination classroom.

Cassandra was called in.

Vesey was about to go to the Gryffindor lounge to find Harry and the others, but found them waiting around the corner of the next staircase in the Divination classroom!

When they saw her, Harry and the others handed her a note with sad expressions.

Above is Hagrid's handwriting.

This time, the note was not wet.

Hagrid obviously didn't cry. Vesey smiled. She pretended to be happy and said: "This time I definitely won the case. Seeing that Hagrid didn't cry, I was really happy for him!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

Harry and the others laughed bitterly.

Vesey looked at their expressions and seemed to have thought of something.

She opened the note with trembling fingers.

'We lost the case and the execution will be carried out when the sun sets. You can't do anything to help. Don't come. I don't want you to see the execution!'

Hagrid's hands were obviously shaking more than hers.

Every word is written poorly.

Vesey expressed negative comments because she felt that her performance was not as good as Hagrid.

So she could only gradually open her eyes wide, and her eyes gradually began to turn red.

"I want to go find Hagrid, I want to release Buckbeak, right in front of those people.

You still remember, I won the Order of Merlin, First Class, and they will definitely not sentence me...Buckbeak's crime will not lead to death, it..."

[Ding, point +101

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

She was shaking as if she couldn't speak.

Hermione and Harry's eyes widened.

"What nonsense are you talking about? They will definitely arrest you. You will be captured in Azkaban, just because of a...

Harry shouted angrily.

But Vesey just looked at him with red eyes, and he couldn't say any more.

"No matter what, Vesey, you can't let Buckbeak go, they'll break your wand, they'll put you in jail, and what about us?

Will we watch you go to jail, or will we be implicated in Azkaban?"

Hermione said calmly.

She knew Vesey would be cautious whenever she mentioned them.

Vesey will use her own life to do things she thinks are worthwhile, but she will never be willing to hurt others.

Sure enough, after Hermione finished speaking, Vesey was speechless.

"You wouldn't sneak over and let Buckbeak go alone, would you?"

Ronald suddenly asked again.

Vesey's eyes lit up, and she seemed to think Ronald's idea was useful.

But Ronald smiled and said:

"Stop dreaming. If you let Buckbeak go, I don't know if you will be punished, but Hagrid will definitely be punished. You know, Hagrid is most afraid of going to Azkaban?"

Vesey was completely speechless.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that Vesey has figured it out, let's go back... We can play crackle explosion..."

Hermione said positively.

She really hoped that Vesey could forget about this incident quickly.

But Vesey didn't move.

She looked at Harry and the others firmly and said:

"No matter what, I'm going to find Hagrid. At this time, I want to accompany him. If, if he is willing to take risks for Buckbeak, I can..."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

Harry covered her mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense. Hagrid will definitely not take risks with you. Don't even think about it!"

Vesey was speechless and could only look at them depressedly.

"Actually, we can indeed go and have a look..."

Harry said suddenly.

Hermione and Ronald both glared at him.

Harry calmed down and Vesey ruffled her hair.

"Hagrid really needs comfort now. I don't object to you accompanying Hagrid, but you can't save Buckbeak. We can't save him. We have already tried our best."

If you don't recognize this reality, I won't let you go to Hagrid, I'll send you to Snape!"

Harry said threateningly.

Vesey nodded with red eyes.

Inwardly complaining: Did Harry and Snape communicate spiritually?

Why do we still trust each other?


Hermione looked at him.

"No professor will let us go out."

Especially since Hagrid was close to the Forbidden Forest, Professor Flitwick suspected that Sirius was hiding there.

"The invisibility cloak is enough. We will go there after dinner."

Harry gave Vesey a wary look.

Apparently he was guarding her, fearing that she would release Buckbeak and then send herself to Azkaban.

.... I left the invisibility cloak with the one-eyed witch last time, but if I go there, I'll probably make Snape suspicious..."

Harry said again.

Vesey immediately asked: "What is the way to pass the one-eyed witch? I will get it, and the professor will not tell me anything if he sees me taking the invisibility cloak!"

She said confidently.

Harry and the others quite believed it.

After all, Vesey didn't even get angry when he contradicted Snape in person.

Just treat her like a child who doesn't understand anything.

"Separate left and right, nod her head!"

Harry said quickly.

So Vesey hurried to the fourth floor.

When she passed, no one was there, and Vesey sighed because there was no room for her to play.

She could only click on the witch statue and then said the password.

The witch statue opens.

Vesey removed the invisibility cloak from behind the statue.

Then she met up with Harry and the others.

They went to the Great Hall for dinner, and then, instead of returning to the common room, they went to the front hall with everyone else.

As soon as they found an empty room, they heard a door slam.

The sound seemed to be not far away from them, and it seemed that someone was very angry and hit them.

"Who's mad?"

Vesey looked worried.

She stuck her head out and took a look outside.

But there was no one, the corridor was empty.

"You should have entered the classroom. Okay, let's just ignore what other people say!"

Hermione pulled her, and she had no choice but to return to the room.

They put on invisibility cloaks in the room, and then bent forward toward each other to prevent others from seeing their exposed ankles.

They passed through the gate, then passed the lawn,140 and finally came to Hagrid's cabin.

Harry knocked on the door and it took almost a minute for Hagrid to come and open the door.

When he opened the door and saw no one around, he had a look of horror on his face.

"Hagrid, it's us!"

Vesey whispered.

Hagrid quickly made room for them.

While trembling, he said: "You shouldn't have come, it's dangerous for you to come here..."

As soon as Harry and the others entered the room, they took off the invisibility cloak and looked at Hagrid with pale faces.

On the contrary, Vesey sat there silently, motionless, looking a bit abnormal.

Hagrid and the others didn't notice.

He hurriedly poured tea for them, but Soma threw it down with one hand.

"I'll get you milk..."

He continued tremblingly.

Hermione shook her head helplessly.

"Hagrid, tell me where it is and I'll get it.

"It's in the cupboard..."

Hagrid sat slumped next to Vesey, staring blankly outside.

Harry and the others also looked over.

It's Buckbeak.

It was chained outside and looked a little uneasy.

At this time, Vesey seemed to finally be unable to bear it any longer. She stood up and suddenly asked:

"Hagrid, are you willing to let Buckbeak go with me? Or just say that I did it, and I am willing to testify to the Ministry of Magic that I did it alone!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


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